bash | shell |
bunzip2 | .bz2文件的解壓縮程序。 |
busybox | BusyBox 是一個集成了一百多個最經常使用linux命令和工具的軟件。BusyBox 包含了一些簡單的工具,例如ls、cat和echo等等,還包含了一些更大、更復雜的工具,例grep、find、mount以及telnet。 |
bzcat | 指定要顯示內容的.bz2壓縮文件,並不解壓縮 |
bzcmp | bzcmp命令主要功能是在不真正解壓縮.bz2壓縮包的狀況下,比較兩個壓縮包中的文件,省去了解壓縮後在調用cmp命令的過程。 |
bzdiff | bzdiff命令用於直接比較兩個「.bz2」壓縮包中文件的不一樣,省去了解壓縮後再調用diff命令的過程。 |
bzgrep | bzgrep命令使用正則表達式搜索「.bz2」壓縮包中文件,將匹配的行顯示到標註輸出。 |
bzexe | 壓縮可執行文件 |
bzfgrep | search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression |
bzip2 | 壓縮成bz2格式 |
bzip2recover | 回覆破壞的bz2文件 |
bzless | 加強.bz2壓縮包查看器 |
bzmore | 查看bzip2壓縮過的文本文件的內容 |
cat | 顯示文本內容 |
chacl | chacl是用來更改文件或目錄的訪問控制列表的命令。其和chmod有殊途同歸之妙。可是比chmod更爲強大,更爲精細。 |
chgrp | 改變文件或者目錄的用戶組 |
chmod | 變動文件權限 |
chown | chown命令改變某個文件或目錄的全部者和所屬的組,該命令能夠向某個用戶受權,使該用戶變成指定文件的全部者或者改變文件所屬的組。 |
chvt | 修改虛擬終端的前臺環境 |
cp | 複製操做 |
cpio | 創建、還原備份檔的工具程序,它能夠加入、解開cpio或tar備份檔內的文件。 |
dash | ubuntu 下sh執行文件,與bash相似 |
date | 顯示或者設置系統日期 |
dbus-cleanup-sockets | dbus 後臺程序負責消息轉發,清空全部sockets |
dbus-daemon | dbus 後臺程序負責消息轉發 |
dbus-uuidgen | dbus 後臺程序負責消息轉發 |
dd | dd這個linux命令能夠建立必定大小文件 |
df | df顯示磁盤相關信息 |
dir | dir與ls相似,可是不顯示顏色 |
dmesg | dmesg命令被用於檢查和控制內核的環形緩衝區。kernel會將開機信息存儲在ring buffer中。您如果開機時來不及查看信息,可利用dmesg來查看。開機信息保存在/var/log/dmesg文件裏。 |
dnsdomainname | 用於定義DNS系統中FQDN名稱中的域名 |
domainname | 命令用於顯示和設置系統的NIS域名。 |
dumpkeys | Linux dumpkeys命令用於顯示鍵盤映射表,輸出的內容能夠被loadkeys命令識別,改變映射關係。 |
echo | 用於在shell中打印shell變量的值,或者直接輸出指定的字符串。 |
ed | 是單行純文本編輯器,它有命令模式(command mode)和輸入模式(input mode)兩種工做模式。ed命令支持多個內置命令,常見內置命令以下: |
egrep | 用於在文件內查找指定的字符串。egrep執行效果與grep -E類似, |
false' | Exit with a status code indicating failure. |
fgconsole | 未知 |
fgrep | 命令是用來查找一個或多個與給出的字符串或詞組相匹配文件中的行。fgrep 查詢速度比grep命令快,可是不夠靈活:它只能找固定的文本,而不是規則表達式。 |
findmnt | 查看掛載未知和選項 |
fuser | 使用文件或者套節字來表示識別進程。我經常使用的他的兩個功能:查看我須要的進程和我要殺死我查到的進程。 |
fusermount | fusermount is a program to mount and unmount FUSE filesystems. |
getfacl | 與setfacl相關 |
grep | 查找 |
gunzip | 解壓縮 |
gzexe | 壓縮可執行文件 |
gzip | 壓縮 |
hostname | 用於顯示和設置系統的主機名稱。 |
ip | 命令用來顯示或操縱Linux主機的路由、網絡設備、策略路由和隧道,是Linux下較新的功能強大的網絡配置工具。 |
kbd_mode | 設置鍵盤模式 |
kill | 殺死進程 |
kmod | kmod是一個用於處理Linux內核模塊中通常任務的工具集,功能包括:插入、刪除、列表、查看屬性、解決依賴關係和別名的共同任務。 |
less | 工具也是對文件或其它輸出進行分頁顯示的工具, |
lessecho | lessecho is a program that simply echos its arguments on standard output. But any metacharacter in the output is preceded by an "escape" character, which by default is a backslash. |
lessfile | which by default is a backslash. |
lesspipe | 當轉換操做經過管道在執行容許咱們打開文件,負數與less |
ln | 建立連接 |
loadkeys | 命令能夠根據一個鍵盤定義表改變 linux 鍵盤驅動程序轉譯鍵盤輸入過程。詳細的說明請參考 dumpkeys。 |
login | 切換用戶身份,或者登入系統 |
loginctl | Control the systemd login manager |
lowntfs-3g | Third Generation Read/Write NTFS Driver |
ls | 顯示文件夾內容 |
lsblk | 顯示全部塊設備信息 |
lsmod | 顯示已經加載到內核中模塊的狀態信息 |
mkdir | 建立文件夾 |
mknod | 命令創建一個目錄項和一個特殊文件的對應索引節點 |
mktemp | mktemp可創建一個暫存文件,供shell script使用。 |
more | 相似cat |
mount | 掛載命令 |
mountpoint | 查看目錄是否是掛載點 |
mt | 外網查看不少磁帶機的操做命令都會用到mt |
mt-gnu | GNU version of mt |
mv | 文件移動 |
nano | 是一個字符終端的文本編輯器,有點像DOS下的editor程序 |
nc | 是netcat命令的簡稱,都是用來設置路由器 |
nc.openbsd | arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens |
netcat | 同nc |
netstat | 用來打印Linux中網絡系統的狀態信 |
nisdomainname | 主機NIS域名 |
ntfs-3g | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfs-3g.probe | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfs-3g.secaudit | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfs-3g.usermap | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfscat | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfsck | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfscluster | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfscmp | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfsdump_logfile | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfsfix | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfsinfo | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfsls | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfsmftalloc | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfsmove | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfstruncate | NTFS格式硬盤 |
ntfswipe | NTFS格式硬盤 |
open | This utility help you to start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT). |
openvt | This utility help you to start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT). |
pidof | pidof 是Linux系統中用來查找正在運行進程的進程號(pid)的工具,功能相似pgrep和ps。 |
ping | ping |
ping6 | ping ipv6 |
plymouth | 與啓動項有關 |
plymouth-upstart-bridge | 與啓動項有關 |
ps | 顯示進程 |
pwd | 口令 |
rbash | restricted bash, see bash(1) |
readlink | 連接所指向的位置 |
red | line-oriented text editor |
rm | 刪除文件 |
rmdir | 刪除空目錄 |
sed | 在線編輯器 |
setfacl | 用來在命令行裏設置ACL(訪問控制列表)。在命令行裏,一系列的命令跟隨以一系列的文件名。 |
setfont | 改造終端文字顯示 |
setupcon | 修改鍵盤佈局 |
sh | 執行腳本文件 |
sh.distrib | sh相關 |
sleep | 腳本暫停指定時間 |
ss | 用來顯示處於活動狀態的套接字信息。 |
static-sh | sh相關 |
stty | change and print terminal line settings |
su | 管理員權限相關 |
sync | 強制同步文件到硬盤 |
tailf | 用途是依照要求將指定的文件的最後部分輸出到標準設備,一般是終端, |
tar | 壓縮 |
tempfile | 有時候在寫Shell腳本的時候須要一些臨時存儲數據的才作,最適合存儲臨時文件數據的位置就是/tmp,由於該目錄中全部的內容在系統重啓後就會被清空。下面是兩種方法爲臨時數據生成標準的文件名。 |
touch | 建立空白文件 |
TRUE | 設置退出碼爲0 |
udevadm | 查詢sda設備devpath |
ulockmgr_server | ock Manager Server for FUSE filesystems |
umount | 卸載已經加載的文件系統 |
uname | 顯示系統信息 |
uncompress | 用來解壓縮由compress命令壓縮後產生的「.Z」壓縮包 |
unicode_start | 將控制檯設爲Unicode模式. |
vdir | list directory contents |
vmmouse_detect | VMware mouse device autodetection tool |
which | 查找並顯示給定命令的絕對路徑 |
whiptail | 與msgbox相似 |
ypdomainname | 顯示主機NIS的域名 |
zcat | 顯示壓縮包中文件的內容 |
zcmp | compare compressed files |
zdiff | zcmp, zdiff - compare compressed files |
zgrep | search possibly compressed files for a regular expression |
zfgrep | search possibly compressed files for a regular expression |
zforce | force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files |
zless | file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text |
zmore | file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text |
znew | recompress .Z files to .gz files |
acpi_available | test whether ACPI subsystem is available |
agetty | agetty opens a tty port, prompts for a login name and invokes the /bin/login command. It is normally invoked by init(8). |
alsa | 高級Linux聲音架構的簡稱 |
apm_available | test whether APM subsystem is available |
apparmor_parser | apparmor_parser is used as a general tool to compile, and manage AppArmor policy, including loading new apparmor.d(5) profiles into the Linux kernel. |
badblocks | badblocks - search a device for bad blocks |
blkid | locate/print block device attributes |
blockdev | call block device ioctls from the command line |
bridege | bridge - show / manipulate bridge addresses and devices |
brltty | brltty is a background process (daemon) which provides access to the console screen (when in text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. |
brltty-setup | 與brltty相關 |
capsh | 'bash' wrapper to raise and lower the bset and pI capabilities |
cfdisk | cfdisk is a curses/slang based program for partitioning any hard disk drive. |
cgdisk | GPT fdisk is a text-mode family of programs for creation and manipulation of partition tables. |
crda | send to the kernel a wireless regulatory domain for a given ISO / IEC 3166 alpha2 |
ctrlaltdel | set the function of the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination |
debugfs | ext2/ext3/ext4 file system debugger |
depmod | Generate modules.dep and map files. |
dhclient | The Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client, dhclient, provides a means for configuring one or more network interfaces using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, |
dhclient-script | |
dmsetup | low level logical volume management |
dosfsck | check and repair MS-DOS filesystems |
dosfslabel | set or get MS-DOS filesystem label |
dumpe2fs | dumpe2fs prints the super block and blocks group information for the filesystem present on device. |
e2fsck | check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system |
e2image | Save critical ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem metadata to a file |
e2lable | Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem |
e2ubudo | Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem |
ethtool | query or control network driver and hardware settings |
fatlabel | set or get MS-DOS filesystem label |
fdisk | fdisk (in the first form of invocation) is a menu-driven program for creation and manipulation of partition tables. It understands DOS-type partition tables and BSD- or SUN-type disklabels. |
findfs | find a filesystem by label or UUID |
fixparts | MBR partition table repair utility |
fsck | check and repair a Linux filesystem |
fsck.cramfs | |
fsck.ext2 | |
fsck.ext3 | |
fsck.ext4 | |
fsck.ext4dev | |
fsck.fat | |
fsck.minix | |
fsck.msdos | |
fsck.nfs | |
fsck.vfat | |
fsfreeze | fsfreeze halts new access to the filesystem and creates a stable image on disk. fsfreeze is intended to be used with hardware RAID devices that support the creation of snapshots. |
fstab-decode | fstab-decode decodes escapes in the specified ARGUMENTs and uses them to run COMMAND. The argument escaping uses the same rules as path escaping in /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab and /proc/mtab. |
fstrim | discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem |
fstrim-all | call fstrim on all mounted file systems which support it |
gdisk | GPT fdisk (aka gdisk) is a text-mode menu-driven program for creation and manipulation of partition tables. |
getcap | getcap displays the name and capabilities of each specified |
getpcaps | |
getty | agetty opens a tty port, prompts for a login name and invokes the /bin/login command. It is normally invoked by init(8). |
halt | reboot, halt, poweroff - reboot or stop the system |
hdparm | get/set SATA/IDE device parameters |
hwclock | hwclock - query or set the hardware clock (RTC) |
ifconfig | configure a network interface |
ifdown | take a network interface down |
ifquery | parse interface configuration |
ifup | take a network interface up |
init | Upstart process management daemon |
initctl | init daemon control tool |
insmod | Simple program to insert a module into the Linux Kernel |
installkernel | install a new kernel image |
ip | show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels |
ip6tables | iptables/ip6tables — administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and NAT |
ip6tables-apply | |
ip6tables-restore | |
ip6tables-save | |
iptunnel | |
isosize | output the length of an iso9660 filesystem |
iw | show / manipulate wireless devices and their configuration |
iwconfig | configure a wireless network interface |
iwevent | Display Wireless Events generated by drivers and setting changes |
iwgetid | Report ESSID, NWID or AP/Cell Address of wireless network |
iwlist | Get more detailed wireless information from a wireless interface |
iwpriv | configure optionals (private) parameters of a wireless network interface |
iwspy | Get wireless statistics from specific nodes |
kbdrate | reset the keyboard repeat rate and delay time |
killall5 | send a signal to all processes. |
ldconfig | configure dynamic linker run-time bindings |
ldconfig.real | |
logsave | save the output of a command in a logfile |
losetup | set up and control loop devices |
lsmod | Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel |
lspcmcia | display extended PCMCIA debugging information |
MAKEDEV | create devices |
mii-tool | manipulate media-independent interface status |
mkdosfs | create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux |
mke2fs | create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem |
mkfs | build a Linux filesystem |
mkfs.bfs | make an SCO bfs filesystem |
mkfs.cramfs | |
mkfs.ext2 | create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem |
mkfs.ext3 | create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem |
mkfs.ext4 | create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem |
mkfs.ext4dev | create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem |
mkfs.fat | create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux |
mkfs.minix | make a Minix filesystem |
mkfs.msdos | create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux |
mkfs.ntfs | create an NTFS file system |
mkfs.vfat | create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux |
mkhomedir_helper | Helper binary that creates home directories |
mkntfs | create an NTFS file system |
mkswap | set up a Linux swap area |
mntctl | |
modinfo | Show information about a Linux Kernel module |
modprobe | Add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel |
mountall | Mount filesystems during boot |
mount.fuse | format and options for the fuse file systems |
mount.lowntfs_3g | |
mount.ntfs | |
mount.ntfs-3g | |
mount.vmhgfs | |
nameif | name network interfaces based on MAC addresses |
ntfsclone | Efficiently clone, image, restore or rescue an NTFS |
ntfscp | copy file to an NTFS volume. |
ntfslabel | display/change the label on an ntfs file system |
ntfsresize | resize an NTFS filesystem without data loss |
ntfsundelete | recover a deleted file from an NTFS volume. |
on_ac_power | test whether computer is running on AC power |
pam_tally | The login counter (tallying) module |
pam_tally2 | The login counter (tallying) module |
parted | a partition manipulation program |
partprobe | inform the OS of partition table changes |
pccardctl | PCMCIA card control utility |
pivot_root | change the root filesystem |
plipconfig | fine tune PLIP device parameters |
plymouth | |
poweroff | stop the system |
rarp | manipulate the system RARP table |
raw | bind a Linux raw character device |
reboot | reboot the system |
regdbdump | parse and print out regulatory rules file |
reload | init daemon control tool |
resize2fs | ext2/ext3/ext4 file system resizer |
resolvconf | manage nameserver information |
restart | init daemon control tool |
rmmod | Simple program to remove a module from the Linux Kernel |
route | show / manipulate the IP routing table |
rtacct | network statistics tools. |
rtmon | listens to and monitors RTnetlink |
runlevel | output previous and current runlevel |
setcap | set file capabilities |
setvtrgb | customize the console color map |
sfdisk | partition table manipulator for Linux |
sgdisk | Command-line GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator for Linux and Unix |
shadowconfig | toggle shadow passwords on and off |
shutdown | bring the system down |
slattach | attach a network interface to a serial line |
start | init daemon control tool |
startpar | start runlevel scripts in parallel |
startpar-upstart-inject | |
start-stop-daemon | start and stop system daemon programs |
status | init daemon control tool |
stop | init daemon control tool |
sulogin | Single-user login |
swaplabel | print or change the label or UUID of a swap area |
swapoff | enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping |
swapon | enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping |
swithch_root | switch to another filesystem as the root of the mount tree |
sysctl | configure kernel parameters at runtime |
tc | show / manipulate traffic control settings |
telinit | change system runlevel |
tune2fs | adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems |
udevadm | udev management tool |
udevd | systemd-udevd.service, systemd-udevd-control.socket, systemd-udevd-kernel.socket, systemd-udevd - Device event managing daemon |
umount.udisks2 | this program is only supposed to be invoked by umount(8). |
unix_chkpwd | Helper binary that verifies the password of the current user |
unix_update | Helper binary that updates the password of a given user |
Upstart-dbus-bridge | Bridge between Upstart and D-Bus |
upstart-event-bridge | Bridge between system Upstart and session Upstart |
upstart-file-bridge | Bridge between Upstart and inotify |
upstart-local-bridge | Bridge between Upstart and a local client socket connection. |
upstart-socket-bridge | Bridge between Upstart and sockets |
upstart-udev-bridge | Bridge between Upstart and udev |
ureadahead | Read files in advance during boot |
wipefs | wipe a filesystem signature from a device |
wpa_action | wpa_cli action script |
wpa_cli | WPA command line client |
wpa_supplicant | Wi-Fi Protected Access client and IEEE 802.1X supplicant |
xtables-multi | xtables multi-link binary for netfilter's iptables and ip6tables |