這個想法是,發送線程將消息推送到隊列中,而接收線程將消息按本身的步調彈出。 只要發送線程平均發送的消息不超過接收線程能夠處理的數量,此係統就能夠工做。 由於隊列充當緩衝區,因此消息可能會突發發送和彈出,換句話說:只要一段時間內的平均發送速度低於接收者的容量,流量就會達到峯值。ios
該示例顯示了一個輸入線程,該線程從控制檯(cin)讀取數據並將其推送到消息隊列中。 另外一個線程(接收方)檢查隊列大小,若是該大小不爲零,則將消息彈出隊列,並像處理該消息同樣工做。測試
打開Qt Creator,新建控制檯應用程序,選擇MingW構建組件this
C++ Code
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# ifndef MSGQUEUE_H
# define MSGQUEUE_H # include < iostream > # include < cstdlib > # include < unistd.h > // usleep # include < fcntl.h > // threads # include < pthread.h > # include < string > // messages # include < queue > // the message queue using namespace std; pthread_mutex_t msgmutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; queue < string > msgq; void *msgreceiver( void *arg) { long qsize; string nextmsg; while ( true ) { if (msgq.empty()) { usleep( 10000 ); // sleep 0.01 sec before trying again continue ; } // we end up here because there was something in the msg queue pthread_mutex_lock( & msgmutex); qsize = msgq.size(); if (qsize > 5 ) cout << "Queue size: " << qsize << endl; nextmsg = msgq.front(); // get next message in queue msgq.pop(); // remove it from the queue pthread_mutex_unlock( & msgmutex); cout << "Processing value " << nextmsg << endl; usleep( 2000000 ); } pthread_exit(( void * ) 0 ); } // msgreceiver() void *msgtransmitter( void *arg) { string nextmsg; while ( true ) { cin >> nextmsg; pthread_mutex_lock( & msgmutex); msgq.push(nextmsg); // push message onto the queue pthread_mutex_unlock( & msgmutex); } pthread_exit(( void * ) 0 ); } // msgtransmitter() int test_msgqueue() { pthread_t thr; // Create threads if (pthread_create( & thr, NULL , msgreceiver, NULL ) || pthread_create( & thr, NULL , msgtransmitter, NULL )) { cout << " cannot make thread\n" ; exit( 1 ); } /* * At this point the main thread can perform its actions or end */ cout << "** Main thread ends **\n" ; pthread_exit(( void * ) 0 ); } # endif // MSGQUEUE_H |