

Everyone is doing marketing in one way or another. If you’re selling or promoting something, you’re doing marketing. And while WordPress is perhaps the most useful platform to use for marketing, the costs associated can accumulate over time. Every company advertises their premium themes and plugins as an instant solution to your problems. But if you’re on a budget, you can’t afford to spend big bucks to get all the bells and whistles. You need a cost-effective solution that will get you great results.

每個人都以一種或另一種方式進行營銷。 如果您要銷售或促銷某物,那麼您正在做營銷。 儘管WordPress可能是用於營銷的最有用的平臺,但相關的成本會隨着時間的推移而累積。 每個公司都會宣傳其高級主題和插件,以作爲您解決問題的即時解決方案。 但是,如果您的預算有限,則無力支付大筆費用來獲得所有的花招。 您需要一個經濟高效的解決方案,以取得出色的效果。

That’s why we’ve curated a list of the best plugins in five categories that you can use to optimize your WordPress site for marketing. We’ll focus on email marketing, ecommerce, blogging, contact forms, and social sharing. These are five areas that you’ll need to pay attention to during the marketing process, and these plugins will make that process a cinch.

因此,我們精選了五個類別中的最佳插件列表,可用於優化WordPress網站的營銷。 我們將專注於電子郵件營銷,電子商務,博客,聯繫表和社交共享。 在市場營銷過程中,您需要注意以下五個方面,而這些插件將使這一過程變得輕鬆。

The best part? These plugins are all absolutely free! You won’t need anything more than a few free accounts and a few minutes of your time to experience the benefits of these tools.

最好的部分? 這些插件都是絕對免費的! 您只需要幾個免費帳戶和幾分鐘的時間,就可以體驗這些工具的好處。

1)電子郵件營銷 (1) Email Marketing)

If you had to pick one category from this list to focus on exclusively, it may very well be email marketing. It’s a vital part of any contemporary marketing campaign. With a few free plugins, you can have a complete email marketing strategy up and running.

如果您必須從此列表中選擇一個類別來專門關注,則很可能是電子郵件營銷。 這是任何當代營銷活動的重要組成部分。 使用一些免費插件,您可以啓動並運行完整的電子郵件營銷策略。

MailChimp for WordPress Plugin

If you use MailChimp as your email service provider of choice, the MailChimp for WordPress plugin will allow to connect your MailChimp account to your WP site and create customized forms. For a variety of high-impact popups, MailChimp Forms by MailMunch gives you all the tools you need.

如果您將MailChimp用作首選的電子郵件服務提供商,則WordPressMailChimp插件將允許您將MailChimp帳戶連接到WP站點並創建自定義表單。 對於各種高影響力的彈出窗口, MailMunch的MailChimp Forms爲您提供了所需的所有工具。

Don’t use MailChimp? Don’t worry. The SumoMe plugin has you covered. It’s a super powerful plugin that works with nearly every email service, and it also has functionalities for social sharing, Google Analytics, a top bar optin form, a welcome mat, and much more. In fact, it’s a must-have plugin if you’re even a little concerned about marketing.

不使用MailChimp? 不用擔心 SumoMe插件已覆蓋您。 它是一個功能強大的插件,幾乎可以與所有電子郵件服務一起使用,並且還具有社交共享功能,Google Analytics(分析),頂級表單,歡迎墊等等。 實際上,如果您甚至有點擔心營銷,那麼這是一個必備插件。

Other fantastic options include the easy-to-use Drip plugin and another nifty plugin courtesy of MailMunch.


2)電子商務 (2) Ecommerce)

WooCommerce Plugin

Using WordPress as an online storefront? You’ll need some robust plugins to help you out. WooCommerce is easily the most popular option, and for good reason. It supports both physical and digital goods, numerous payment methods, and real-time shipping calculations. For most store owners, WooCommerce will satisfy every ecommerce need.

使用WordPress作爲在線店面? 您將需要一些強大的插件來幫助您。 WooCommerce很容易成爲最受歡迎的選擇,這是有充分理由的。 它支持實物和數字商品,多種付款方式以及實時運輸計算。 對於大多數商店所有者而言,WooCommerce將滿足每一個電子商務需求。

If you’re selling digital products only, check out Easy Digital Downloads. It provides a wide range of functionality, including a promo code system, sales charts, and more.

如果您僅銷售數字產品,請查看Easy Digital Downloads。 它提供了廣泛的功能,包括促銷代碼系統,銷售圖表等。

3)寫博客 (3) Blogging)

A great blog can get you loads of conversions every day and a host of followers. With a little help from these free plugins, you can step up your blogging game in no time.

優秀的博客可以每天爲您帶來大量的轉化,並吸引大量關注者。 在這些免費插件的幫助下,您可以立即加強博客遊戲。

Yoast SEO Plugin

The obvious choice here is Yoast SEO. It’s the best in its field, and it’s one of the easiest plugins you’ll ever use. It provides a great starting point for those interested in SEO, and for many bloggers, it’s all that’s necessary. W3 Total Cache improves your site’s performance, which in turn will help it rank higher on search engines.

這裏最明顯的選擇是Yoast SEO。 它是該領域中最好的,也是您將要使用的最簡單的插件之一。 對於那些對SEO感興趣的人和許多博客作者來說,它提供了一個很好的起點。 W3 Total Cache可以提高您網站的性能,從而幫助其在搜索引擎上獲得更高的排名。

For editorial management, the Edit Flow and Editorial Calendar plugins offer two different approaches. Both come with several benefits, so find which one works best for you.

對於編輯管理,「 編輯流」和「 編輯日曆」插件提供了兩種不同的方法。 兩者都有很多好處,因此請找出最適合您的一項。

Disqus is probably the most popular plugin for managing comments. Last but not least, WP Hide Post gives you the helpful ability to control the visibility of your posts.

Disqus可能是最受歡迎的用於管理評論的插件。 最後但並非最不重要的一點是, WP隱藏帖子爲您提供了控制帖子可見性的有用功能。

4)聯繫表格 (4) Contact Forms)

If lead generation is important to you, then you should be paying attention to the type of contact form you’re using. Contact forms are an integral part of the lead generation process, and using a bad or unappealing form can mean losing potential customers.

如果潛在客戶的產生對您很重要,那麼您應該注意所使用的聯繫表格的類型。 聯繫表格是潛在客戶生成過程中不可或缺的一部分,使用不好的表格或缺乏吸引力的表格可能意味着失去潛在客戶。

Contact Form 7 Plugin

Contact Form 7 is one of the most full-featured contact form plugins available. With different methods of spam prevention (CAPTCHA, Akismet, Honeypot) and a host of useful extensions (the MailChimp Extension and Success Page Redirects plugins are especially noteworthy), Contact Form 7 gives you tons of flexibility.

Contact Form 7是可用的功能最全的聯絡表插件之一。 通過不同的垃圾郵件預防方法(CAPTCHA,Akismet, Honeypot )和許多有用的擴展( MailChimp ExtensionSuccess Page Redirects插件特別值得注意),Contact Form 7爲您提供了極大的靈活性。

Other good plugins include Contact Form by BestWebSoft and the Jetpack contact module.

其他好的插件包括BestWebSoft的Contact FormJetpack聯繫人模塊。

Still wondering which contact form is right for you? Take a look at our top 6 contact form plugins.

還在想知道哪種聯繫方式適合您? 看看我們排名前6位的聯繫表單插件。

5)社交分享 (5) Social Sharing)

Social media networks can be a great way of marketing, mostly because of the extensive audience. (Your grandma probably has a Facebook account.) By using a few plugins, you can easily optimize your site for social sharing.

社交媒體網絡可能是一種很好的營銷方式,主要是因爲受衆廣泛。 (您的祖母可能有一個Facebook帳戶。)通過使用一些插件,您可以輕鬆優化站點以進行社交共享。

AddThis Plugin

To make sharing easy, you can install one of several great plugins. Share Buttons by AddThis is a simple plugin that allows you to add sharing buttons anywhere on your site.

爲了使共享變得容易,您可以安裝幾個出色的插件之一。 通過AddThis共享按鈕是一個簡單的插件,可讓您在網站上的任何位置添加共享按鈕。

Need to pop your social media network feeds onto your site? Check out Facebook Feed, Twitter Feed, and Instagram Feed. (Or you can use RSS to show your feeds.) And to automatically share your content on your own social media networks, check out Jetpack’s Publicize feature.

是否需要將您的社交媒體網絡供稿彈出到您的網站上? 查看Facebook FeedTwitter FeedInstagram Feed。 ( 或者您可以使用RSS來顯示供稿。 )要自動在您自己的社交媒體網絡上共享內容, 請查看Jetpack的Publicize功能。

Another useful plugin is OnePress Social Locker. This allows you to hide certain content so that users can only access it once they’ve 「paid」 with a Facebook like, a +1, or a tweet.

另一個有用的插件是OnePress Social Locker。 這樣一來,您就可以隱藏某些內容,以便用戶只有在通過+1或tweet之類的Facebook「付費」後才能訪問該內容。

充分利用您的營銷 (Making the Most of Your Marketing)

These plugins will give you a fantastic head start on optimizing your site for marketing. Experiment with the different plugins in each category, and see which ones feel most intuitive for you.

這些插件將爲您優化營銷網站提供出色的開端。 在每個類別中嘗試不同的插件,然後看看哪個插件對您來說最直觀。

When you combine plugins from all of these categories, you’ll find you have a suite of marketing tools that will increase your conversions, get you more email signups, and enhance your sales process. If you need more features, you can always upgrade, but for entrepreneurs and startups on a shoestring budget, these plugins provide basic necessities at a price you can’t beat.

當您將所有這些類別的插件組合在一起時,您會發現您擁有一套營銷工具,這些工具將增加您的轉化次數,增加電子郵件註冊次數並改善銷售流程。 如果您需要更多功能,則可以隨時進行升級,但是對於預算有限的企業家和初創企業而言,這些插件以無法比擬的價格提供了基本必需品。

翻譯自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-free-marketing-plugins-wordpress/
