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Applying shadows to shapes, images, text, or other objects is a great way to add flair to your presentation. However, too many visual effects may draw your audience away from the central message of the slideshow. We’ll show you how to create the perfect balance by adding (or removing) shadows on objects in PowerPoint.

將陰影應用於形狀,圖像,文本或其他對象是爲演示文稿增添色彩的絕佳方法。 但是,太多的視覺效果可能會使您的聽衆遠離幻燈片的中心信息。 我們將向您展示如何通過在PowerPoint中的對象上添加(或刪除)陰影來創建完美的平衡。

在對象上添加和刪除陰影 (Adding and Removing Shadows on Objects)

Open your PowerPoint presentation and go to the slide that contains the objects with which you’ll be working. Click to select the image.

打開PowerPoint演示文稿,然後轉到包含將要使用的對象的幻燈片。 單擊以選擇圖像。

select the image

On the Picture Tools 「Format」 tab, click the 「Picture Effects」 button. (If you’re applying a shadow to text, that button will be named 「Text Effects」 instead.)

在圖片工具的「格式」選項卡上,單擊「圖片效果」按鈕。 (如果您要對文本應用陰影,則該按鈕將被命名爲「文本效果」。)

click picture effects on format tab

On the drop-down menu, select the 「Shadows」 submenu.


select the Shadow submenu

This submenu contains a large variety of shadow effects. Hovering over each option gives you a live preview, so play around with them to see which one you like best. In this example, we’ll use the lower-left perspective option.

該子菜單包含多種陰影效果。 將鼠標懸停在每個選項上可以實時預覽,因此請與他們一起玩耍以查看最喜歡的選項。 在此示例中,我們將使用左下透視圖選項。

select lower left perspective option

Selecting the option will immediately apply the setting to your object.


shadow shown under image

The same thing happens when you apply a shadow to a text object.


shadow shown under text

And the same holds for other objects, like shapes.


shadow shown under shape

Removing a shadow from an object is just as simple. First, select the object with the shadow.

從物體上去除陰影同樣簡單。 首先,選擇帶有陰影的對象。

select object to remove shadow

Head back to same 「Shadow」 menu you used before (by clicking the 「Shadow Effects」 or 「Text Effects」 button) and then select the 「No Shadow」 option.


select no shadow option

This will successfully remove the shadow from the selected object.


removed text shadow

That’s all there is to it. Use this feature wisely to create a visually appealing presentation that still conveys a powerful message.

這裏的所有都是它的。 明智地使用此功能可以創建吸引人的視覺效果的演示,同時仍然傳達出強大的信息。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/399853/how-to-add-or-remove-shadows-on-objects-in-a-powerpoint/