信用評分卡 (part 7 of 7)


Credit Scorecards – Business Integration of Predictive Analytics 預測分析的業務知識

(part 7 of 7)併發

Columbus – A lesson in Leadership

The leader – by Roopamapp

Christopher Columbus – I have adored this man for various reasons at various stages of my life. At seven, I adored him because his mistakes were applauded and became part of history – Columbus mistook Native Americans for Indians because he thought he had landed in Asia rather than the Americas. While my mistakes were circled with red ink and awarded zero, I felt that was unfair – Oh Columbus, you lucky bastard! At seventeen, I adored him because he was a rebel as he went against the popular belief about the planet and sailed in the opposite direction – Oh Columbus, you non-conformist! Now that I feel I know him a little better, I adore him for setting the direction others can follow. He was not the first one to reach the Americas from Europe, although he did not know this. There are references of others achieving this feat before him. However, he was the one who sensitized Europe towards America. At present, the predominant population in the Americas is of European origin. So many people must have followed directions set forth by Columbus – Oh Columbus, you leader!less

15th August – today India, the largest democracy, is celebrating its Independence day. Let us take a moment to applaud the spirit of Columbus in all of us – the explorer, the free thinker – before venturing into the integration of predictive analytics with business processes. In addition, yes, Columbus will pave the way for us to understand this integration better.dom

克里斯托弗·哥倫布 - 我在生命的各個階段因各類緣由而崇拜這個男人。七歲時,我很尊敬他,由於他的錯誤獲得了掌聲併成爲了歷史的一部分 - 哥倫布把印第安人誤認爲印第安人,由於他認爲他已經登錄亞洲而不是美洲。雖然個人錯誤被紅色墨水圈起來而且被授予零,但我以爲那是不公平的 - 哦哥倫布,你這個幸運的混蛋!十七歲的時候,我很尊敬他,由於他是一個反叛者,由於他違背了對這個星球的廣泛見解,並朝着相反的方向航行 - 哦哥倫布,你是不守規矩的!如今我以爲我對他的瞭解要好一點,我崇拜他,由於他設定了其餘人能夠遵循的方向。他不是第一個從歐洲到達美洲的人,儘管他不知道這一點。在他以前有其餘人提到這一壯舉。然而,他是那個使歐洲對美國敏感的人。目前,美洲的主要人口來自歐洲。不少人必須遵循哥倫布提出的指示 - 哦哥倫布,你的領導!ide

8月15日 - 今天,最大的民主國家印度正在慶祝其獨立日。在冒險進行預測分析與業務流程的整合以前,讓咱們花點時間爲咱們全部人 - 探險家,自由思想家 - 讚賞哥倫布的精神。此外,是的,哥倫布將爲咱們更好地理解這種整合鋪平道路。oop

Integrating Predictive Analytics with Business Processes

Let us accept it, probability and statistics, despite being logical and right, do not come naturally to us humans. Numerous books and theses have repeatedly proven this fact*. The whole furor about the solution to the Monty Hall problem (read the article) is a testimonial to this thesis. Once we have grounded this fact, let us go back to Columbus. Like him, as an analyst, once you have explored the exotic land you want to show it to others. You want them to appreciate it and make it their home.ui

讓咱們接受它,機率和統計,儘管是合乎邏輯的,可是對咱們人類來講並不天然。 許多書籍和論文反覆證實了這一事實*。 關於Monty Hall問題解決方案的所有意見(閱讀文章)是本論文的證實。 一旦咱們接受了這個事實,讓咱們回到哥倫布。 像他同樣,做爲一名分析師,一旦你探索了異國情調的土地,你就要向別人展現它。 你但願他們欣賞它並將它做爲本身的家。this

*Read Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slowexcel

The Ace 王牌of Advanced Analytics Success

The sole purpose of analytics is business enhancement and growth. The intellectual exercise has to translate into tangible returns. This is by no means an easy task. Let me present the ACE of integration of predictive analytics with business processes. I am feeling like a great business Guru to coin this term ACE – I know you readers are generous to let me get away with some self-indulgence. In fact, could someone tell me how to get this copyrighted? ACE stands for Accessible, Communication-&-Education, and Ease-of-Use.

The ACE of Predictive Analytics project success – by Roopam

Accessible: All humans are involved-creatures. We want to be part of the new. This is also true for that grumpy manager resisting change in the corner office. He wants to be part of the change. He is also ready for controlled experiments. Make him part of it. This has helped me significantly while implementation of advanced analytics solutions. The onus is with the analyst to constantly work with the concern parties. Their knowledge will only enhance the research. Yes, it is time-consuming and could also hurt your ego at times but is absolutely essential for the project’s success.

Communication-&-Education: All humans are curious creatures. We all love to get educated. Analytics projects are also about educating the decision maker about aspects of predictive analytics including pitfalls. As we have discussed, statistics is not an intuitive science. However, you will find most people more than willing to listen to you. It is about communicating your excitement for the field and the results. If they are not listening to you – try harder and be creative.

Ease-of-use: Most humans do not like unnecessary complications in their life and analytics is no exception. This is where an astute use of information technology to integrate analytics with business process is an absolute must. For example, the first versions of credit scorecards I saw were excel based standalone applications. Here, the credit underwriters were punching in the information about the borrower all over again. No wonder they hated it. It is not that difficult to integrate the underwriting application with the scorecard, where no extra effort is required for the users. The job of analytics professional is not over till he/she drives the application usage to generate business benefits.

Sign-off Remark

Wow! Am feeling good after completing this seven-part series (part 1 -7) on Analytical Scorecards, trust me it is good fun writing. I know you are reading the articles because of all the positive feedback I am receiving. If you would like to write some articles on YOU CANalytics, please drop a mail on roopam.up@gmail.com or contact me. I’ll create an author’s account for you. Look forward to hearing back from you.

See you soon with a new topic on Analytics.

分析的惟一目的是業務加強和增加。智力活動必須轉化爲實際回報。這毫不是一件容易的事。讓我介紹預測分析與業務流程集成的ACE。我感受本身是一個偉大的商業大師,能夠用這個術語來證實ACE - 我知道讀者很慷慨,讓我放棄一些自我放縱。事實上,有人能夠告訴我如何得到這個受版權保護的版權? ACE表明Accessible,Communication - & - Education和Ease-of-Use。


無障礙:全部人都參與其中 - 生物。咱們但願成爲新的一部分。對於那個脾氣暴躁的經理來講,抵制角落辦公室的變革也是如此。他但願成爲變革的一部分。他也準備好進行對照實驗。讓他成爲一部分。在實施高級分析解決方案時,這對我有很大幫助。分析師有責任不斷與關注方合做。他們的知識只會增強研究。是的,這很費時,有時也會傷害你的自我,但對於項目的成功絕對必不可少。

溝通 - 和 - 教育:全部人類都是好奇的生物。咱們都喜歡接受教育。分析項目還涉及向決策者提供關於預測分析(包括陷阱)方面的教育。正如咱們所討論的,統計學不是一門直觀的科學。可是,你會發現大多數人都願意聽你的。它是關於溝通您對該領域和結果的興奮。若是他們沒有聽你的話 - 努力嘗試併發揮創意。

