class TableBase { public: TableBase(int dbId, const std::string &tableName) : m_tableName(tableName), m_dbId(dbId) { /* Look up table separator for the provided DB */ auto it = tableNameSeparatorMap.find(dbId); if (it != tableNameSeparatorMap.end()) { m_tableSeparator = it->second; } else { SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Unrecognized database ID. Using default table name separator ('%s')", TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR_VBAR.c_str()); m_tableSeparator = TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR_VBAR; } } std::string getTableName() const { return m_tableName; } int getDbId() const { return m_dbId; } /* Return the actual key name as a combination of tableName<table_separator>key */ std::string getKeyName(const std::string &key) { if (key == "") return m_tableName; else return m_tableName + m_tableSeparator + key; } /* Return the table name separator being used */ std::string getTableNameSeparator() const { return m_tableSeparator; } std::string getChannelName() { return m_tableName + "_CHANNEL"; } private: static const std::string TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR_COLON; static const std::string TABLE_NAME_SEPARATOR_VBAR; static const TableNameSeparatorMap tableNameSeparatorMap; std::string m_tableName; std::string m_tableSeparator; int m_dbId; }; class TableEntryWritable { public: virtual ~TableEntryWritable() = default; /* Set an entry in the table */ virtual void set(const std::string &key, const std::vector<FieldValueTuple> &values, const std::string &op = "", const std::string &prefix = EMPTY_PREFIX) = 0; /* Delete an entry in the table */ virtual void del(const std::string &key, const std::string &op = "", const std::string &prefix = EMPTY_PREFIX) = 0; };
class RedisSelect : public Selectable { public: /* The database is already alive and kicking, no need for more than a second */ static constexpr unsigned int SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT = 1000; RedisSelect(int pri = 0);//調度優先級 int getFd() override; void readData() override; bool hasCachedData() override; bool initializedWithData() override; void updateAfterRead() override; /* Create a new redisContext, SELECT DB and SUBSCRIBE */ void subscribe(DBConnector* db, const std::string &channelName); /* PSUBSCRIBE */ void psubscribe(DBConnector* db, const std::string &channelName); void setQueueLength(long long int queueLength); protected: std::unique_ptr<DBConnector> m_subscribe; long long int m_queueLength;//接收的應答的個數,一個請求一個應答。 };
int RedisSelect::getFd() { return m_subscribe->getContext()->fd; }
void RedisSelect::readData() { redisReply *reply = nullptr; if (redisGetReply(m_subscribe->getContext(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&reply)) != REDIS_OK) throw std::runtime_error("Unable to read redis reply"); freeReplyObject(reply); m_queueLength++;//事件加一次, reply = nullptr; int status; do { status = redisGetReplyFromReader(m_subscribe->getContext(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&reply)); if(reply != nullptr && status == REDIS_OK) {//一個響應加一次,該值會大於最終處理的循環次數,形成空轉,可是不加的話,極端狀況下會形成丟失信息問題 m_queueLength++; freeReplyObject(reply); } } while(reply != nullptr && status == REDIS_OK); if (status != REDIS_OK) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to read redis reply"); } }
bool RedisSelect::hasCachedData() {//判斷是否還有消息,存在消息的話,加入m_ready,保證已經讀出來的消息能被處理 return m_queueLength > 1; }
void RedisSelect::updateAfterRead() { m_queueLength--;//假設一次處理一個應答,這裏減去1,即便一次處理了多個消息,依然只減掉1,形成空轉的根本緣由 }
void RedisSelect::setQueueLength(long long int queueLength) { m_queueLength = queueLength;//設置消息個數,用於構造函數 }
/* Create a new redisContext, SELECT DB and SUBSCRIBE */ void RedisSelect::subscribe(DBConnector* db, const std::string &channelName) { m_subscribe.reset(db->newConnector(SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT)); /* Send SUBSCRIBE #channel command */ std::string s("SUBSCRIBE "); s += channelName; RedisReply r(m_subscribe.get(), s, REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY); } /* PSUBSCRIBE */ void RedisSelect::psubscribe(DBConnector* db, const std::string &channelName) { m_subscribe.reset(db->newConnector(SUBSCRIBE_TIMEOUT)); /* * Send PSUBSCRIBE #channel command on the * non-blocking subscriber DBConnector */ std::string s("PSUBSCRIBE "); s += channelName; RedisReply r(m_subscribe.get(), s, REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY); }
class TableEntryPoppable { public: virtual ~TableEntryPoppable() = default; /* Pop an action (set or del) on the table */ virtual void pop(KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple &kco, const std::string &prefix = EMPTY_PREFIX) = 0; /* Get multiple pop elements */ virtual void pops(std::deque<KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple> &vkco, const std::string &prefix = EMPTY_PREFIX) = 0; }; class TableConsumable : public TableBase, public TableEntryPoppable, public RedisSelect { public: /* The default value of pop batch size is 128 */ static constexpr int DEFAULT_POP_BATCH_SIZE = 128;//一次消費128條消息 TableConsumable(int dbId, const std::string &tableName, int pri) : TableBase(dbId, tableName), RedisSelect(pri) { } };
EVAL script numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...] 首先你們必定要知道eval的語法格式,其中: <1> script: 你的lua腳本 <2> numkeys: key的個數 <3> key: redis中各類數據結構的替代符號 <4> arg: 你的自定義參數 ok,可能乍一看模板不是特別清楚,下面我能夠用官網的小案例演示一下: eval "return {KEYS[1],KEYS[2],ARGV[1],ARGV[2]}" 2 username age jack 20
上面這一串代碼大概是什麼意思呢? 第一個參數的字符串就是script,也就是lua腳本。2表示keys的個數,KEYS[1] 就是 username的佔位符, KEYS[2]就是age的佔位符,ARGV[1]就是jack的佔位符,ARGV[2]就是20的佔位符,,以此類推,,,因此最後的結果應該就是:{return username age jack 20} 是否是有點像C#中的佔位符:{0}呢?下面我在Redis中給你們演示一下:數據庫
admin@admin:~$ redis-cli> eval "return {KEYS[1],KEYS[2],ARGV[1],ARGV[2]}" 2 username age jack 20 1) "username" 2) "age" 3) "jack" 4) "20">
而後咱們經過下面命令執行,這種方式和前面介紹的不同,參數 --eval script key1 key2 , arg1 age2 這種模式,key和value用一個逗號隔開就行了,最後咱們也看到了,數據都出來了,對吧.網絡
admin@admin:~$ redis-cli --eval t.lua username age , jack 20 1) "username" 2) "age" 3) "jack" 4) "20" admin@admin:~$ 注意上面的逗號左右兩邊都有空格
admin@admin:~$ redis-cli script load "$(cat t.lua)" "a42059b356c875f0717db19a51f6aaca9ae659ea" admin@admin:~$ admin@admin:~$ redis-cli> EVALSHA a42059b356c875f0717db19a51f6aaca9ae659ea 2 username age jack 20 1) "username" 2) "age" 3) "jack" 4) "20">
admin@admin:~$ cat flashsale.lua local buyNum = ARGV[1] -- 本次購買的數量 local goodsKey = KEYS[1] -- 本次購買的商品名 local goodsNum ='get',goodsKey) -- 獲取商品的庫存個數 if tonumber(goodsNum) >= tonumber(buyNum) -- 庫存足夠,那麼出貨 then'decrby',goodsKey,buyNum) -- 減小本次買的量 return buyNum -- 返回購買的量 else return '0' -- 數量不夠,直接返回0 end admin@admin:~$ admin@admin:~$ redis-cli --eval flashsale.lua "pets" , 8 "8" admin@admin:~$ 上面腳本實現的是一個簡單的秒殺程序