var Class = {
create: function() {
return function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }
var Extend = function(destination, source) {
for (var property in source) {
destination[property] = source[property];
var Bind = function(object, fun) {
return function() {
return fun.apply(object, arguments);
var BindAsEventListener = function(object, fun) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).slice(2);
return function(event) {
return fun.apply(object, [event || window.event].concat(args));
var CurrentStyle = function(element) {
return element.currentStyle || document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
function addEventHandler(oTarget, sEventType, fnHandler) {
if (oTarget.addEventListener) {
oTarget.addEventListener(sEventType, fnHandler, false);
} else if (oTarget.attachEvent) {
oTarget.attachEvent("on" + sEventType, fnHandler);
} else {
oTarget["on" + sEventType] = fnHandler;
function removeEventHandler(oTarget, sEventType, fnHandler) {
if (oTarget.removeEventListener) {
oTarget.removeEventListener(sEventType, fnHandler, false);
} else if (oTarget.detachEvent) {
oTarget.detachEvent("on" + sEventType, fnHandler);
} else {
oTarget["on" + sEventType] = null;
var ImgCropper = Class.create();
ImgCropper.prototype = {
initialize: function(container, handle, url, options) {
this._Container = $(container); //容器對象
this._layHandle = $(handle); //控制層
this.Url = url; //圖片地址
this._layBase = this._Container.appendChild(document.createElement("img")); //底層
this._layCropper = this._Container.appendChild(document.createElement("img")); //切割層
this._layCropper.onload = Bind(this, this.SetPos);
this._tempImg = document.createElement("img");
this._tempImg.onload = Bind(this, this.SetSize);
this.Opacity = Math.round(this.options.Opacity);
this.Color = this.options.Color;
this.Scale = !!this.options.Scale;
this.Ratio = Math.max(this.options.Ratio, 0);
this.Width = Math.round(this.options.Width);
this.Height = Math.round(this.options.Height);
var oPreview = $(this.options.Preview); //預覽對象
if (oPreview) {
oPreview.style.position = "relative";
oPreview.style.overflow = "hidden";
this.viewWidth = Math.round(this.options.viewWidth);
this.viewHeight = Math.round(this.options.viewHeight);
this._view = oPreview.appendChild(document.createElement("img"));
this._view.style.position = "absolute";
this._view.onload = Bind(this, this.SetPreview);
this._drag = new Drag(this._layHandle, { Limit: true, onMove: Bind(this, this.SetPos), Transparent: true });
this.Resize = !!this.options.Resize;
if (this.Resize) {
var op = this.options, _resize = new Resize(this._layHandle, { Max: true, onResize: Bind(this, this.SetPos) });
op.RightDown && (_resize.Set(op.RightDown, "right-down"));
op.LeftDown && (_resize.Set(op.LeftDown, "left-down"));
op.RightUp && (_resize.Set(op.RightUp, "right-up"));
op.LeftUp && (_resize.Set(op.LeftUp, "left-up"));
op.Right && (_resize.Set(op.Right, "right"));
op.Left && (_resize.Set(op.Left, "left"));
op.Down && (_resize.Set(op.Down, "down"));
op.Up && (_resize.Set(op.Up, "up"));
this.Min = !!this.options.Min;
this.minWidth = Math.round(this.options.minWidth);
this.minHeight = Math.round(this.options.minHeight);
this._resize = _resize;
this._Container.style.position = "relative";
this._Container.style.overflow = "hidden";
this._layHandle.style.zIndex = 200;
this._layCropper.style.zIndex = 100;
this._layBase.style.position = this._layCropper.style.position = "absolute";
this._layBase.style.top = this._layBase.style.left = this._layCropper.style.top = this._layCropper.style.left = 0; //對齊
SetOptions: function(options) {
this.options = { //默認值
Opacity: 50, //透明度(0到100)
Color: "", //背景色
Width: 0, //圖片高度
Height: 0, //圖片高度
Resize: false, //是否設置縮放
Right: "", //右邊縮放對象
Left: "", //左邊縮放對象
Up: "", //上邊縮放對象
Down: "", //下邊縮放對象
RightDown: "", //右下縮放對象
LeftDown: "", //左下縮放對象
RightUp: "", //右上縮放對象
LeftUp: "", //左上縮放對象
Min: false, //是否最小寬高限制(爲true時下面min參數有用)
minWidth: 50, //最小寬度
minHeight: 50, //最小高度
Scale: false, //是否按比例縮放
Ratio: 0, //縮放比例(寬/高)
Preview: "", //預覽對象
viewWidth: 0, //預覽寬度
viewHeight: 0//預覽高度
Extend(this.options, options || {});
Init: function() {
this.Color && (this._Container.style.backgroundColor = this.Color);
this._tempImg.src = this._layBase.src = this._layCropper.src = this.Url;
if (isIE) {
this._layBase.style.filter = "alpha(opacity:" + this.Opacity + ")";
} else {
this._layBase.style.opacity = this.Opacity / 100;
this._view && (this._view.src = this.Url);
if (this.Resize) {
with (this._resize) {
Scale = this.Scale; Ratio = this.Ratio; Min = this.Min; minWidth = this.minWidth; minHeight = this.minHeight;
SetPos: function() {
if (isIE6) { with (this._layHandle.style) { zoom = .9; zoom = 1; }; };
var p = this.GetPos();
this._layCropper.style.clip = "rect(" + p.Top + "px " + (p.Left + p.Width) + "px " + (p.Top + p.Height) + "px " + p.Left + "px)";
SetPreview: function() {
if (this._view) {
var p = this.GetPos(), s = this.GetSize(p.Width, p.Height, this.viewWidth, this.viewHeight), scale = s.Height / p.Height;
var pHeight = this._layBase.height * scale, pWidth = this._layBase.width * scale, pTop = p.Top * scale, pLeft = p.Left * scale;
with (this._view.style) {
width = pWidth + "px"; height = pHeight + "px"; top = -pTop + "px "; left = -pLeft + "px";
clip = "rect(" + pTop + "px " + (pLeft + s.Width) + "px " + (pTop + s.Height) + "px " + pLeft + "px)";
SetSize: function() {
var s = this.GetSize(this._tempImg.width, this._tempImg.height, this.Width, this.Height);
this._layBase.style.width = this._layCropper.style.width = s.Width + "px";
this._layBase.style.height = this._layCropper.style.height = s.Height + "px";
this._drag.mxRight = s.Width; this._drag.mxBottom = s.Height;
if (this.Resize) { this._resize.mxRight = s.Width; this._resize.mxBottom = s.Height; }
GetPos: function() {
with (this._layHandle) {
return { Top: offsetTop, Left: offsetLeft, Width: offsetWidth, Height: offsetHeight }
GetSize: function(nowWidth, nowHeight, fixWidth, fixHeight) {
var iWidth = nowWidth, iHeight = nowHeight, scale = iWidth / iHeight;
if (fixHeight) { iWidth = (iHeight = fixHeight) * scale; }
if (fixWidth && (!fixHeight || iWidth > fixWidth)) { iHeight = (iWidth = fixWidth) / scale; }
return { Width: iWidth, Height: iHeight }
var Drag = Class.create();
Drag.prototype = {
initialize: function(drag, options) {
this.Drag = $(drag); //拖放對象
this._x = this._y = 0; //記錄鼠標相對拖放對象的位置
this._marginLeft = this._marginTop = 0; //記錄margin
this._fM = BindAsEventListener(this, this.Move);
this._fS = Bind(this, this.Stop);
this.Limit = !!this.options.Limit;
this.mxLeft = parseInt(this.options.mxLeft);
this.mxRight = parseInt(this.options.mxRight);
this.mxTop = parseInt(this.options.mxTop);
this.mxBottom = parseInt(this.options.mxBottom);
this.LockX = !!this.options.LockX;
this.LockY = !!this.options.LockY;
this.Lock = !!this.options.Lock;
this.onStart = this.options.onStart;
this.onMove = this.options.onMove;
this.onStop = this.options.onStop;
this._Handle = $(this.options.Handle) || this.Drag;
this._mxContainer = $(this.options.mxContainer) || null;
this.Drag.style.position = "absolute";
if(isIE && !!this.options.Transparent){
width = height = "100%"; backgroundColor = "#fff"; filter = "alpha(opacity:0)"; fontSize = 0;
addEventHandler(this._Handle, "mousedown", BindAsEventListener(this, this.Start));
SetOptions: function(options) {
this.options = { //默認值
Handle: "", //設置觸發對象(不設置則使用拖放對象)
Limit: false, //是否設置範圍限制(爲true時下面參數有用,能夠是負數)
mxLeft: 0, //左邊限制
mxRight: 9999, //右邊限制
mxTop: 0, //上邊限制
mxBottom: 9999, //下邊限制
mxContainer: "", //指定限制在容器內
LockX: false, //是否鎖定水平方向拖放
LockY: false, //是否鎖定垂直方向拖放
Lock: false, //是否鎖定
Transparent: false, //是否透明
onStart: function(){}, //開始移動時執行
onMove: function(){}, //移動時執行
onStop: function(){} //結束移動時執行
Extend(this.options, options || {});
Start: function(oEvent) {
if(this.Lock){ return; }
this._x = oEvent.clientX - this.Drag.offsetLeft;
this._y = oEvent.clientY - this.Drag.offsetTop;
this._marginLeft = parseInt(CurrentStyle(this.Drag).marginLeft) || 0;
this._marginTop = parseInt(CurrentStyle(this.Drag).marginTop) || 0;
//mousemove時移動 mouseup時中止
addEventHandler(document, "mousemove", this._fM);
addEventHandler(document, "mouseup", this._fS);
addEventHandler(this._Handle, "losecapture", this._fS);
addEventHandler(window, "blur", this._fS);
Repair: function() {
this.mxRight = Math.max(this.mxRight, this.mxLeft + this.Drag.offsetWidth);
this.mxBottom = Math.max(this.mxBottom, this.mxTop + this.Drag.offsetHeight);
!this._mxContainer || CurrentStyle(this._mxContainer).position == "relative" || CurrentStyle(this._mxContainer).position == "absolute" || (this._mxContainer.style.position = "relative");
Move: function(oEvent) {
if(this.Lock){ this.Stop(); return; };
window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : document.selection.empty();
var iLeft = oEvent.clientX - this._x, iTop = oEvent.clientY - this._y;
var mxLeft = this.mxLeft, mxRight = this.mxRight, mxTop = this.mxTop, mxBottom = this.mxBottom;
mxLeft = Math.max(mxLeft, 0);
mxTop = Math.max(mxTop, 0);
mxRight = Math.min(mxRight, this._mxContainer.clientWidth);
mxBottom = Math.min(mxBottom, this._mxContainer.clientHeight);
iLeft = Math.max(Math.min(iLeft, mxRight - this.Drag.offsetWidth), mxLeft);
iTop = Math.max(Math.min(iTop, mxBottom - this.Drag.offsetHeight), mxTop);
if(!this.LockX){ this.Drag.style.left = iLeft - this._marginLeft + "px"; }
if(!this.LockY){ this.Drag.style.top = iTop - this._marginTop + "px"; }
Stop: function() {
removeEventHandler(document, "mousemove", this._fM);
removeEventHandler(document, "mouseup", this._fS);
removeEventHandler(this._Handle, "losecapture", this._fS);
removeEventHandler(window, "blur", this._fS);
var Resize = Class.create();
Resize.prototype = {
initialize: function(obj, options) {
this._obj = $(obj); //縮放對象
this._styleWidth = this._styleHeight = this._styleLeft = this._styleTop = 0; //樣式參數
this._sideRight = this._sideDown = this._sideLeft = this._sideUp = 0; //座標參數
this._fixLeft = this._fixTop = 0; //定位參數
this._scaleLeft = this._scaleTop = 0; //定位座標
this._mxSet = function(){}; //範圍設置程序
this._mxRightWidth = this._mxDownHeight = this._mxUpHeight = this._mxLeftWidth = 0; //範圍參數
this._mxScaleWidth = this._mxScaleHeight = 0; //比例範圍參數
this._fun = function(){}; //縮放執行程序
var _style = CurrentStyle(this._obj);
this._borderX = (parseInt(_style.borderLeftWidth) || 0) + (parseInt(_style.borderRightWidth) || 0);
this._borderY = (parseInt(_style.borderTopWidth) || 0) + (parseInt(_style.borderBottomWidth) || 0);
this._fR = BindAsEventListener(this, this.Resize);
this._fS = Bind(this, this.Stop);
this.Max = !!this.options.Max;
this._mxContainer = $(this.options.mxContainer) || null;
this.mxLeft = Math.round(this.options.mxLeft);
this.mxRight = Math.round(this.options.mxRight);
this.mxTop = Math.round(this.options.mxTop);
this.mxBottom = Math.round(this.options.mxBottom);
this.Min = !!this.options.Min;
this.minWidth = Math.round(this.options.minWidth);
this.minHeight = Math.round(this.options.minHeight);
this.Scale = !!this.options.Scale;
this.Ratio = Math.max(this.options.Ratio, 0);
this.onResize = this.options.onResize;
this._obj.style.position = "absolute";
!this._mxContainer || CurrentStyle(this._mxContainer).position == "relative" || (this._mxContainer.style.position = "relative");
SetOptions: function(options) {
this.options = { //默認值
Max: false, //是否設置範圍限制(爲true時下面mx參數有用)
mxContainer:"", //指定限制在容器內
mxLeft: 0, //左邊限制
mxRight: 9999, //右邊限制
mxTop: 0, //上邊限制
mxBottom: 9999, //下邊限制
Min: false, //是否最小寬高限制(爲true時下面min參數有用)
minWidth: 50, //最小寬度
minHeight: 50, //最小高度
Scale: false, //是否按比例縮放
Ratio: 0, //縮放比例(寬/高)
onResize: function(){} //縮放時執行
Extend(this.options, options || {});
Set: function(resize, side) {
var resize = $(resize), fun;
if(!resize) return;
switch (side.toLowerCase()) {
case "up" :
fun = this.Up;
case "down" :
fun = this.Down;
case "left" :
fun = this.Left;
case "right" :
fun = this.Right;
case "left-up" :
fun = this.LeftUp;
case "right-up" :
fun = this.RightUp;
case "left-down" :
fun = this.LeftDown;
case "right-down" :
default :
fun = this.RightDown;
addEventHandler(resize, "mousedown", BindAsEventListener(this, this.Start, fun));
Start: function(e, fun, touch) {
e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : (e.cancelBubble = true);
this._fun = fun;
this._styleWidth = this._obj.clientWidth;
this._styleHeight = this._obj.clientHeight;
this._styleLeft = this._obj.offsetLeft;
this._styleTop = this._obj.offsetTop;
this._sideLeft = e.clientX - this._styleWidth;
this._sideRight = e.clientX + this._styleWidth;
this._sideUp = e.clientY - this._styleHeight;
this._sideDown = e.clientY + this._styleHeight;
this._fixLeft = this._styleLeft + this._styleWidth;
this._fixTop = this._styleTop + this._styleHeight;
this.Ratio = Math.max(this.Ratio, 0) || this._styleWidth / this._styleHeight;
this._scaleLeft = this._styleLeft + this._styleWidth / 2;
this._scaleTop = this._styleTop + this._styleHeight / 2;
var mxLeft = this.mxLeft, mxRight = this.mxRight, mxTop = this.mxTop, mxBottom = this.mxBottom;
mxLeft = Math.max(mxLeft, 0);
mxTop = Math.max(mxTop, 0);
mxRight = Math.min(mxRight, this._mxContainer.clientWidth);
mxBottom = Math.min(mxBottom, this._mxContainer.clientHeight);
mxRight = Math.max(mxRight, mxLeft + (this.Min ? this.minWidth : 0) + this._borderX);
mxBottom = Math.max(mxBottom, mxTop + (this.Min ? this.minHeight : 0) + this._borderY);
this._mxSet = function(){
this._mxRightWidth = mxRight - this._styleLeft - this._borderX;
this._mxDownHeight = mxBottom - this._styleTop - this._borderY;
this._mxUpHeight = Math.max(this._fixTop - mxTop, this.Min ? this.minHeight : 0);
this._mxLeftWidth = Math.max(this._fixLeft - mxLeft, this.Min ? this.minWidth : 0);
this._mxScaleWidth = Math.min(this._scaleLeft - mxLeft, mxRight - this._scaleLeft - this._borderX) * 2;
this._mxScaleHeight = Math.min(this._scaleTop - mxTop, mxBottom - this._scaleTop - this._borderY) * 2;
//mousemove時縮放 mouseup時中止
addEventHandler(document, "mousemove", this._fR);
addEventHandler(document, "mouseup", this._fS);
addEventHandler(this._obj, "losecapture", this._fS);
addEventHandler(window, "blur", this._fS);
Resize: function(e) {
window.getSelection ? window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : document.selection.empty();
width = this._styleWidth + "px"; height = this._styleHeight + "px";
top = this._styleTop + "px"; left = this._styleLeft + "px";
Up: function(e) {
this.RepairY(this._sideDown - e.clientY, this._mxUpHeight);
Down: function(e) {
this.RepairY(e.clientY - this._sideUp, this._mxDownHeight);
Right: function(e) {
this.RepairX(e.clientX - this._sideLeft, this._mxRightWidth);
Left: function(e) {
this.RepairX(this._sideRight - e.clientX, this._mxLeftWidth);
RightDown: function(e) {
e.clientX - this._sideLeft, this._mxRightWidth,
e.clientY - this._sideUp, this._mxDownHeight
this.TurnLeft(this.LeftDown) || this.Scale || this.TurnUp(this.RightUp);
RightUp: function(e) {
e.clientX - this._sideLeft, this._mxRightWidth,
this._sideDown - e.clientY, this._mxUpHeight
this.TurnLeft(this.LeftUp) || this.Scale || this.TurnDown(this.RightDown);
LeftDown: function(e) {
this._sideRight - e.clientX, this._mxLeftWidth,
e.clientY - this._sideUp, this._mxDownHeight
this.TurnRight(this.RightDown) || this.Scale || this.TurnUp(this.LeftUp);
LeftUp: function(e) {
this._sideRight - e.clientX, this._mxLeftWidth,
this._sideDown - e.clientY, this._mxUpHeight
this.RepairTop(); this.RepairLeft();
this.TurnRight(this.RightUp) || this.Scale || this.TurnDown(this.LeftDown);
RepairX: function(iWidth, mxWidth) {
iWidth = this.RepairWidth(iWidth, mxWidth);
var iHeight = this.RepairScaleHeight(iWidth);
if(this.Max && iHeight > this._mxScaleHeight){
iHeight = this._mxScaleHeight;
iWidth = this.RepairScaleWidth(iHeight);
}else if(this.Min && iHeight < this.minHeight){
var tWidth = this.RepairScaleWidth(this.minHeight);
if(tWidth < mxWidth){ iHeight = this.minHeight; iWidth = tWidth; }
this._styleHeight = iHeight;
this._styleTop = this._scaleTop - iHeight / 2;
this._styleWidth = iWidth;
RepairY: function(iHeight, mxHeight) {
iHeight = this.RepairHeight(iHeight, mxHeight);
var iWidth = this.RepairScaleWidth(iHeight);
if(this.Max && iWidth > this._mxScaleWidth){
iWidth = this._mxScaleWidth;
iHeight = this.RepairScaleHeight(iWidth);
}else if(this.Min && iWidth < this.minWidth){
var tHeight = this.RepairScaleHeight(this.minWidth);
if(tHeight < mxHeight){ iWidth = this.minWidth; iHeight = tHeight; }
this._styleWidth = iWidth;
this._styleLeft = this._scaleLeft - iWidth / 2;
this._styleHeight = iHeight;
RepairAngle: function(iWidth, mxWidth, iHeight, mxHeight) {
iWidth = this.RepairWidth(iWidth, mxWidth);
iHeight = this.RepairScaleHeight(iWidth);
if(this.Max && iHeight > mxHeight){
iHeight = mxHeight;
iWidth = this.RepairScaleWidth(iHeight);
}else if(this.Min && iHeight < this.minHeight){
var tWidth = this.RepairScaleWidth(this.minHeight);
if(tWidth < mxWidth){ iHeight = this.minHeight; iWidth = tWidth; }
iHeight = this.RepairHeight(iHeight, mxHeight);
this._styleWidth = iWidth;
this._styleHeight = iHeight;
RepairTop: function() {
this._styleTop = this._fixTop - this._styleHeight;
RepairLeft: function() {
this._styleLeft = this._fixLeft - this._styleWidth;
RepairHeight: function(iHeight, mxHeight) {
iHeight = Math.min(this.Max ? mxHeight : iHeight, iHeight);
iHeight = Math.max(this.Min ? this.minHeight : iHeight, iHeight, 0);
return iHeight;
RepairWidth: function(iWidth, mxWidth) {
iWidth = Math.min(this.Max ? mxWidth : iWidth, iWidth);
iWidth = Math.max(this.Min ? this.minWidth : iWidth, iWidth, 0);
return iWidth;
RepairScaleHeight: function(iWidth) {
return Math.max(Math.round((iWidth + this._borderX) / this.Ratio - this._borderY), 0);
RepairScaleWidth: function(iHeight) {
return Math.max(Math.round((iHeight + this._borderY) * this.Ratio - this._borderX), 0);
TurnRight: function(fun) {
if(!(this.Min || this._styleWidth)){
this._fun = fun;
this._sideLeft = this._sideRight;
this.Max && this._mxSet();
return true;
TurnLeft: function(fun) {
if(!(this.Min || this._styleWidth)){
this._fun = fun;
this._sideRight = this._sideLeft;
this._fixLeft = this._styleLeft;
this.Max && this._mxSet();
return true;
TurnUp: function(fun) {
if(!(this.Min || this._styleHeight)){
this._fun = fun;
this._sideDown = this._sideUp;
this._fixTop = this._styleTop;
this.Max && this._mxSet();
return true;
TurnDown: function(fun) {
if(!(this.Min || this._styleHeight)){
this._fun = fun;
this._sideUp = this._sideDown;
this.Max && this._mxSet();
return true;
Stop: function() {
removeEventHandler(document, "mousemove", this._fR);
removeEventHandler(document, "mouseup", this._fS);
removeEventHandler(this._obj, "losecapture", this._fS);
removeEventHandler(window, "blur", this._fS);
<%@ WebHandler Language="c#" Class="ImageCropper" Debug="true" %>
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
public class ImageCropper : IHttpHandler
#region IHttpHandler 成員
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string ImgPath = Convert.ToString(context.Request["p"]);
int PointX = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["x"]);
int PointY = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["y"]);
int CutWidth = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["w"]);
int CutHeight = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["h"]);
int PicWidth = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["pw"]);
int PicHeight = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["ph"]);
context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
ShowImage(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(ImgPath), PointX, PointY, CutWidth, CutHeight, PicWidth, PicHeight).WriteTo(context.Response.OutputStream);
private MemoryStream ShowImage(string path, int PointX, int PointY, int CutWidth, int CutHeight, int PicWidth, int PicHeight)
Image image = Image.FromFile(path);
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(CutWidth, CutHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bm);
graphics.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, CutWidth, CutHeight), PointX * image.Width / PicWidth, PointY * image.Height / PicHeight, CutWidth * image.Width / PicWidth, CutHeight * image.Height / PicHeight, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
int a = path.LastIndexOf('.');
int b = path.LastIndexOf('\\');
string _newPic = path.Substring(0, b) + "\\new_" + DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc().ToString("X") + ".jpg";
bm.Save(_newPic, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
bm.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
return ms;
public bool IsReusable
return false;
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<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/ImgCropper.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/Drag.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/Resize.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
width: 500px;
height: 600px;
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width: 100px;
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