什麼是 SAP Fiori Tools

SAP Fiori tools is an extension pack available for Visual Studio Code and SAP Business Application Studio that is designed to increase the efficiency of SAP Fiori elements app development.

SAP Fiori Tools 是 Visual Studio Code 和 SAP Business Application Studio 開發工具的一個擴展全家桶,致力於提升 SAP Fiori Elements 應用的開發效率。app

這個「大禮包」包含了下圖所示的 6 個擴展:ide

SAP Fiori is SAP’s user experience, intended to provide end-users with apps that are role-based, adaptive, coherent, simple, and delightful.

SAP Fiori 是 SAP 下一代頁面的 User Experience 表明及設計語言(Design Language),基於 SAP Fiori 設計準則的應用,知足 role-based, adaptive, coherent, simple 和 delightful 等幾大特性。工具

SAP Fiori elements provides predefined page types for SAP Fiori development, allowing users to quickly create SAPUI5 apps while taking advantage of the user interface provided by SAP.

SAP Fiori Elements 預置了一系列蘊含了 SAP Fiori 開發最佳實踐思想的 Fiori 應用模板,應用開發人員能夠藉助 SAP Fiori Elements 提供的這些模板,自動生成 Fiori 應用,而且在模板的基礎上作擴展。 開發工具

SAP Fiori Elements 包含的模板:ui

  • List Report Object Page
  • Worklist

  • Analytical List Page
  • Overview Page

