in this post, we are going to to discuss the essentials of the dictionary of Python. python
Dictionary provide some constant operation to retrieval or store some value based on the key types. app
in this section, we are going to discuss the aspect of Dictionary, focusing on the following matters. ide
- dictionary basics
- update method
- copy method
- dictionary membership
- dictionary use case 1 - work count
- dictionary use case 2 - cache
- dictionary use case 3 - sparse matrix
- dictionary key type requirement
''' Created on 2012-10-31 @author: Administrator file: description: dictionary basics update method copy method dictionary membership dictionary use case 1 - work count dictionary use case 2 - cache dictionary use case 3 - sparse matrix dictionary key type requirement ''' def dictionary_basic(): english_to_french = {'red' : 'rougue', 'blue' : 'bleu', 'green' : 'vert'} print("*** len of dictionary") # the view object of the Dictionary view object # keys, values, items, which is updated each time the dictionary is changed. print(len(english_to_french)) print("*** dictionary keys") print(list(english_to_french.keys())) print("*** dictionary values") print(list(english_to_french.values())) print("***dictionary items") print(list(english_to_french.items())) # del an item from the del english_to_french['green'] # get or default x = english_to_french.get('blue', "No translation") print(x) x = english_to_french.get('chartreuse', 'No translation') print(x) x = english_to_french.setdefault('chartreuse', 'No translation') print(x) def udpate_dictionary(): z = {1 : 'One', 2 : 'Two'} x = {0 : 'Zero', 1: 'one'} x.update(z) print(x) def copy_dictionary(): x = {0: 'zero', 1: 'one'} y = x.copy() print(y) def dictionary_membership(): english_to_french = {'red' : 'rougue', 'blue' : 'bleu', 'green' : 'vert'} x = 'red' in english_to_french print("*** membership 'in' in dictionary") print(x) def dictionary_use_case1(): sample_string= 'To be or not to be' occurrences = {} for word in sample_string.split(): occurrences[word] = occurrences.get(word, 0) + 1 for word in occurrences: print("The word", word, 'occurs', occurrences[word], "tiemes in teh string") def what_can_be_dictionary_key(): # python dictionary key must meet the following two conditions # hashable # immutable # in this condition, list cannot be the key, however, sometimes it is neccessary to # have key of list type, in this case, python solve the problem by # immutable list, tuple. # if you wna to have set as the key to dictionary, you can use the frozenset # pass def dictionary_use_case2_sparse_matrix(): rownum = 1 colnum = 1 matrix = [[3, 0, -2, 11], [0, 9, 0, 0], [0, 7, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, -5]] element = matrix[rownum][colnum] print("*** matrix") print(element) matrix = {(0, 0): 3, (0, 2): -2, (0, 3) :11, (1, 1): 9, (2, 1): 7, (3, 3): -5 } if (rownum, colnum) in matrix: element = matrix[(rownum, colnum)] else: element = 0; print("*** sparse matrix with dictionary") print(element) def dictionary_use_case3_cache(): sole_cache = {} def sole(m, n, t): if (m, n, t) in sole_cache: return sole_cache[(m, n, t)] else: # ... do some time consuming calculating result = 'a' sole_cache[(m, n, t)] = result return result; if __name__ == '__main__': dictionary_basic() udpate_dictionary() dictionary_membership() dictionary_use_case1() what_can_be_dictionary_key() dictionary_use_case2_sparse_matrix() dictionary_use_case3_cache()
Almost we almost have code for all the features that we have introduced before, but we don't provide some code for the key requirement. post
the requirement on the key types are simply as ui
- the key is immutable
- the key is hashable
List does not have the attribute, it is not immutable, so here is one problem, what if we want to say use the age and the name of a person to index into some info keyed with the list, it is simply not allowed. this
To solve the issue, python solve it by tuple, a list is mutable while tuple is immutable. the same applies to the set, while you can convert set object to frozenSet. spa
While we might come back to the dictionary if we want to use our custom type as the key to dictionary. code