memcached中有2類event_base:main_base,位於主線程中,處理listening socket;normal event_base,位於工做線程中,處理accepted socket。它們的關係能夠簡單地以圖1-1表示,數組
圖1-1 memcached中的工做線程模型緩存
(ps: 工做線程的數量能夠在啓動memcached時設置)網絡
memcached使用struct LIBEVENT_THREAD結構保存工做線程相關的信息,其定義以下,數據結構
typedef struct { pthread_t thread_id; /* unique ID of this thread */ struct event_base *base; /* libevent handle this thread uses */ struct event notify_event; /* listen event for notify pipe */ int notify_receive_fd; /* receiving end of notify pipe */ int notify_send_fd; /* sending end of notify pipe */ struct thread_stats stats; /* Stats generated by this thread */ struct conn_queue *new_conn_queue; /* queue of new connections to handle */ cache_t *suffix_cache; /* suffix cache */ #ifdef EXTSTORE cache_t *io_cache; /* IO objects */ void *storage; /* data object for storage system */ #endif logger *l; /* logger buffer */ void *lru_bump_buf; /* async LRU bump buffer */ #ifdef TLS char *ssl_wbuf; #endif } LIBEVENT_THREAD;
notify_event, notify_received_fd, notify_send_fd三個成員一塊兒用於完成喚醒線程的任務,notify_event被加入到它的event_base中,監聽nofity_received_fd上的讀事件,當有讀事件發生時,喚醒線程。外部想要喚醒該線程時,向notify_send_fd發送數據,便可引起nofity_received_fd上的讀事件。這兩個fd的關聯經過pipe通道完成。async
另外有一個new_conn_queue成員,這個成員用來協助完成主線程的任務分發工做。當主線程接受新的鏈接後,創建一個struct conn_queue_item結構,並將該結構push到某個工做線程的new_conn_queue指向的隊列上。worker thread被喚醒後從該隊列上pop新的鏈接創建新的事件加入它的event_base,開始監聽它的網絡通訊。如下是new_conn_queue的及其元素CQ_ITEM的定義
/* A connection queue. */ typedef struct conn_queue CQ; struct conn_queue { CQ_ITEM *head; CQ_ITEM *tail; pthread_mutex_t lock; }; typedef struct conn_queue_item CQ_ITEM; struct conn_queue_item { int sfd; enum conn_states init_state; int event_flags; int read_buffer_size; enum network_transport transport; enum conn_queue_item_modes mode; conn *c; void *ssl; CQ_ITEM *next; };
CQ_ITEM中sfd包含了相應的socket,transport表示傳輸層協議類型,read_buffer_size表明讀數據的buffer初始大小,init_state表示這個conn的初始狀態,用於struct conn結構,conn結構是memcached中用於讀寫數據的一個關鍵數據結構,後面將進行介紹。相關的隊列操做函數是cq_pop與cq_push。
不管是listening socekt的事件回調函數仍是accepted socket的事件回調函數,在memcached中都是event_handler,該函數會調用一個至關複雜的函數drive_mathine,它會根據狀態進行不一樣的處理。如main thread中的listening socket有鏈接事件到來時,回調函數將調用accept函數接受鏈接請求,並將新創建的socket交給某個worker thread處理。worker thread中的socket的事件發生時,處理工做相對較複雜,包括接收數據,創建item,並進行存儲,或者返回響應信息等。
首先,爲了服務端與客戶端的溝通,memcached定義了它的信息的格式協議。協議有兩類,一類是text protocol,一類是binary protocol,具體可參考https://github.com/memcached/memcached/wiki/Protocols。事件回調函數中根據協議對消息進行解析,並進行響應。
前面提到,memcached中全部的libevent網絡事件的回調函數都是event_handler,而這個函數又簡單地調用了drive_machine完成工做,drive_mathine根據conn_states值作不一樣的操做。每個鏈接在memcached中都使用一個conn結構進行描述,其中包含了它的socket, event及讀寫數據使用到的相關buffer描述,而conn_states正是描述struct conn目前所處的狀態的成員,其取值範圍以下,
/** * Possible states of a connection. */ enum conn_states { conn_listening, /**< the socket which listens for connections */ conn_new_cmd, /**< Prepare connection for next command */ conn_waiting, /**< waiting for a readable socket */ conn_read, /**< reading in a command line */ conn_parse_cmd, /**< try to parse a command from the input buffer */ conn_write, /**< writing out a simple response */ conn_nread, /**< reading in a fixed number of bytes */ conn_swallow, /**< swallowing unnecessary bytes w/o storing */ conn_closing, /**< closing this connection */ conn_mwrite, /**< writing out many items sequentially */ conn_closed, /**< connection is closed */ conn_watch, /**< held by the logger thread as a watcher */ conn_max_state /**< Max state value (used for assertion) */ };
conn_listening狀態下drive_machine會從該listening socket上接受客戶端鏈接,創建新的鏈接,分發給工做線程。
具體的狀態轉移及所作的相關操做見圖2-1,因爲其中使用了許多struct conn的成員,在此以前先前conn的定義列出:
/** * The structure representing a connection into memcached. */ struct conn { int sfd; #ifdef TLS SSL *ssl; char *ssl_wbuf; bool ssl_enabled; #endif sasl_conn_t *sasl_conn; bool sasl_started; bool authenticated; enum conn_states state; enum bin_substates substate; rel_time_t last_cmd_time; struct event event; short ev_flags; short which; /** which events were just triggered */ char *rbuf; /** buffer to read commands into */ char *rcurr; /** but if we parsed some already, this is where we stopped */ int rsize; /** total allocated size of rbuf */ int rbytes; /** how much data, starting from rcur, do we have unparsed */ char *wbuf; char *wcurr; int wsize; int wbytes; /** which state to go into after finishing current write */ enum conn_states write_and_go; void *write_and_free; /** free this memory after finishing writing */ char *ritem; /** when we read in an item's value, it goes here */ int rlbytes; /* data for the nread state */ /** * item is used to hold an item structure created after reading the command * line of set/add/replace commands, but before we finished reading the actual * data. The data is read into ITEM_data(item) to avoid extra copying. */ void *item; /* for commands set/add/replace */ /* data for the swallow state */ int sbytes; /* how many bytes to swallow */ /* data for the mwrite state */ struct iovec *iov; int iovsize; /* number of elements allocated in iov[] */ int iovused; /* number of elements used in iov[] */ struct msghdr *msglist; int msgsize; /* number of elements allocated in msglist[] */ int msgused; /* number of elements used in msglist[] */ int msgcurr; /* element in msglist[] being transmitted now */ int msgbytes; /* number of bytes in current msg */ item **ilist; /* list of items to write out */ int isize; item **icurr; int ileft; char **suffixlist; int suffixsize; char **suffixcurr; int suffixleft; #ifdef EXTSTORE int io_wrapleft; unsigned int recache_counter; io_wrap *io_wraplist; /* linked list of io_wraps */ bool io_queued; /* FIXME: debugging flag */ #endif enum protocol protocol; /* which protocol this connection speaks */ enum network_transport transport; /* what transport is used by this connection */ /* data for UDP clients */ int request_id; /* Incoming UDP request ID, if this is a UDP "connection" */ struct sockaddr_in6 request_addr; /* udp: Who sent the most recent request */ socklen_t request_addr_size; unsigned char *hdrbuf; /* udp packet headers */ int hdrsize; /* number of headers' worth of space is allocated */ bool noreply; /* True if the reply should not be sent. */ /* current stats command */ struct { char *buffer; size_t size; size_t offset; } stats; /* Binary protocol stuff */ /* This is where the binary header goes */ protocol_binary_request_header binary_header; uint64_t cas; /* the cas to return */ short cmd; /* current command being processed */ int opaque; int keylen; conn *next; /* Used for generating a list of conn structures */ LIBEVENT_THREAD *thread; /* Pointer to the thread object serving this connection */ int (*try_read_command)(conn *c); /* pointer for top level input parser */ ssize_t (*read)(conn *c, void *buf, size_t count); ssize_t (*sendmsg)(conn *c, struct msghdr *msg, int flags); ssize_t (*write)(conn *c, void *buf, size_t count); };
圖2-1 struct conn的狀態轉移圖
如今結合struct conn定義與狀態轉移圖,對一個簡單的客戶端命令開始到客戶端收到返回消息的過程進行描述,
memcached中向客戶端返回消息使用了庫函數sendmsg,所以須要返回給客戶端的消息都存儲在結構struct conn中的msglist中,其存儲結構能夠大體表示如圖2-2:
圖2-2 struct conn結構中msglist的結構
msglist是一個動態擴展的msghdr數組, msgused是數組中已被使用的部分的計數, msgsize是數組長度,msgcurr是目前發送的消息。
buf是存儲須要發送的數據的空間,它的起始地址與長度記錄在一個iovec結構中,這些buf通常是con中的wbuf, write_and_free,ilist中的item的數據區。
struct conn結構中有一個substate成員對於complete_nread處理binary protocol很重要,complete根據該值決定後續須要作的處理。substate的取值範圍定義以下:
enum bin_substates { bin_no_state, bin_reading_set_header, bin_reading_cas_header, bin_read_set_value, bin_reading_get_key, bin_reading_stat, bin_reading_del_header, bin_reading_incr_header, bin_read_flush_exptime, bin_reading_sasl_auth, bin_reading_sasl_auth_data, bin_reading_touch_key, };
這些狀態是與binary protocol的命令對應的,如
struct conn中部分其它成員的做用:
void event_handler(const int fd, const short which, void *arg)
static void drive_machine(conn *c)
void dispatch_conn_new(int sfd, enum conn_states init_state, int event_flags, int read_buffer_size, enum network_transport transport, void *ssl)
static enum try_read_result try_read_network(conn *c)
static int try_read_command_binary(conn *c)
在將數據讀到c.rbuf後,調用該函數對binary protocol的命令進行解析,解析結果存儲c.binary_head中。
static void dispatch_bin_command(conn *c)
static void complete_nread_binary(conn *c)
static int try_read_command_ascii(conn *c)
static void process_command(conn *c, char *command)
static enum transmit_result transmit(conn *c)