


(define (gen-matrix width hight f)
    (define (gen-row x y row matrix)
        (if (>= x width) (cons (reverse row) matrix)
            (gen-row (+ x 1) y (cons (f x y) row) matrix)))
    (define (gen y matrix)
        (if (>= y hight) matrix
            (gen (+ y 1) (gen-row 0 y '() matrix))))
    (reverse (gen 0 '())))

(define (show-matrix matrix)
    (define (show-row row)
        (if (not (null? row)) (begin (display (car row))(display "\n")(show-row (cdr row)))))
    (show-row matrix))

(define (get-matrix-size matrix)
    (if (null? matrix) '()
        (if (null? (car matrix)) '()
            (list (length (car matrix)) (length matrix)))))

gen-matrix用於生成一個width X hight的矩陣,f是一個形如(lambda (x y))的函數,用於輸出x y位置的內容,例如:數組

(gen-matrix 4 4 (lambda (x y) (if (and (= x 2) (= y 2)) 1 0)

將生成一個(2 2)位置爲1,其他位置爲0的4X4矩陣.數據結構


(show-matrix (gen-matrix 4 4 (lambda (x y) (if (and (= x 2) (= y 2)) 1 0))))


(0 0 0 0)
(0 0 0 0)
(0 0 1 0)
(0 0 0 0)

get-matrix-size用於得到一個矩陣的width和hight其返回值是一個list,(car list) = width (cadr list) = hightfetch

(define (member? xs x)
        [(null? xs) #f]
        [else (if (equal? x (car xs)) #t (member? (cdr xs) x))]))




(define maze1  '((1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
                (1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1)
                (1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1)
                (1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1)
                (1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1)
                (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)))

(define (findpath-one maze from to)(define (findpath-one maze from to)
(letrec* ( [direction '((0 -1) (0 1) (-1 0) (1 0))]         
           [arrive? (lambda (cur) (and (= (car cur) (car to)) (= (cadr cur) (cadr to))))]
           [moveable?  (lambda (x y)
                            [(> y (length maze)) #f]
                            [else (let ([line (list-ref maze y)]) 
                                   (if (> x (length line)) #f (= (list-ref line x) 0)))]))]
           [foreach-dir (lambda (dirs pos path close)
                             [(null? dirs) '()]
                             [else (let* ([dir (car dirs)]
                                          [dirx (car dir)]
                                          [diry (cadr dir)]     
                                          [nextpos (list (+ (car pos) dirx) (+ (cadr pos) diry))]
                                          [ret (move nextpos path close)])                           
                                    (if (not (null? ret)) ret (foreach-dir (cdr dirs) pos path close)))]))]
           [move (lambda (pos path close) 
                    (if (arrive? pos) (reverse (cons pos path))
                        (if (or (not (moveable? (car pos) (cadr pos))) (member? close pos)) '()
                            (foreach-dir direction pos (cons pos path) (cons pos close)))))])
            [(arrive? from) (list from)]
            [(or (not (moveable? (car from) (cadr from))) (not (moveable? (car to) (cadr to)))) '()]
            [else (foreach-dir direction from (list from) (list from))])))



(define (showmaze maze path)
    (let ([matrix-size (get-matrix-size maze)])
    (define matrix (gen-matrix (car matrix-size) (cadr matrix-size) (lambda (x y)
        (if (member? path (list x y)) '*
            (list-ref (list-ref maze y) x)))))
    (show-matrix matrix))


(showmaze maze1 (findpath-one maze1 '(1 1) '(3 3)))


(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
(1 * 1 0 0 0 0 0 1)
(1 * 1 0 1 0 1 0 1)
(1 * 1 * 1 0 1 0 1)
(1 * * * 0 0 1 0 1)
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)


import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- 走迷宮
--module Maze   
--  FindOne   
--) where

elemat :: [maybe] -> Int -> maybe           
elemat xs idx = 
        if idx >= length xs then error "index out of range"
        else fetch xs 0
    where fetch (x:xs) acc = 
        if acc == idx then x
        else fetch xs (acc+1)   

-- 檢查輸入點是否可移動
movable ::[[Int]] -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
movable maze (x,y) =  
        if y < length maze then 
            let line = elemat maze y
            in if x < length line then
                elemat line x == 0
            else False   
        else False

-- 輸出一條路徑
findonepath :: [[Int]] -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)]
findonepath maze from to
    | not (movable maze from) || not (movable maze to) = []
    | otherwise = foreachdir direction from [from] $ Set.fromList [] 
          direction = [(0,-1),(0,1),(-1,0),(1,0)] -- 4個移動方向
          foreachdir dirs (x,y) path close
            | null dirs = []
            | otherwise = 
                    (dirx,diry) = head dirs  
                    nextpos = (x+dirx,y+diry)   
                    ret = move path close nextpos
                    if null ret then
                        foreachdir (tail dirs) (x,y) path close
                    else ret                    
          move path close (x,y)
            | (x,y) == to = reverse ((x,y):path) --到達目的地 
            | otherwise = 
                if Set.member (x,y) close || not (movable maze (x,y)) then []
                else foreachdir direction (x,y) ((x,y):path) $ Set.insert (x,y) close


  • 沒有list-ref方法,因此定義了一個輔組函數elemat用於取給定下標的list元素
  • 使用Data.Set做爲close列表的數據結構



  • 在當前行的0-N-1的位置中尋找一個合法位置放置皇后,若是找到跳到下面一步,不然說明在當前行的任何位置放置皇后都不能有合法的解,回溯到上一行,
  • 進入下一行,若是當前行號大於等於N,輸出一個結果,不然執行步驟1


(define (puzzle size)   
    (define (vaild? queen pos);判斷當前位置是否能夠放置皇后
        (define (check xs)
            (if (null? xs) #t
                (let ([x (car (car xs))]
                      [y (cadr (car xs))])
                 (cond [(= x (car pos)) #f]
                       [(= (abs (- x (car pos))) (abs (- y (cadr pos)))) #f]
                       [else (check (cdr xs))]))))
        (check queen))
    (define (foreach-row x y queen result)
              [(>= x size) result]
              [(>= y size) (cons queen result)]
              [else (let ([newresult (if (vaild? queen (list x y))
                                         (foreach-row 0 (+ y 1) (cons (list x y) queen) result)          
                          (foreach-row (+ x 1) y queen newresult))]))
    (let ([result (foreach-row 0 0 '() '())])
         (define (show xs)
            (if (not (null? xs))
                (begin (display "------result-------\n")
                (show-matrix (gen-matrix size size (lambda (x y) (if (member? (car xs) (list x y)) '* " "))))
                (show (cdr xs)))))                  
         (show result)
         (display "total solution:")(display (length result))(display "\n")))


vaild :: [(Int,Int)] -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
vaild [] _ = True
vaild xs (x,y) = foldr (\q acc -> if (x == (fst q)) || (abs (x - fst q)) == (abs (y - snd q)) then False  else acc) True xs  

foreachrow :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> [[(Int,Int)]] -> [[(Int,Int)]]
foreachrow (x,y) size queen result 
    | x >= size = result
    | y >= size = (queen:result)
    | otherwise = let newresult = if vaild queen (x,y) then foreachrow (0,y+1) size ((x,y):queen) result
                                  else result
                  in  foreachrow (x+1,y) size queen newresult

puzzle :: Int -> Int
puzzle 0 = 0
puzzle size = length $ foreachrow (0,0) size [] []



1 2 
4 3


1 2 3
8 9 4
7 6 5


先簡單描述下算法,初始時矩陣全爲0,向左移動並將計數值1寫到起始位置(0 0),一直向當前方向移動,直到遇到碰撞,切換移動方向.碰撞的條件是x y座標超出矩陣範圍或x y位置的值不爲0.


(define (make-array n init) (rep init n))
(define (array-at array n) (element-at array (+ n 1)))
(define (array-replace-at array n new) (replace array new (+ n 1)))

(define (make-array2d width hight init) (make-array hight (make-array width init))) 

(define (array2d-at array2d c r)
    (let ([row (if (> (length array2d) r) (array-at array2d r) '())])
         (if (null? row) "idx out of range"
             (if (> c (length row)) "idx out of range"
                (array-at row c)))))

(define (array2d-replace-at array2d c r new)
    (let ([row (if (> (length array2d) r) (array-at array2d r) '())])
         (if (null? row) "idx out of range"
             (if (> c (length row)) "idx out of range"
                (array-replace-at array2d r (array-replace-at row c new))))))


(define (snake size)
    (define maxc (* size size))
    (define (snake-imp c matrix cur direction)
        (if (> c maxc) matrix
            (let* ([curx (car cur)]
                   [cury (cadr cur)]
                   [tmpx (+ curx (caar direction))]
                   [tmpy (+ cury (cadar direction))]
                   [newmatrix (array2d-replace-at matrix curx cury c)]
                   [newdirection (if (or ;檢測是否須要調整方向
                                     (> 0 tmpx)
                                     (>= tmpx size)
                                     (> 0 tmpy)
                                     (>= tmpy size)
                                     (not (= 0 (array2d-at newmatrix tmpx tmpy)))) (lshift direction 1)
                   [newx (+ curx (caar newdirection))]
                   [newy (+ cury (cadar newdirection))])                                                       
            (snake-imp (+ c 1) newmatrix (list newx newy) newdirection))))       
     (snake-imp 1 (make-array2d size size 0)  '(0 0) '((1 0) (0 1) (-1 0) (0 -1))))