- 存儲的數據庫結構
- GreenDao的優缺點
- GreenDao的使用配置
- 使用GreenDao實現數據的增刪改查
- GreenDao的註解使用
- GreenDao的關係處理
- GreenDao的升級
- GreenDao數據庫加密
- 項目地址AserbaosAndroid
- 總結
- 參考博客
GreenDAO是一個開源的Android ORM(「對象/關係映射」),經過ORM(稱爲「對象/關係映射」),在咱們數據庫開發過程當中節省了開發時間!android
Entities :可持久化對象。一般, 實體對象表明一個數據庫行使用標準 Java 屬性(如一個POJO 或 JavaBean )。
要在Android項目中使用GreenDao,您須要添加GreenDao Gradle插件並添加GreenDao庫:
// 在 Project的build.gradle 文件中添加: buildscript { repositories { jcenter() mavenCentral() // add repository } dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.2' classpath 'org.greenrobot:greendao-gradle-plugin:3.2.2' // add plugin } }
// 在 Moudle:app的 build.gradle 文件中添加: apply plugin: 'com.android.application' apply plugin: 'org.greenrobot.greendao' // apply plugin dependencies { implementation 'org.greenrobot:greendao:3.2.2' // add library }
greendao {
schemaVersion 1 //數據庫版本號 daoPackage 'com.aserbao.aserbaosandroid.functions.database.greenDao.db' // 設置DaoMaster、DaoSession、Dao 包名 targetGenDir 'src.main.java'//設置DaoMaster、DaoSession、Dao目錄,請注意,這裏路徑用.不要用/ generateTests false //設置爲true以自動生成單元測試。 targetGenDirTests 'src/main/java' //應存儲生成的單元測試的基本目錄。默認爲 src / androidTest / java。 }
配置完成,在Android Studio中使用Build> Make Project,重寫build項目,GreenDao集成完成!
public class Student { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; @Unique int studentNo;//學號 int age; //年齡 String telPhone;//手機號 String sex; //性別 String name;//姓名 String address;//家庭住址 String schoolName;//學校名字 String grade;//幾年級 ……getter and setter and constructor method…… }
/** * 初始化GreenDao,直接在Application中進行初始化操做 */ private void initGreenDao() { DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper helper = new DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper(this, "aserbao.db"); SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); DaoMaster daoMaster = new DaoMaster(db); daoSession = daoMaster.newSession(); } private DaoSession daoSession; public DaoSession getDaoSession() { return daoSession; }
初始化完成以後從新rebuild一下項目會發如今設置的targetGenDir的目錄生成三個類文件,這個是GreenDao自動生成的!說明數據庫已經鏈接好了,我們接下來只須要進行數據庫的增刪改查操做就好了。Let's Go!
insert() 插入數據
@Override public void insertData(Thing s) { DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Student student = new Student(); student.setStudentNo(i); int age = mRandom.nextInt(10) + 10; student.setAge(age); student.setTelPhone(RandomValue.getTel()); String chineseName = RandomValue.getChineseName(); student.setName(chineseName); if (i % 2 == 0) { student.setSex("男"); } else { student.setSex("女"); } student.setAddress(RandomValue.getRoad()); student.setGrade(String.valueOf(age % 10) + "年紀"); student.setSchoolName(RandomValue.getSchoolName()); daoSession.insert(student); } }
@Override public void insertData(Thing s) { DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { Student student = new Student(); student.setStudentNo(i); int age = mRandom.nextInt(10) + 10; student.setAge(age); student.setTelPhone(RandomValue.getTel()); String chineseName = RandomValue.getChineseName(); student.setName(chineseName); if (i % 2 == 0) { student.setSex("男"); } else { student.setSex("女"); } student.setAddress(RandomValue.getRoad()); student.setGrade(String.valueOf(age % 10) + "年紀"); student.setSchoolName(RandomValue.getSchoolName()); daoSession.insertOrReplace(student);//插入或替換 } }
@Override public void deleteData(Student s) { DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); daoSession.delete(s); }
@Override public void deleteAll() { DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); daoSession.deleteAll(Student.class); }
@Override public void updataData(Student s) { DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); daoSession.update(s); }
public List queryAll(){ List<Student> students = daoSession.loadAll(Student.class); return students; }
@Override public void queryData(String s) { List<Student> students = daoSession.queryRaw(Student.class, " where id = ?", s); mDataBaseAdapter.addNewStudentData(students); }
public List queryAllList(){ DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); QueryBuilder<Student> qb = daoSession.queryBuilder(Student.class); List<Student> list = qb.list(); // 查出全部的數據 return list; }
public List queryListByMessage(String name){ DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); QueryBuilder<Student> qb = daoSession.queryBuilder(Student.class); QueryBuilder<Student> studentQueryBuilder = qb.where(StudentDao.Properties.Name.eq("一")).orderAsc(StudentDao.Properties.Name); List<Student> studentList = studentQueryBuilder.list(); //查出當前對應的數據 return list; }
經過原始的SQL查詢語句進行查詢!其實上面有提到QueryBuilder的目的就是方便快捷的編寫SQL查詢語句,避免咱們本身在編寫過程當中出錯!簡單介紹下經過QueryBuilder編寫數據庫,方式方法以下 :
public List queryListBySqL(){ // 查詢ID大於5的全部學生 DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); Query<Student> query = daoSession.queryBuilder(Student.class).where( new WhereCondition.StringCondition("_ID IN " + "(SELECT _ID FROM STUDENT WHERE _ID > 5)") ).build(); List<Student> list = query.list(); return list; }
public List queryList(){ DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); QueryBuilder<Student> qb = daoSession.queryBuilder(Student.class); qb = daoSession.queryBuilder(Student.class); List<Student> list2 = qb.where(StudentDao.Properties.Name.eq("一"), qb.and(StudentDao.Properties.Id.gt(5), StudentDao.Properties.Id.le(50))).list(); return list2; }
public List queryListByOther(){ DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); QueryBuilder<Student> qb = daoSession.queryBuilder(Student.class); //搜索條件爲Id值大於1,即結果爲[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]; // offset(2)表示日後偏移2個,結果爲[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]; List<Student> list = qb.where(StudentDao.Properties.Id.gt(1)).limit(10).offset(2).list(); return list; }
使用QueryBuilder構建查詢後,能夠重用 Query對象以便稍後執行查詢。這比始終建立新的Query對象更有效。若是查詢參數沒有更改,您能夠再次調用list / unique方法。能夠經過setParameter方法來修改條件參數值:
public List queryListByMoreTime(){ DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); QueryBuilder<Student> qb = daoSession.queryBuilder(Student.class); //搜索條件爲Id值大於1,即結果爲[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]; // offset(2)表示日後偏移2個,結果爲[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]; Query<Student> query = qb.where(StudentDao.Properties.Id.gt(1)).limit(10).offset(2).build(); List<Student> list = query.list(); //經過SetParameter來修改上面的查詢條件,好比咱們將上面條件修改取10條Id值大於5,日後偏移兩位的數據,方法以下! query.setParameter(0,5); List<Student> list1 = query.list(); return list1; }
若是在多個線程中使用查詢,則必須調用 forCurrentThread ()以獲取當前線程的Query實例。Query的對象實例綁定到構建查詢的擁有線程。
每次調用forCurrentThread ()時, 參數都會在使用其構建器構建查詢時設置爲初始參數。
使用QueryBuilder進行批量刪除操做,不會刪除單個實體,但會刪除符合某些條件的全部實體。要執行批量刪除,請建立QueryBuilder,調用其 buildDelete ()方法,而後執行返回的 DeleteQuery。
public boolean deleteItem(){ DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); QueryBuilder<Student> where = daoSession.queryBuilder(Student.class).where(StudentDao.Properties.Id.gt(5)); DeleteQuery<Student> deleteQuery = where.buildDelete(); deleteQuery.executeDeleteWithoutDetachingEntities(); return false; }
從GreenDao 3 使用註解來定義模型和實體,前面也講過,經過註解的使用能夠快速構建數據庫表,包括設置主鍵,自增,值是否惟一等等等……
public class Student { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; @Unique int studentNo;//學號 int age; //年齡 String telPhone;//手機號 String sex; //性別 String name;//姓名 String address;//家庭住址 String schoolName;//學校名字 String grade;//幾年級 ……getter and setter and constructor method…… }
@Entity( schema = "myschema", active = true, nameInDb = "AWESOME_USERS", indexes = { @Index(value = "message DESC", unique = true) }, createInDb = false, generateConstructors = true, generateGettersSetters = true ) public class Student{ …… }
@Id註解選擇 long / Long屬性做爲實體ID。在數據庫方面,它是主鍵。參數autoincrement = true 表示自增,id不給賦值或者爲賦值爲null便可(這裏須要注意,若是要實現自增,id必須是Long,爲long不行!)。
@Entity public class Student { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; …… }
容許您定義屬性映射到的非默認列名。若是不存在,GreenDAO將以SQL-ish方式使用字段名稱(大寫,下劃線而不是camel狀況,例如 name將成爲 NAME)。注意:您當前只能使用內聯常量來指定列名。
@Entity public class Student { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; @Property (nameInDb="name") //設置了,數據庫中的表格屬性名爲"name",若是不設置,數據庫中表格屬性名爲"NAME" String name; …… }
@NotNull :設置數據庫表當前列不能爲空 。
@Transient :添加次標記以後不會生成數據庫表的列。標記要從持久性中排除的屬性。將它們用於臨時狀態等。或者,您也可使用Java中的transient關鍵字。
@Entity public class Student { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; @Property(nameInDb="name") @Index(unique = true) String name; …… }
注意: 上面這種狀況,約定name爲惟一值,向數據庫中經過insert方法繼續添加已存在的name數據,會拋異常:
10-08 20:59:46.274 31939-31939/com.example.aserbao.aserbaosandroid E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.example.aserbao.aserbaosandroid, PID: 31939 android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: STUDENT.name (Sqlite code 2067), (OS error - 2:No such file or directory) ……
@Entity public class Student { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; @Unique int studentNo;//學號 int age; //年齡 String telPhone;//手機號 String sex; //性別 String name;//姓名 String address;//家庭住址 String schoolName;//學校名字 String grade;//幾年級 @ToOne(joinProperty = "name") IdCard student; ……getter and setter …… }
@Entity public class IdCard { @Id String userName;//用戶名 @Unique String idNo;//身份證號 ……getter and setter …… }
public void addStudent(){ DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); Student student = new Student(); student.setStudentNo(i); int age = mRandom.nextInt(10) + 10; student.setAge(age); student.setTelPhone(RandomValue.getTel()); String chineseName = RandomValue.getChineseName(); student.setName(chineseName); if (i % 2 == 0) { student.setSex("男"); } else { student.setSex("女"); } student.setAddress(RandomValue.getRoad()); student.setGrade(String.valueOf(age % 10) + "年紀"); student.setSchoolName(RandomValue.getSchoolName()); daoSession.insert(student); //插入對應的IdCard數據 IdCard idCard = new IdCard(); idCard.setUserName(userName); idCard.setIdNo(RandomValue.getRandomID()); daoSession.insert(idCard); }
@Entity public class Student { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; @Unique int studentNo;//學號 int age; //年齡 String telPhone;//手機號 String sex; //性別 String name;//姓名 String address;//家庭住址 String schoolName;//學校名字 String grade;//幾年級 @ToMany(referencedJoinProperty = "id") // 這個id是對應在CreditCard中的id List<CreditCard> creditCardsList; ……getter and setter …… }
@Entity public class CreditCard { @Id Long id; Long userId; String userName;//持有者名字 String cardNum;//卡號 String whichBank;//哪一個銀行的 int cardType;//卡等級,分類 0 ~ 5 ……getter and setter …… }
public void addStudent(){ DaoSession daoSession = ((AserbaoApplication) getApplication()).getDaoSession(); Student student = new Student(); student.setStudentNo(i); int age = mRandom.nextInt(10) + 10; student.setAge(age); student.setTelPhone(RandomValue.getTel()); String chineseName = RandomValue.getChineseName(); student.setName(chineseName); if (i % 2 == 0) { student.setSex("男"); } else { student.setSex("女"); } student.setAddress(RandomValue.getRoad()); student.setGrade(String.valueOf(age % 10) + "年紀"); student.setSchoolName(RandomValue.getSchoolName()); daoSession.insert(student); //插入對應的CreditCard數據 for (int j = 0; j < random.nextInt(5) + 1 ; j++) { CreditCard creditCard = new CreditCard(); creditCard.setUserId(id); creditCard.setUserName(userName); creditCard.setCardNum(String.valueOf(random.nextInt(899999999) + 100000000) + String.valueOf(random.nextInt(899999999) + 100000000)); creditCard.setWhichBank(RandomValue.getBankName()); creditCard.setCardType(random.nextInt(10)); daoSession.insert(creditCard); } }
@JoinEntity(entity = StudentAndTeacherBean.class,sourceProperty = "studentId",targetProperty = "teacherId")
List<Teacher> teacherList;
@JoinEntity(entity = StudentAndTeacherBean.class,sourceProperty = "teacherId",targetProperty = "studentId") List<Student> studentList;
@Entity public class StudentAndTeacherBean { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; Long studentId;//學生ID Long teacherId;//老師ID ……getter and setter …… }
Student 代碼:
@Entity public class Student { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; @Unique int studentNo;//學號 int age; //年齡 String telPhone;//手機號 String sex; //性別 String name;//姓名 String address;//家庭住址 String schoolName;//學校名字 String grade;//幾年級 @ToMany @JoinEntity(entity = StudentAndTeacherBean.class,sourceProperty = "studentId",targetProperty = "teacherId") List<Teacher> teacherList; ……getter and setter …… }
@Entity public class Teacher { @Id(autoincrement = true) Long id; @Unique int teacherNo;//職工號 int age; //年齡 String sex; //性別 String telPhone; String name;//姓名 String schoolName;//學校名字 String subject;//科目 @ToMany @JoinEntity(entity = StudentAndTeacherBean.class,sourceProperty = "teacherId",targetProperty = "studentId") List<Student> studentList; ……getter and setter …… }
public void addData(){ Student student = new Student(); student.setStudentNo(i); int age = mRandom.nextInt(10) + 10; student.setAge(age); student.setTelPhone(RandomValue.getTel()); String chineseName = RandomValue.getChineseName(); student.setName(chineseName); if (i % 2 == 0) { student.setSex("男"); } else { student.setSex("女"); } student.setAddress(RandomValue.getRoad()); student.setGrade(String.valueOf(age % 10) + "年紀"); student.setSchoolName(RandomValue.getSchoolName()); daoSession.insert(student); Collections.shuffle(teacherList); for (int j = 0; j < mRandom.nextInt(8) + 1; j++) { if(j < teacherList.size()){ Teacher teacher = teacherList.get(j); StudentAndTeacherBean teacherBean = new StudentAndTeacherBean(student.getId(), teacher.getId()); daoSession.insert(teacherBean); } } }
GreenDao的OpenHelper下有個 onUpgrade(Database db, int oldVersion, int newVersion)方法,當設置的數據庫版本改變時,在數據庫初始化的時候就會回調到這個方法,咱們能夠經過繼承OpenHelper重寫onUpgrade方法來實現數據庫更新操做:
ok,思路就是這樣, 總共兩個類: 一個MyDaoMaster(OpenHelper繼承類),一個MigrationHelper(數據庫操做類) 下面是代碼編寫:
MyDaoMaster helper = new MyDaoMaster(this, "aserbaos.db"); // DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper helper = new DaoMaster.DevOpenHelper(this, "aserbao.db"); SQLiteDatabase db = helper.getWritableDatabase(); DaoMaster daoMaster = new DaoMaster(db); daoSession = daoMaster.newSession();
public class MyDaoMaster extends OpenHelper { private static final String TAG = "MyDaoMaster"; public MyDaoMaster(Context context, String name) { super(context, name); } public MyDaoMaster(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory) { super(context, name, factory); } @Override public void onUpgrade(Database db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { super.onUpgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion); MigrationHelper.migrate(db, new MigrationHelper.ReCreateAllTableListener() { @Override public void onCreateAllTables(Database db, boolean ifNotExists) { DaoMaster.createAllTables(db, ifNotExists); } @Override public void onDropAllTables(Database db, boolean ifExists) { DaoMaster.dropAllTables(db, ifExists); } },ThingDao.class); Log.e(TAG, "onUpgrade: " + oldVersion + " newVersion = " + newVersion); } }
MigrationHelper 代碼:
public final class MigrationHelper { public static boolean DEBUG = false; private static String TAG = "MigrationHelper"; private static final String SQLITE_MASTER = "sqlite_master"; private static final String SQLITE_TEMP_MASTER = "sqlite_temp_master"; private static WeakReference<ReCreateAllTableListener> weakListener; public interface ReCreateAllTableListener{ void onCreateAllTables(Database db, boolean ifNotExists); void onDropAllTables(Database db, boolean ifExists); } public static void migrate(SQLiteDatabase db, Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>... daoClasses) { printLog("【The Old Database Version】" + db.getVersion()); Database database = new StandardDatabase(db); migrate(database, daoClasses); } public static void migrate(SQLiteDatabase db, ReCreateAllTableListener listener, Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>... daoClasses) { weakListener = new WeakReference<>(listener); migrate(db, daoClasses); } public static void migrate(Database database, ReCreateAllTableListener listener, Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>... daoClasses) { weakListener = new WeakReference<>(listener); migrate(database, daoClasses); } public static void migrate(Database database, Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>... daoClasses) { printLog("【Generate temp table】start"); generateTempTables(database, daoClasses); printLog("【Generate temp table】complete"); ReCreateAllTableListener listener = null; if (weakListener != null) { listener = weakListener.get(); } if (listener != null) { listener.onDropAllTables(database, true); printLog("【Drop all table by listener】"); listener.onCreateAllTables(database, false); printLog("【Create all table by listener】"); } else { dropAllTables(database, true, daoClasses); createAllTables(database, false, daoClasses); } printLog("【Restore data】start"); restoreData(database, daoClasses); printLog("【Restore data】complete"); } private static void generateTempTables(Database db, Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>... daoClasses) { for (int i = 0; i < daoClasses.length; i++) { String tempTableName = null; DaoConfig daoConfig = new DaoConfig(db, daoClasses[i]); String tableName = daoConfig.tablename; if (!isTableExists(db, false, tableName)) { printLog("【New Table】" + tableName); continue; } try { tempTableName = daoConfig.tablename.concat("_TEMP"); StringBuilder dropTableStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); dropTableStringBuilder.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ").append(tempTableName).append(";"); db.execSQL(dropTableStringBuilder.toString()); StringBuilder insertTableStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); insertTableStringBuilder.append("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ").append(tempTableName); insertTableStringBuilder.append(" AS SELECT * FROM ").append(tableName).append(";"); db.execSQL(insertTableStringBuilder.toString()); printLog("【Table】" + tableName +"\n ---Columns-->"+getColumnsStr(daoConfig)); printLog("【Generate temp table】" + tempTableName); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "【Failed to generate temp table】" + tempTableName, e); } } } private static boolean isTableExists(Database db, boolean isTemp, String tableName) { if (db == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(tableName)) { return false; } String dbName = isTemp ? SQLITE_TEMP_MASTER : SQLITE_MASTER; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + dbName + " WHERE type = ? AND name = ?"; Cursor cursor=null; int count = 0; try { cursor = db.rawQuery(sql, new String[]{"table", tableName}); if (cursor == null || !cursor.moveToFirst()) { return false; } count = cursor.getInt(0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); } return count > 0; } private static String getColumnsStr(DaoConfig daoConfig) { if (daoConfig == null) { return "no columns"; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < daoConfig.allColumns.length; i++) { builder.append(daoConfig.allColumns[i]); builder.append(","); } if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.deleteCharAt(builder.length() - 1); } return builder.toString(); } private static void dropAllTables(Database db, boolean ifExists, @NonNull Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>... daoClasses) { reflectMethod(db, "dropTable", ifExists, daoClasses); printLog("【Drop all table by reflect】"); } private static void createAllTables(Database db, boolean ifNotExists, @NonNull Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>... daoClasses) { reflectMethod(db, "createTable", ifNotExists, daoClasses); printLog("【Create all table by reflect】"); } /** * dao class already define the sql exec method, so just invoke it */ private static void reflectMethod(Database db, String methodName, boolean isExists, @NonNull Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>... daoClasses) { if (daoClasses.length < 1) { return; } try { for (Class cls : daoClasses) { Method method = cls.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, Database.class, boolean.class); method.invoke(null, db, isExists); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void restoreData(Database db, Class<? extends AbstractDao<?, ?>>... daoClasses) { for (int i = 0; i < daoClasses.length; i++) { DaoConfig daoConfig = new DaoConfig(db, daoClasses[i]); String tableName = daoConfig.tablename; String tempTableName = daoConfig.tablename.concat("_TEMP"); if (!isTableExists(db, true, tempTableName)) { continue; } try { // get all columns from tempTable, take careful to use the columns list List<TableInfo> newTableInfos = TableInfo.getTableInfo(db, tableName); List<TableInfo> tempTableInfos = TableInfo.getTableInfo(db, tempTableName); ArrayList<String> selectColumns = new ArrayList<>(newTableInfos.size()); ArrayList<String> intoColumns = new ArrayList<>(newTableInfos.size()); for (TableInfo tableInfo : tempTableInfos) { if (newTableInfos.contains(tableInfo)) { String column = '`' + tableInfo.name + '`'; intoColumns.add(column); selectColumns.add(column); } } // NOT NULL columns list for (TableInfo tableInfo : newTableInfos) { if (tableInfo.notnull && !tempTableInfos.contains(tableInfo)) { String column = '`' + tableInfo.name + '`'; intoColumns.add(column); String value; if (tableInfo.dfltValue != null) { value = "'" + tableInfo.dfltValue + "' AS "; } else { value = "'' AS "; } selectColumns.add(value + column); } } if (intoColumns.size() != 0) { StringBuilder insertTableStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); insertTableStringBuilder.append("REPLACE INTO ").append(tableName).append(" ("); insertTableStringBuilder.append(TextUtils.join(",", intoColumns)); insertTableStringBuilder.append(") SELECT "); insertTableStringBuilder.append(TextUtils.join(",", selectColumns)); insertTableStringBuilder.append(" FROM ").append(tempTableName).append(";"); db.execSQL(insertTableStringBuilder.toString()); printLog("【Restore data】 to " + tableName); } StringBuilder dropTableStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); dropTableStringBuilder.append("DROP TABLE ").append(tempTableName); db.execSQL(dropTableStringBuilder.toString()); printLog("【Drop temp table】" + tempTableName); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "【Failed to restore data from temp table 】" + tempTableName, e); } } } private static List<String> getColumns(Database db, String tableName) { List<String> columns =