18. ACCU
The ACCU is a non-profit organisation devoted to professionalism in programming at all levels. Although primarily focussed on C and C++, we also have interests in Java, C# and Python. 有很是好的資料,就看你能不能找到.
[url]http://www.accu.org/[/url] - 外文
39. The Java Community Process(SM) Program
[url]http://www.jcp.org/[/url] -
40. Java examples (example source code) Orgainzed in Topic into Categories
[url]http://www.java2s.com/[/url] - 外文
57. Java Code and Examples of nokia
[url]http://www.forum.nokia.com/[/url] - 外文
41. java, javscript,Free source code for the taking. Over five million lines of program
[url]http://www.1javastreet.com/[/url] - 外文
42. the one stop programmers resource
Welcome to programmershelp, on this site you will find various resources for programming languages such as c, c++, visual basic, java, php, perl, asp and javascript to name but a few. Source code, forums, tutorials, scripts articles, downloads, book links we have it.
[url]http://www.programmershelp.co.uk/[/url] - 外文
43. Jpowered
[url]http://www.jpowered.com/[/url] - 外文
46 LaLiLuna - Tutorials for Struts, JavaServer Faces, JSF
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