Comparing Nested object properties using C#

public static IList<string> GetDifferingProperties(object source, object target)
  var sourceType = source.GetType();
  var sourceProperties = sourceType.GetProperties();
  var targetType = target.GetType();
  var targetProperties = targetType.GetProperties();

  var result = new List<string>();

  foreach (var property in
      (from s in sourceProperties
       from t in targetProperties
       where s.Name == t.Name &&
       s.PropertyType == t.PropertyType &&
       !Equals(s.GetValue(source, null), t.GetValue(target, null))
       select new { Source = s, Target = t }))
    // it's up to you to decide how primitive is primitive enough
    if (IsPrimitive(property.Source.PropertyType))
      foreach (var subProperty in GetDifferingProperties(
          property.Source.GetValue(source, null),
          property.Target.GetValue(target, null)))
        result.Add(property.Source.Name + "." + subProperty);

  return result;

private static bool IsPrimitive(Type type)
  return type == typeof(string) || type == typeof(int);