下載TeeChart Pro VCL/FMX最新版本html
TeeChart提供5個軸與數據系列相關聯:Left、Top、Bottom、Right和Depth。向圖表添加新系列時,您能夠定義系列應與哪些軸相關(轉到「選項卡」「General」頁面)。您可使用Axis Customdraw方法在圖表上的任何位置重複4個前軸中的任何一個(或所有)。請注意,此方法會複製Axis,但不會添加新的自定義軸。dom
//fill the Series for this example with random data procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); Var t:integer; begin For t := 0 To 20 do Series1.AddXY(t, Random(100) - Random(70), '', clRed); end; //Put this code in the OnBeforeDrawValues() event: procedure TForm1.Series1BeforeDrawValues(Sender: TObject); var posaxis :Integer; begin With Chart1 do begin If Axes.Left.Maximum > 0 Then begin //When scrolling or on zoom always keep the gridlines enclosed in the Chart rectangle Canvas.ClipRectangle(ChartRect); //Always draw the 2nd vertical Axis at the middle point of the Chart posaxis := (ChartRect.Left) + (ChartRect.Right - ChartRect.Left) div 2; Axes.Left.CustomDraw(posaxis - 10, posaxis - 20, posaxis, True); //Draw the 2nd Horizontal axis at the level of "10" on the vertical axis posaxis := (Axes.Left.CalcYPosValue(10)); Axes.Bottom.CustomDraw(posaxis + 10, posaxis + 40, posaxis, True); Canvas.UnClipRectangle; end; end; end;
TeeChart爲您提供在設計時建立自定義軸的功能,使其可以以TeeChart的Teechart格式保存。要實現此目的,請打開圖表編輯器並單擊「Axis」選項卡,而後選擇「+」按鈕以添加自定義軸。而後選擇位置選項卡確保您突出顯示新的自定義軸。此頁面上的“Horizontal”複選框容許您將新的自定義軸定義爲水平軸或將其保留爲默認垂直軸。如上所述,此頁面的其他部分和Axis頁面中的其餘選項卡可用於更改自定義軸的比例,增量,標題,標籤,刻度,次刻度和位置。要將此新的自定義軸與所需的數據系列相關聯,請選擇「Series」選項卡,而後轉到「General」頁面,其中下拉組合框「Horizontal Axis」和「Vertical Axis」將容許您根據先前是否認義選擇新的自定義軸它是垂直的或水平的。3d
procedure TForm1.BitBtn2Click(Sender: TObject); Var MyAxis : TChartAxis ; begin MyAxis := TChartAxis.Create( Chart1 ); Series2.CustomVertAxis := MyAxis; //You can modify any property of the new created axes, such as the axis color or axis title With MyAxis do begin Axis.Color:=clGreen ; Title.Caption := 'Extra axis' ; Title.Font.Style:=[fsBold]; Title.Angle := 90; PositionPercent := 20; //percentage of Chart rectangle end; end;
StartPosition:=50; EndPosition:=100;
With Chart1.Axes.Left do begin StartPosition:=0; EndPosition:=50; Title.Caption:='1st Left Axis'; Title.Font.Style:=[fsBold]; end;
var t: integer; begin for t := 0 to 10 do begin Series1.AddXY(t,10+t,'',clTeeColor); if t > 1 then Series2.AddXY(t,t/2,'',clTeeColor); end;
另外一種添加自定義軸的技術以下,使用「Axis List」做爲焦點,使用「List Add」,而後經過「Axis by Index」訪問:
//Add data to Series: procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Series1.FillSampleValues(10); Series2.FillSampleValues(10); end; procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var tmpVertAxis: TChartAxis; tmpHorizAxis: TChartAxis; begin {Add vertical Axis} Chart1.CustomAxes.Add; tmpVertAxis:=Chart1.CustomAxes[0]; tmpVertAxis.PositionPercent:=50; Series1.CustomVertAxis:=tmpVertAxis; {Add horizontal Axis} Chart1.CustomAxes.Add; tmpHorizAxis:=Chart1.CustomAxes[1]; tmpHorizAxis.Horizontal:=True; tmpHorizAxis.Axis.Color:=clGreen; tmpHorizAxis.PositionPercent:=50; Series1.CustomHorizAxis:=tmpHorizAxis; end;
Axis事件提供運行時靈活性,能夠修改Axis標籤並在Axis Clicks上爲用戶提供交互性。
procedure TForm1.Chart1ClickAxis(Sender: TCustomChart; Axis: TChartAxis; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin //Shows Axis point clicked when click on Bottom Axis. if Axis = Chart1.Axes.Bottom Then ShowMessage('Clicked Bottom Axis at ' + FloatToStr(Chart1.Axes.Bottom.CalcPosPoint(X))); end;
procedure TForm1.Chart1GetAxisLabel(Sender: TChartAxis; Series: TChartSeries; ValueIndex: Integer; var LabelText: String); begin if Sender = Chart1.Axes.Bottom Then Case StrToInt(FormatDateTime('mm', StrToDate(LabelText))) of 1,2,3 : LabelText := '1st Qtr'; 4,5,6 : LabelText := '2nd Qtr'; end; end;
procedure TForm1.Chart1GetNextAxisLabel(Sender: TChartAxis; LabelIndex: Integer; var LabelValue: Double; var Stop: Boolean); begin Stop:=False; if Sender = Chart1.Axes.Bottom Then begin if LabelValue>=5 then LabelValue:=LabelValue+5 else LabelValue:=5; end else Stop:=True; end;