
壞味道(smell 經常使用的重構手法(Common Refactoring
Alternative Classes with
Different Interfaces
Rename Method (273), Move Method (142)
Comments, p87 Extract Method (110), Introduce Assertion (267)
Data Class, p86 Move Method (142), Encapsulate Field (206),
Encapsulate Collection (208)
Data Clumps, p81 Extract Class (149), Introduce Parameter Object (295),
Preserve Whole Object (288)
Divergent Change, p79 Extract Class (149)
Duplicated Code, p76 Extract Method (110), Extract Class (149),
Pull Up Method (322), Form Template Method (345)
Feature Envy, p80 Move Method (142), Move Field (146), Extract Method(110)
Inappropriate Intimacy,
Move Method (142), Move Field (146), Change Bidirectional
Association to Unidirectional
(200), Replace Inheritance
with Delegation
(352), Hide Delegate (157)
Incomplete Library
, p86
Introduce Foreign Method (162),
Introduce Local Extension (164)
Large Class, p78 Extract Class (149), Extract Subclass (330), Extract
(341), Replace Data Value with Object (175)
Lazy Class, p83 Inline Class (154), Collapse Hierarchy (344)
Long Method, p76 Extract Method (110), Replace Temp With Query (120),
Replace Method with Method Object (135),
Decompose Conditional (238)
Long Parameter List,
Replace Parameter with Method (292), Introduce
Parameter Object
(295), Preserve Whole Object (288)
Message Chains, p84 Hide Delegate (157)
Middle Man, p85 Remove Middle Man (160), Inline Method (117),
Replace Delegation with Inheritance (355)
Parallel Inheritance
, p83
Move Method (142), Move Field (146)
Primitive Obsession, p81 Replace Data Value with Object (175), Extract Class (149),
Introduce Parameter Object (295), Replace Array with
(186), Replace Type Code with Class (218),
Replace Type Code with Subclasses (223)
Refused Bequest, p87 Replace Inheritance with Delegation (352)
Shotgun Surgery, p80 Move Method (142), Move Field (146), Inline Class (154)
Speculative Generality,
Collapse Hierarchy (344), Inline Class (154),
Remove Parameter (277), Rename Method (273)
Switch Statements, p82 Replace Conditional with Polymorphism (255), Replace
Type Code with Subclasses
(223), Replace Type Code
with State/Strategy
(227), Replace Parameter with Explicit Methods (285)
Temporary Field, p84 Extract Class (149), Introduce Null Object (260)