snowflake算法來源於Twitter,使用scala語言實現,利用Thrift框架實現RPC接口調用,最初的項目原由是數據庫從mysql遷移到Cassandra,Cassandra沒有現成可用 的ID生成機制,就催生了這個項目,現有的github源碼有興趣能夠去看看。
snowflake java版源碼
/** * twitter的snowflake算法 -- java實現 * * @author beyond * @date 2016/11/26 */ public class SnowFlake { /** * 起始的時間戳 */ private final static long START_STMP = 1480166465631L; /** * 每一部分佔用的位數 */ private final static long SEQUENCE_BIT = 12; //序列號佔用的位數 private final static long MACHINE_BIT = 5; //機器標識佔用的位數 private final static long DATACENTER_BIT = 5;//數據中心佔用的位數 /** * 每一部分的最大值 */ private final static long MAX_DATACENTER_NUM = -1L ^ (-1L << DATACENTER_BIT); private final static long MAX_MACHINE_NUM = -1L ^ (-1L << MACHINE_BIT); private final static long MAX_SEQUENCE = -1L ^ (-1L << SEQUENCE_BIT); /** * 每一部分向左的位移 */ private final static long MACHINE_LEFT = SEQUENCE_BIT; private final static long DATACENTER_LEFT = SEQUENCE_BIT + MACHINE_BIT; private final static long TIMESTMP_LEFT = DATACENTER_LEFT + DATACENTER_BIT; private long datacenterId; //數據中心 private long machineId; //機器標識 private long sequence = 0L; //序列號 private long lastStmp = -1L;//上一次時間戳 public SnowFlake(long datacenterId, long machineId) { if (datacenterId > MAX_DATACENTER_NUM || datacenterId < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("datacenterId can't be greater than MAX_DATACENTER_NUM or less than 0"); } if (machineId > MAX_MACHINE_NUM || machineId < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("machineId can't be greater than MAX_MACHINE_NUM or less than 0"); } this.datacenterId = datacenterId; this.machineId = machineId; } /** * 產生下一個ID * * @return */ public synchronized long nextId() { long currStmp = getNewstmp(); if (currStmp < lastStmp) { throw new RuntimeException("Clock moved backwards. Refusing to generate id"); } if (currStmp == lastStmp) { //相同毫秒內,序列號自增 sequence = (sequence + 1) & MAX_SEQUENCE; //同一毫秒的序列數已經達到最大 if (sequence == 0L) { currStmp = getNextMill(); } } else { //不一樣毫秒內,序列號置爲0 sequence = 0L; } lastStmp = currStmp; return (currStmp - START_STMP) << TIMESTMP_LEFT //時間戳部分 | datacenterId << DATACENTER_LEFT //數據中心部分 | machineId << MACHINE_LEFT //機器標識部分 | sequence; //序列號部分 } private long getNextMill() { long mill = getNewstmp(); while (mill <= lastStmp) { mill = getNewstmp(); } return mill; } private long getNewstmp() { return System.currentTimeMillis(); } public static void main(String[] args) { SnowFlake snowFlake = new SnowFlake(2, 3); for (int i = 0; i < (1 << 12); i++) { System.out.println(snowFlake.nextId()); } } }
這裏就是snowflake最基礎的實現原理,若是有些java基礎知識不記得了建議查一下資料,如二進制-1的表示是0xffff(裏面全是1),<<表示左移操做,-1<<5等於-32,異或操做-1 ^ (-1 << 5)爲31等等。
Snowflake算法描述:指定機器 & 同一時刻 & 某一併發序列,是惟一的。據此可生成一個64 bits的惟一ID(long)。
/** * Get UID * * @return UID * @throws UidGenerateException in the case: Clock moved backwards; Exceeds the max timestamp */ protected synchronized long nextId() { long currentSecond = getCurrentSecond(); // Clock moved backwards, refuse to generate uid if (currentSecond < lastSecond) { long refusedSeconds = lastSecond - currentSecond; throw new UidGenerateException("Clock moved backwards. Refusing for %d seconds", refusedSeconds); } // At the same second, increase sequence if (currentSecond == lastSecond) { sequence = (sequence + 1) & bitsAllocator.getMaxSequence(); // Exceed the max sequence, we wait the next second to generate uid if (sequence == 0) { currentSecond = getNextSecond(lastSecond); } // At the different second, sequence restart from zero } else { sequence = 0L; } lastSecond = currentSecond; // Allocate bits for UID return bitsAllocator.allocate(currentSecond - epochSeconds, workerId, sequence); }
/** * Initialize RingBuffer & RingBufferPaddingExecutor */ private void initRingBuffer() { // initialize RingBuffer int bufferSize = ((int) bitsAllocator.getMaxSequence() + 1) << boostPower; this.ringBuffer = new RingBuffer(bufferSize, paddingFactor); LOGGER.info("Initialized ring buffer size:{}, paddingFactor:{}", bufferSize, paddingFactor); // initialize RingBufferPaddingExecutor boolean usingSchedule = (scheduleInterval != null); this.bufferPaddingExecutor = new BufferPaddingExecutor(ringBuffer, this::nextIdsForOneSecond, usingSchedule); if (usingSchedule) { bufferPaddingExecutor.setScheduleInterval(scheduleInterval); } LOGGER.info("Initialized BufferPaddingExecutor. Using schdule:{}, interval:{}", usingSchedule, scheduleInterval); // set rejected put/take handle policy this.ringBuffer.setBufferPaddingExecutor(bufferPaddingExecutor); if (rejectedPutBufferHandler != null) { this.ringBuffer.setRejectedPutHandler(rejectedPutBufferHandler); } if (rejectedTakeBufferHandler != null) { this.ringBuffer.setRejectedTakeHandler(rejectedTakeBufferHandler); } // fill in all slots of the RingBuffer bufferPaddingExecutor.paddingBuffer(); // start buffer padding threads bufferPaddingExecutor.start(); }
public synchronized boolean put(long uid) { long currentTail = tail.get(); long currentCursor = cursor.get(); // tail catches the cursor, means that you can't put any cause of RingBuffer is full long distance = currentTail - (currentCursor == START_POINT ? 0 : currentCursor); if (distance == bufferSize - 1) { rejectedPutHandler.rejectPutBuffer(this, uid); return false; } // 1. pre-check whether the flag is CAN_PUT_FLAG int nextTailIndex = calSlotIndex(currentTail + 1); if (flags[nextTailIndex].get() != CAN_PUT_FLAG) { rejectedPutHandler.rejectPutBuffer(this, uid); return false; } // 2. put UID in the next slot // 3. update next slot' flag to CAN_TAKE_FLAG // 4. publish tail with sequence increase by one slots[nextTailIndex] = uid; flags[nextTailIndex].set(CAN_TAKE_FLAG); tail.incrementAndGet(); // The atomicity of operations above, guarantees by 'synchronized'. In another word, // the take operation can't consume the UID we just put, until the tail is published(tail.incrementAndGet()) return true; }
public long take() { // spin get next available cursor long currentCursor = cursor.get(); long nextCursor = cursor.updateAndGet(old -> old == tail.get() ? old : old + 1); // check for safety consideration, it never occurs Assert.isTrue(nextCursor >= currentCursor, "Curosr can't move back"); // trigger padding in an async-mode if reach the threshold long currentTail = tail.get(); if (currentTail - nextCursor < paddingThreshold) { LOGGER.info("Reach the padding threshold:{}. tail:{}, cursor:{}, rest:{}", paddingThreshold, currentTail, nextCursor, currentTail - nextCursor); bufferPaddingExecutor.asyncPadding(); } // cursor catch the tail, means that there is no more available UID to take if (nextCursor == currentCursor) { rejectedTakeHandler.rejectTakeBuffer(this); } // 1. check next slot flag is CAN_TAKE_FLAG int nextCursorIndex = calSlotIndex(nextCursor); Assert.isTrue(flags[nextCursorIndex].get() == CAN_TAKE_FLAG, "Curosr not in can take status"); // 2. get UID from next slot // 3. set next slot flag as CAN_PUT_FLAG. long uid = slots[nextCursorIndex]; flags[nextCursorIndex].set(CAN_PUT_FLAG); // Note that: Step 2,3 can not swap. If we set flag before get value of slot, the producer may overwrite the // slot with a new UID, and this may cause the consumer take the UID twice after walk a round the ring return uid; }
另外有個細節能夠了解一下,RingBuffer的數據都是使用數組來存儲的,考慮CPU Cache的結構,tail和cursor變量若是直接用原生的AtomicLong類型,tail和cursor可能會緩存在同一個cacheLine中,多個線程讀取該變量可能會引起CacheLine的RFO請求,反而影響性能,爲了防止僞共享問題,特地填充了6個long類型的成員變量,加上long類型的value成員變量,恰好佔滿一個Cache Line(Java對象還有8byte的對象頭),這個叫CacheLine補齊,有興趣能夠了解一下,源碼以下:
public class PaddedAtomicLong extends AtomicLong { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3415778863941386253L; /** Padded 6 long (48 bytes) */ public volatile long p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6 = 7L; /** * Constructors from {@link AtomicLong} */ public PaddedAtomicLong() { super(); } public PaddedAtomicLong(long initialValue) { super(initialValue); } /** * To prevent GC optimizations for cleaning unused padded references */ public long sumPaddingToPreventOptimization() { return p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5 + p6; } }
// com.myzmds.ecp.core.uid.baidu.impl.CachedUidGenerator類的initRingBuffer()方法 // 百度源碼 this.bufferPaddingExecutor = new BufferPaddingExecutor(ringBuffer, this::nextIdsForOneSecond, usingSchedule); // 美團源碼 this.bufferPaddingExecutor = new BufferPaddingExecutor(ringBuffer, new BufferedUidProvider() { @Override public List<Long> provide(long momentInSecond) { return nextIdsForOneSecond(momentInSecond); } }, usingSchedule);
本篇簡單介紹了snowflake算法的原理及落地過程當中的改造,在此學習了優秀的開源代碼,並挑出部分進行了簡單的示例,美團的ecp-uid項目不但集成了百度現有的UidGenerator算法,原生的snowflake算法,還包含優秀的leaf segment算法,鑑於篇幅沒有詳盡描述。文章內有任何不正確或不詳盡之處請留言指出,謝謝。