- 只能從頭節點開始高效訪問鏈表中的數據元素
- 若是須要逆序訪問單鏈表中的數據元素將及其低效
int main() { LinkList<int> i; for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) // O(n) { l.insert(0, i); } for (int i=length()-1; i>=0; --i) { cout << l.get(i) << endl; } return 0; }
在 「單鏈表」 的節點中增長一個指針 pre,用於指向當前節點的前驅節點。編程
template <typename T> class DualLinkList : public List<T> { protected: struct Node : public Object { T value; Node *next; Node *pte; }; mutable struct : public Object { char reserved[sizeof(T)]; Node *next; Node *pre; }m_header; };
#ifndef DUALLINKLIST_H #define DUALLINKLIST_H #include "List.h" #include "Exception.h" namespace DTLib { template <typename T> class DualLinkList : public List<T> { public: DualLinkList() { m_header.next = nullptr; m_header.pre = nullptr; m_length = 0; m_step = 1; m_current = nullptr; } bool insert(const T &e) override // O(n) { return insert(m_length, e); } bool insert(int i, const T &e) override // O(n) { bool ret = ((0 <= i) && (i <= m_length)); if (ret) { Node *node = create(); if (node != nullptr) { Node *current = position(i); Node *next = current->next; node->value = e; node->next = next; current->next = node; if (current != reinterpret_cast<Node*>(&m_header)) { node->pre = current; } else { node->pre = nullptr; } if (next != nullptr) { next->pre = node; } ++m_length; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(NoEnoughMemoryException, "No memory to insert new element ..."); } } return ret; } bool remove(int i) override // O(n) { bool ret = ((0 <= i) && (i < m_length)); if (ret) { Node *current = position(i); Node *toDel = current->next; Node *next = toDel->next; if (m_current == toDel) { m_current = toDel->next; } current->next = toDel->next; if (next != nullptr) { next->pre = current; } --m_length; destroy(toDel); } return ret; } bool set(int i, const T &e) override // O(n) { bool ret = ((0 <= i) && (i < m_length)); if (ret) { position(i)->next->value = e; } return ret; } virtual T get(int i) const // O(n) { T ret; if (!get(i, ret)) { THROW_EXCEPTION(IndexOutOfBoundsException, "Invalid parameter i to get element ..."); } return ret; } bool get(int i, T &e) const override // O(n) { bool ret = ((0 <= i) && (i < m_length)); if (ret) { e = position(i)->next->value; } return ret; } int find(const T &e) override // O(n) { int ret = -1; int i = 0; Node *node = m_header.next; while (node) { if (node->value == e) { ret = i; break; } else { node = node->next; ++i; } } return ret; } int length() const override // O(1) { return m_length; } void clear() override // O(n) { while (m_length > 0) { remove(0); } m_current = nullptr; } virtual bool move(int i, int step = 1) // O(n) { bool ret = ((0 <= i) && (i < m_length) && (step > 0)); if (ret) { m_current = position(i)->next; m_step = step; } return ret; } virtual bool end() // O(1) { return (m_current == nullptr); } virtual T current() // O(1) { if (!end()) { return m_current->value; } else { THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidOpertionExcetion, " No value at current posotion ..."); } } virtual bool next() // O(n) { int i = 0; while ((i < m_step) && !end()) { m_current = m_current->next; ++i; } return (i == m_step); } virtual bool pre() { int i = 0; while ((i < m_step) && !end()) { m_current = m_current->pre; ++i; } return (i == m_step); } ~DualLinkList() // O(n) { clear(); } protected: struct Node : public Object { T value; Node *next; Node *pre; }; mutable struct : public Object { char reserved[sizeof (T)]; Node *next; Node *pre; }m_header; int m_length; int m_step; Node *m_current; Node *position(int i) const // O(n) { Node *ret = reinterpret_cast<Node*>(&m_header); for (int p=0; p<i; ++p) { ret = ret->next; } return ret; } virtual Node *create() // N(1) { return new Node(); } virtual void destroy(Node *pn) // N(1) { delete pn; } }; } #endif // DUALLINKLIST_H
#include <iostream> #include "DualLinkList.h" using namespace std; using namespace DTLib; int main() { DualLinkList<int> dl; for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) { dl.insert(0, i); dl.insert(0, 5); } for (int i=0; i<dl.length(); ++i) { cout << dl.get(i) << endl; } cout << "--------------" << endl; dl.move(dl.length()-1); while (!dl.end()) { if (dl.current() == 5) { cout << dl.current() << endl; dl.remove(dl.find(dl.current())); } else { dl.pre(); } } cout << "--------------" << endl; for (dl.move(0); !dl.end(); dl.next()) { cout << dl.current() << endl; } return 0; }
5 4 5 3 5 2 5 1 5 0 -------------- 5 5 5 5 5 -------------- 4 3 2 1 0
- 雙向鏈表是爲了彌補單鏈表的缺陷而從新設計的
- 在概念上,雙向鏈表不是單鏈表,沒有繼承關係
- 雙向鏈表中的遊標可以直接訪問當前節點的前驅和後繼
- 雙向鏈表是線性表概念的最終實現(更接近理論上的線性表)
#ifndef DUALSTATICLINKLIST_H #define DUALSTATICLINKLIST_H #include "DualLinkList.h" #include <cstdlib> namespace DTLib { template <typename T, int N> class DualStaticLinkList : public DualLinkList<T> { public: DualStaticLinkList() // O(n) { for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) { m_used[i] = 0; } } int capacity() // O(1) { return N; } ~DualStaticLinkList() // O(n) { this->clear(); } protected: using Node = typename DualLinkList<T>::Node; struct SNode : public Node { void *operator new(unsigned int size, void *loc) // O(1) { (void)size; return loc; } }; unsigned char m_space[sizeof(SNode) * N]; char m_used[N]; Node *create() // O(n) { SNode *ret = nullptr; for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) { if (m_used[i] == 0) { ret = reinterpret_cast<SNode*>(m_space) + i; ret = new(ret)SNode; m_used[i] = 1; break; } } return ret; } void destroy(Node *pn) // O(n) { SNode *space = reinterpret_cast<SNode*>(m_space); SNode *psn = dynamic_cast<SNode*>(pn); for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) { if (psn == (space + i)) { m_used[i] = 0; psn->~Node(); break; } } } }; } #endif // DUALSTATICLINKLIST_H
#ifndef DUALCIRCLELIST_H #define DUALCIRCLELIST_H #include "DualLinkList.h" namespace DTLib { template <typename T> class DualCircleList : public DualLinkList<T> { public: bool insert(const T &e) override // O(n) { return insert(this->m_length, e); } bool insert(int i, const T &e) override // O(n) { bool ret = true; i = i % (this->m_length + 1); ret = DualLinkList<T>::insert(i, e); if (ret && (i == 0)) { last_to_first(); } return ret; } bool remove(int i) override // O(n) { bool ret = true; i = mod(i); if (i == 0) { Node *toDel = this->m_header.next; if (toDel != nullptr) { this->m_header.next = toDel->next; --this->m_length; if (this->length() > 0) { last_to_first(); if (this->m_current == toDel) { this->m_current = this->m_current->next; } } else { this->m_header.next = nullptr; this->m_current = nullptr; } this->destroy(toDel); } else { ret = false; } } else { ret = DualLinkList<T>::remove(i); } return ret; } bool set(int i, const T &e) override // O(n) { return DualLinkList<T>::set(mod(i), e); } T get(int i) const override // O(n) { return DualLinkList<T>::get(mod(i)); } bool get(int i, T &e) const override // O(n) { return DualLinkList<T>::get(mod(i), e); } int find(const T &e) const // O(n) { int ret = -1; Node *slider = this->m_header.next; for (int i=0; i<this->m_length; ++i) { if (slider->value == e) { ret = i; break; } slider = slider->next; } return ret; } void clear() override // O(n) { while (this->m_length > 1) { remove(1); // 注意:爲了效率,沒有調用 remove(0)! } if(this->m_length == 1) { Node *toDel = this->m_header.next; this->m_header.next = nullptr; this->m_current = nullptr; this->m_length = 0; this->destroy(toDel); } } bool move(int i, int step = 1) { return DualLinkList<T>::move(mod(i), step); } bool end() // O(n) { return ((this->m_length == 0) || (this->m_current == nullptr)); } ~DualCircleList() // O(n) { clear(); } protected: using Node = typename DualLinkList<T>::Node; Node *last() const // O(n) { return this->position(this->m_length - 1)->next; } void last_to_first() const // O(n) { Node *pfirst = this->m_header.next; Node *plast = this->last(); n plast->next = pfirst; pfirst->pre =plast; } int mod(int i) const // O(1) { return (this->m_length == 0) ? 0 : (i % this->m_length); } }; } #endif // DUALCIRCLELIST_H
#include <iostream> #include "DualCircleList.h" using namespace std; using namespace DTLib; int main() { DualCircleList<int> dl; for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) { dl.insert(0, i); dl.insert(0, 5); } for (int i=0; i<dl.length(); ++i) { cout << dl.get(i) << endl; } cout << "--------------" << endl; dl.move(dl.length()-1); for (int i=0; i<dl.length(); ++i) { if (dl.current() == 5) { cout << dl.current() << endl; dl.remove(dl.find(dl.current())); } else { dl.pre(); } } cout << "--------------" << endl; dl.move(0); for (int i=0; i<dl.length(); ++i) { cout << dl.current() << endl; dl.next(); } return 0; }
5 4 5 3 5 2 5 1 5 0 -------------- 5 5 5 5 5 -------------- 4 3 2 1 0