12款簡化 Web 開發的 JavaScript 開發框架



1. Aurelia

Aurelia is a next generation JavaScript client framework that leverages simple conventions to empower your creativity. With its strong focus on developer experience, Aurelia can enable you to not only create amazing applications, but also enjoy the process. They’ve designed it with simple conventions in mind so you don’t need to waste time with tons of configuration or write boilerplate code just to satisfy a stubborn or restrictive framework. It’s been carefully designed to be pluggable and customizable.javascript

2. Svidget

Svidget.js is a JavaScript framework for creating immersive and fully interactive SVG widgets. By componentizing your data visualizations as widgets, you can quickly and easily embed them on any website while keeping a clean separation between SVG and HTML.html

3. Soma.js

Soma.js is a framework for building scalable and maintainable JavaScript apps. It offers tools for creating loosely-coupled architecture that can be made up of modules, models, views, plugins, or widgets.前端

4. Cyclon.js

Cylon.js is a JavaScript framework for robotics and physical computing built on top of Node.js. It provides a simple, but powerful way to create solutions that incorporate multiple, different hardware devices concurrently. Cylon uses the Gort Command Line Interface (CLI) so you can access important features right from the command line. You can scan, connect, update device firmware, and more. Cylon also has its own CLI to generate new robots, adaptors, and drivers.java

5. DeLoren

DeLorean.js is an agnostic JavaScript framework that makes it easy to apply Flux concepts to your user interfaces. It supports unidirectional data flow, automatically listens to data changes and keeps your data updated, and more.node

6. Play

scalable web applications with Java and Scala. It’s built on Akka, Play provides predictable and minimal resource consumption (CPU, memory, threads) for highly-scalable applications. Play is developer friendly with a 「just hit refresh」 workflow and built-in testing support. With Play, applications scale predictably due to a stateless and non-blocking architecture. By being RESTful by default, including assets compilers, JSON & WebSocket support, Play is a perfect fit for modern web & mobile applications.jquery

7. sMap

sMap-responsive is a software framework for web maps built with Leaflet and Bootstrap. The purpose of the framework is to facilitate creation of maps which supports a range of different browsers and devices.web

8. JigMagga

JigMagga is a widget based configuration file driven isomorphic JavaScript MVC framework. JigMagga can be used to create a one page applications, but its main goal is – because of SEO – to generate thousands of pages in many domains. All with an optimized frontend application and shared widgets. Widgets in JigMagga are called jigs. They can be rendered in the frontend application or because of SEO requirements, get (additionally) prerendered on serverside. This can be decided in the configuration.ajax

9. BladeRunner.js

BladeRunnerJS (BRJS) is an open source development toolkit and framework for modular construction of large single-page HTML5 apps. It consists of a set of conventions, supporting tools and micro-libraries that make it easy to develop, test, deploy and maintain complex JavaScript appsapp

10. Meteor

Meteor, an ultra-simple, database-everywhere, data-on-the-wire, pure-Javascript web framework.less

11. Mocha.js

Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on node.js and the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun. Mocha tests run serially, allowing for flexible and accurate reporting, while mapping uncaught exceptions to the correct test cases.

12. One Banana

OneBanana is a JavaScript testing framework built around the idea that testing JavaScript should be as straight-forward as possible. OneBanana is a JavaScript testing framework built around the idea that testing JavaScript should be as straight-forward as possible.




英文連接:12 Fresh JavaScript Frameworks for 2015

編譯來源:夢想天空 ◆ 關注前端開發技術 ◆ 分享網頁設計資源

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