Ubuntu16.04 apt-get 安裝的nginx 版本1.10.0html
root@server:~# apt-get install nginx //安裝nginx root@server:~# nginx -v //查看nginx版本 nginx version: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu) root@server:~# wget http://down.safedog.cn/safedog_linux64.tar.gz //下載安全狗安裝包 root@server:~# ls //列目錄 safedog_linux64.tar.gz 公共的 模板 視頻 圖片 文檔 下載 音樂 桌面 root@server:~# tar xzvf safedog_linux64.tar.gz //解安全狗壓縮包 root@server:~# ls //列出當前目錄文件 safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709 公共的 視頻 文檔 音樂 safedog_linux64.tar.gz 模板 圖片 下載 桌面 root@server:~# cd safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709 //進入解壓好的安全狗目錄 root@server:~/safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709# ls //列出當前目錄文件 install_files install.py uninstall.py root@server:~/safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709# ./install.py //運行安裝腳本 1. Select Install Apache. 2. Nginx defense module(enter Ctrl-C to exit). input 1 or 2: 2 //apache選擇1,nginx選擇2 step 1/3, start install common lib [ok] step 2/3, start Install Server Defense Module step 2.1, checking os release version... [ok] step 2.2, check app needed... [ok] step 2.3, installing file... [ok] step 2.4, start service... [ok] step 2.5, save safedog install info... Tips: (1)safedog install directory: /etc/safedog (2)install safedog version: 2.8.16709 install safedog completely step 3/3, start install Nginx Defense Module.. step 3.1, input Nginx install path: [enter "CTRL+c" to exit] For example:/usr/local/nginx Please input the absolute path:/usr/local/nginx //輸入nginx的安裝目錄 Warn: the path you inputted is not exist! Please input the absolute path:/usr/sbin/ //輸入nginx的安裝目錄,第一次安裝配置不正確,因此會在這裏報錯 Error: cann't not find sbin or conf directory! Install Completely!
在step 3.1 處,因爲sbin和conf文件不在同一目錄,因此無論你怎麼輸入,都會報錯,因此在此以前,須要把sbin和conf文件放在一塊兒apache
root@server:~/safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709# whereis nginx //搜索nginx的相關目錄 nginx: /usr/sbin/nginx /etc/nginx /usr/share/nginx root@server:~/safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709# mkdir /usr/local/nginx/ //在/usr/local/下建立nginx目錄,ubuntu16.04沒有這個目錄 root@server:~/safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709# cd /usr/local/nginx/ //打開/usr/local/nginx/目錄 root@server:/usr/local/nginx# ln -s /usr/sbin/ ./sbin //建立/usr/sbin/的軟鏈接到當前目錄,並命名爲sbin root@server:/usr/local/nginx# ln -s /etc/nginx ./conf //建立/etc/nginx的軟鏈接到當前目錄,並命名爲conf root@server:/usr/local/nginx# ls //列出當前目錄的文件 conf sbin root@server:/usr/local/nginx# cd ~/safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709 //打開safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709目錄 root@server:~/safedog_an_linux64_2.8.16709# ./install.py //從新安裝安全狗程序 stop safedog server .... 1. Select Install Apache. 2. Nginx defense module(enter Ctrl-C to exit). input 1 or 2: 2 step 1/3, start install common lib [ok] step 2/3, start Install Server Defense Module step 2.1, checking os release version... [ok] step 2.2, check app needed... [ok] step 2.3, installing file... [ok] step 2.4, start service... [ok] step 2.5, save safedog install info... Tips: (1)safedog install directory: /etc/safedog (2)install safedog version: 2.8.16709 install safedog completely step 3/3, start install Nginx Defense Module.. step 3.1, input Nginx install path: [enter "CTRL+c" to exit] For example:/usr/local/nginx Please input the absolute path:/usr/local/nginx //輸入剛纔配置好的目錄 step 3.2, copy libraries [ok] step 3.3, copy bin and set boot [ok] step 3.4, download nginx.. [ok] step 3.5, start the nginx server.. [ok] Tips: (1)If you want to change the configuration of nginx defense module, please modify the files in /etc/safedog/nginx/conf; (2)If you want to check nginx defense module log, please use command: sdalog -n; (3)If nginx defense module is failed to use, you can try to restart Nginx. send command to server ok. Install Completely!
mkdir /usr/local/nginx/ cd /usr/local/nginx/ ln -s /usr/sbin/ ./sbin ln -s /etc/nginx ./conf