<input type="file" value="" accept="image/*" @click="getPhoto" id="image-input">
getPhoto () { var imageInput = document.querySelector('#image-input') var that = this imageInput.addEventListener('change', function (e) { reads = new FileReader() reads.readAsDataURL(this.files[0]) reads.addEventListener('load', function (e) { that.imgUrl = this.result that.myImg.position.x = 0 that.myImg.position.y = 0 that.myImg.scale = 1 var orientation that.previewImg.addEventListener('load', function () { Exif.getData(that.previewImg, function() { // 獲取圖像的數據 Exif.getAllTags(this); // 獲取圖像的所有數據,值以對象的方式返回 orientation = Exif.getTag(this, "Orientation"); // 獲取圖像的拍攝方向 var rotateCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"), rotateCtx = rotateCanvas.getContext("2d"); // 針對圖像方向進行處理 switch (orientation) { case 1 : rotateCanvas.width = that.previewImg.width; rotateCanvas.height = that.previewImg.height; rotateCtx.drawImage(that.previewImg, 0, 0, that.previewImg.width, that.previewImg.height); break; case 6 : // 順時針 90 度 rotateCanvas.width = that.previewImg.height; rotateCanvas.height = that.previewImg.width; rotateCtx.translate(0, 0); rotateCtx.rotate(90 * Math.PI / 180); rotateCtx.drawImage(that.previewImg, 0, -that.previewImg.height, that.previewImg.width, that.previewImg.height); break; case 8 : rotateCanvas.width = that.previewImg.height; rotateCanvas.height = that.previewImg.width; rotateCtx.translate(0, 0); rotateCtx.rotate(-90 * Math.PI / 180); rotateCtx.drawImage(that.previewImg, -that.previewImg.width, 0, that.previewImg.width, that.previewImg.height); break; case 3 : // 180 度 rotateCanvas.width = that.previewImg.width; rotateCanvas.height = that.previewImg.height; rotateCtx.translate(0, 0); rotateCtx.rotate(Math.PI); rotateCtx.drawImage(that.previewImg, -that.previewImg.width, -that.previewImg.height, that.previewImg.width, that.previewImg.height); break; default : rotateCanvas.width = that.previewImg.width; rotateCanvas.height = that.previewImg.height; rotateCtx.drawImage(that.previewImg, 0, 0, that.previewImg.width, that.previewImg.height); } var rotateBase64 = rotateCanvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 0.5); }); }) }) }) }
對圖片和相框綁定@touchstart @touchmove @touchendgithub
getInitPosition (e) { event.preventDefault() if (this.imgUrl) { var length = e.touches.length if (length > 1) { let pointOne = e.touches[0] let pointTwo = e.touches[1] this.initTouchX = pointOne.clientX - pointTwo.clientX this.initTouchY = pointOne.clientY - pointTwo.clientY } else { var touches = e.touches[0] this.initTouchX = touches.clientX this.initTouchY = touches.clientY } } }, getMovePosition (e) { event.preventDefault() if (this.imgUrl) { var length = e.touches.length if (length > 1) { let pointOne = e.touches[0] let pointTwo = e.touches[1] this.changeTouchX = pointOne.clientX - pointTwo.clientX this.changeTouchY = pointOne.clientY - pointTwo.clientY var scale = (this.changeTouchX - this.initTouchX) > (this.changeTouchY - this.initTouchY) ? (this.changeTouchX / this.initTouchX) : (this.changeTouchY / this.initTouchY) scale *= this.myImg.lastScale this.myImg.scale = scale > 3 ? 3 : scale < 0.5 ? 0.5 : scale } else { var touches = e.touches[0] this.changeTouchX = touches.clientX - this.initTouchX this.changeTouchY = touches.clientY - this.initTouchY this.myImg.position.x = this.lastTouchX + (this.changeTouchX / this.myImg.scale) this.myImg.position.y = this.lastTouchY + (this.changeTouchY / this.myImg.scale) } } }, getLeavePosition (e) { this.myImg.lastScale = this.myImg.scale if (e.touches.length > 0) { var touches = e.touches[0] this.initTouchX = touches.clientX this.initTouchY = touches.clientY } this.lastTouchX = this.myImg.position.x this.lastTouchY = this.myImg.position.y },
createPhoto () { if (this.imgUrl) { let photoBox = document.querySelector('.photo-box') newImgWidth = photoBox.style.offsetWidth let newImgHeight = photoBox.style.offsetHeight let scale = window.devicePixelRatio let that = this html2canvas(photoBox, { width: newImgWidth, height: newImgHeight, scale: scale, useCORS: true }).then(function (canvas) { var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpg') localStorage.imgData = dataUrl that.$router.push({ name: 'share', params: { storage: 'imgData' } }) }) } else { alert('請上傳圖片') } }
1) 在瀏覽器上阻止縮放的問題canvas
2) 合成圖片的清晰度瀏覽器
在html2canvas寫參數時,scale = window.devicePixelRatio
3) 對圖片進行縮放時,對距離的判斷post
這裏須要區分兩種狀況: - 兩指縮放 - 一指移動 在兩指縮放後會有一個手放手另外一個手繼續操做的狀況。這樣在touchend時,e.touches還存在一個元素。因此須要在這裏作一個判斷。
4) 使用vue的:style="內聯樣式"時趕上的寫法問題this
:style="{transform:'scale('+ myImg.scale+ ') translate('+myImg.position.x+'px,'+myImg.position.y+'px)'}"