Refer:Bmob後端雲REST API接口文檔:
本文使用python對Bmob REST API的基本增刪改查接口進行封裝,方便在小程序開發時批量插入原始數據。python
#!/usr/bin/python # coding:utf-8 # Bmob後端雲基本REST API封裝 import requests import json # 每一個應用都會有這兩個ID,如下方法若是不傳入這兩個參數,那麼使用這裏默認的值 APP_ID = 'XXX' REST_API_KEY = 'XXX' # 封裝rest api的get方法,根據對象ID獲取一條數據 # table_name:要查詢的表名 # object_id:要查詢的數據記錄的ID def query(table_name,object_id,app_id = APP_ID,rest_api_key = REST_API_KEY): # 構建請求頭 headers = {} headers['X-Bmob-Application-Id'] = app_id headers['X-Bmob-REST-API-Key'] = rest_api_key # 構建url url = '{table_name}/{object_id}'.format(table_name = table_name,object_id = object_id) # 發起請求 resp = requests.get(url,headers = headers,verify = False) # 設置響應體編碼 resp.encoding = 'utf-8' if resp and resp.status_code == 200: return json.loads(resp.text) return None # 封裝rest api的post方法,插入一條記錄 # table_name:表名,若是表名還不存在,則先建立一個表再插入數據 # data:字典,要插入的記錄的各個字段的字段名和值 def insert(table_name,data,app_id = APP_ID,rest_api_key = REST_API_KEY): # 構建請求頭 headers = {} headers['X-Bmob-Application-Id'] = app_id headers['X-Bmob-REST-API-Key'] = rest_api_key headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' # 構建url url = '{table_name}'.format(table_name = table_name) # 發起請求 resp =,headers = headers,data = json.dumps(data),verify = False) # 設置響應體編碼 resp.encoding = 'utf-8' if resp and resp.status_code == 201: print 'insert success!' return json.loads(resp.text) return None # 封裝rest api的put方法,傳入記錄ID,修改一條數據 # table_name:要更新的表名 # object_id:要更新的數據記錄的ID # data:字典類型,要更新的數據的鍵值對 def update(table_name,object_id,data,app_id = APP_ID,rest_api_key = REST_API_KEY): # 構建請求頭 headers = {} headers['X-Bmob-Application-Id'] = app_id headers['X-Bmob-REST-API-Key'] = rest_api_key headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' # 構建url url = '{table_name}/{object_id}'.format(table_name = table_name,object_id = object_id) # 發起請求 resp = requests.put(url,headers = headers,data = json.dumps(data),verify = False) # 設置響應體編碼 resp.encoding = 'utf-8' if resp and resp.status_code == 200: print 'update {0} success!'.format(object_id) return json.loads(resp.text) return None # 封裝rest api的delete方法,根據對象ID刪除一條記錄 # table_name:要刪除的記錄所在的表名 # object_id:要刪除的數據記錄的ID def delete(table_name,object_id,app_id = APP_ID,rest_api_key = REST_API_KEY): # 構建請求頭 headers = {} headers['X-Bmob-Application-Id'] = app_id headers['X-Bmob-REST-API-Key'] = rest_api_key # 構建url url = '{table_name}/{object_id}'.format(table_name = table_name,object_id = object_id) # 發起請求 resp = requests.delete(url,headers = headers,verify = False) # 設置響應體編碼 resp.encoding = 'utf-8' if resp and resp.status_code == 200: print 'delete {0} success!'.format(object_id) return json.loads(resp.text) return None # 查詢一個表中的全部數據 # table_name:要查詢的表名 def list(table_name,app_id = APP_ID,rest_api_key = REST_API_KEY): # 構建請求頭 headers = {} headers['X-Bmob-Application-Id'] = app_id headers['X-Bmob-REST-API-Key'] = rest_api_key # 構建url url = '{table_name}'.format(table_name = table_name) # 發起請求 resp = requests.get(url,headers = headers,verify = False) # 設置響應體編碼 resp.encoding = 'utf-8' if resp and resp.status_code == 200: return json.loads(resp.text)['results'] return None # 批量操做:批量建立 # request_data結構: ''' table_name = 'test' { "requests":[ { "method":"POST", "path":"/1/classes/{0}".format(table_name), "body":{ "name":"Tom", "age":18 } }, { "method":"POST", "path":"/1/classes/{0}".format(table_name), "body":{ "name":"John", "age":21 } } ] } ''' def batch_insert(request_data,app_id = APP_ID,rest_api_key = REST_API_KEY): # 構建請求頭 headers = {} headers['X-Bmob-Application-Id'] = app_id headers['X-Bmob-REST-API-Key'] = rest_api_key headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' # url url = '' # 發起請求 resp =,data = json.dumps(request_data),headers = headers,verify = False) # 設置響應體編碼 resp.encoding = 'utf-8' if resp and resp.status_code == 200: return json.loads(resp.text) return None
#!/usr/bin/python # coding:utf-8 # 測試工具方法的使用 import bmob_base_utils as utils def main(): # 測試query方法 #resp = utils.query(table_name = 'monthly', object_id = '2290ce60cc') #print resp # 測試insert方法 ''' data = {'name':'Ben','age':18} resp = utils.insert(table_name = 'test',data = data) print resp ''' # 測試update方法 #data = {'age':999} #utils.update(table_name = 'test',object_id = '79cfd8639b',data = data) # 測試delete方法 #utils.delete(table_name = 'test', object_id = '79cfd8639b') # 測試list方法 # print utils.list('test') # 測試batch_insert方法 request_data = {} request_data['requests'] = [] table_name = 'test' data1 = { "method":"POST", "path":"/1/classes/{0}".format(table_name), "body":{ "name":"Tom", "age":18 } } data2 = { "method":"POST", "path":"/1/classes/{0}".format(table_name), "body":{ "name":"John", "age":21 } } request_data['requests'].append(data1) request_data['requests'].append(data2) utils.batch_insert(request_data) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
查詢成功響應:200 OKjson
建立成功響應:201 Created小程序
更新成功響應:200 OK後端
刪除成功響應:200 OKapi