bwa aln ref.fa test_1.fq > test_1.sai bwa aln ref.fa test_2.fq > test_2.sai bwa sampe ref.fa -r "@RG\tID:<ID>\tLB:<LIBRARY_NAME>\tSM:<SAMPLE_NAME>\tPL:ILLUMINA" test_1.sai test_2.sai test_1.fq test_2.fq > test.sam
3,sam 轉化成bam,若是SAM文件中有header @SQ lines。app
samtools view -b -S test.sam > test.bam
##若是沒有header時: samtools faidx ref.fa
## samtools view -bt ref.fa.fai test.sam > test.bam
4,sort bam spa
samtools sort test.bam > test.sorted.bam
java -jar picard.jar SortSam I=test.bam O=test.sorted.bam SORT_ORDER=coordinate
5, 標記重複code
java -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicate ....
6, index 一下orm
samtools index test.sorted.repeatmark.bam
7,Base Quality Score Recalibrationhtm
8, 使用GATK檢測SNPblog
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar glm SNP -R ref.fa -T UnifiedGenotyper -I test.sorted.repeatmark.bam -o test.raw.vcf
samtools faidx ref.fa
samtools mpileup -d 1000 -DSugf test.sorted.repeatmark.bam > test.raw.vcf ##(samtools mpileup -vf 。。。) bcftools view -Nvcg -d 1000 test.raw.vcf > test.snp.vcf ##(個人軟件運行這步會出錯,用下面兩行代碼代替)
bcftools call -mv test.raw.vcf > test.raw_varient.vcf
bcftools filter -s LowQual -e '%QUAL<20 || DP>100' test.raw_varient.vcf > test.filt_varient.vcf
##也有直接用perl 腳本實現。在使用bcftools 獲得variant calling變異後的結果後。須要對結果再次進行過濾,主要依據對比結果中的第8列消息,其中的DP4最爲重要,對應的提供了四列:1, 比對結果和正鏈一致的reads數;2, 比對結果和負鏈一致的reads數;3, 比對結果在正鏈的variant 上的reads數;4, 比對結果在負鏈的variant上的reads數。當設定(value3+value4)大於某一閾值,纔算是variant。字符串
bcftools檢測生成的vcf格式有10列。1,參考序列名。2,variant所在的left-most位置。3,variant的ID,(默認未設置,用「.」表示)。4,參考序列的allele。5,variant的allele(有多個alleles,則用「,」分隔)。6,variant/reference Quality。7,FILTers applied。8,varient的信息,使用分號隔開。9,Format of the genotype fields, seperated by colon (optional)。10,Sample genotypes and per-sample information(optional)。
bcftools 的第8列中顯示了對variants的信息描述,其中Tag的描述以下:
Tad Format Description
AF1 double Max-likelihood estimate of the site allele Frequency (AF)of the first ALT allele
DP int Raw read depth (without quality filtering)
DP4 int[4] high-quality reference forward base, ref reverse, alternate for and alt rev bases
FQ int consensus quality. Positive: sample genotypes different; negative: otherwise
MQ int Root-Mean-Square mapping quality of covering reads PC2 int[2] Phred probability of AF in group1 samples being larger (,smaller) than in group2 PCHI2 double Posterior weighted chi^2 P-value between group1 and group2 samples PV4 double[4] P-value for strand bias, baseQ bias, mapQ bias and tail distance bias QCHI2 int Phred-scaled PCHI2 RP int # permutations yielding a smaller PCHI2 CLR int Phred log ratio of genotype likelihoods with and without the trio/pair constraint UGT string Most probable genotype configuration without the trio constraint CGT string Most probable configuration with the trio constraint
bcftools filter的參數:
-e -exclude 主要用於表達式方式去除匹配上的位點,這個參數很關鍵,過濾須要此表達式
-g -SnpGap 過濾INDEL附近的snp位點,好比-SnpGap 5 則過濾INDEL附近5個鹼基距離內的SNP
-G -IndelGap 過濾INDEL附近的INDEL位點
-o -output 輸出文件的名稱
-O -output-type 輸出的格式,通常z和v都行
-s -soft-filter 將過濾掉的位點用字符串註釋
-S -set-GTs setgenotypes of failed samples to missing value (.) or reference allele (0) (將不符合要求的個體基因改成".")
bcftools filter -O v -o test.filter_variant.vcf -s LOWQUAL -e 'QUAL<10 || FMT/DP < 5' --SnpGap 5 --set-GTs . test.vcf.gz
bcftools view -v snps test.filter_variance.vcf > test.snp_filter.vcf
grep -v 'INDEL' test.filter_variance.vcf > test.snp_filter.vcf
|| 與 | 區別:都表示「或」運算, 可是 || 運算符第一個表達式成立的話,後面的表達式不運算,直接返回。而 | 對全部表達式都判斷。 && 與 & 的區別同理