當異常掉電後,實例啓動會報相似以下錯誤,屬於文件級別的損壞,這時候常規的修復方案是沒用的,能夠使用 wt 進行數據打撈。c++
2019-07-10T21:06:05.725-0500 E STORAGE [initandlisten] WiredTiger (0) [1454119565:724960][1745:0x7f2ac9534bc0], file:WiredTiger.wt, cursor.next: read checksum error for 4096B block at offset 6 799360: block header checksum of 1769173605 doesnt match expected checksum of 4176084783 2019-07-10T21:06:05.725-0500 E STORAGE [initandlisten] WiredTiger (0) [1454119565:725067][1745:0x7f2ac9534bc0], file:WiredTiger.wt, cursor.next: WiredTiger.wt: encountered an illegal file format or internal value 2019-07-10T21:06:05.725-0500 E STORAGE [initandlisten] WiredTiger (-31804) [1454119565:725088][1745:0x7f2ac9534bc0], file:WiredTiger.wt, cursor.next: the process must exit and restart: WT_PANIC: WiredTiger library panic 2019-07-10T21:06:05.725-0500 I - [initandlisten] Fatal Assertion 28558
[centos] yum install snappy-devel make gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel [ubuntu] apt-get install libsnappy-dev build-essential
官網地址 http://source.wiredtiger.comapache
wget http://source.wiredtiger.com/releases/wiredtiger-3.2.0.tar.bz2 tar xvf wiredtiger-3.2.0.tar.bz2 cd wiredtiger-3.2.0 ./configure --enable-snappy make
切記不要在損壞的原目錄進行操做,要在工做路徑創建一個恢復路徑,將損壞的 dbpath 複製一份到此處。
好比拷貝到 /opt/5113_wechatworkpre_bak/ ,理論上只有必要的 .wt 和損壞的 collection 文件自己就夠了,以防萬一能夠拷貝整個 dbpath .ubuntu
假設日誌中損壞的 collection 叫 dmeo.
執行 db.demo.stats() 定位到 uri ,拿到具體的文件名 wechatworkpre_leju_com/collection-26--7067895897049507085 swift
./wt -v -h /opt/5113_wechatworkpre_bak/ -C "extensions=[./ext/compressors/snappy/.libs/libwiredtiger_snappy.so]" -R salvage wechatworkpre_leju_com/collection-26--7067895897049507085.wt (帶.wt後綴)
到此爲止,不能直接將新生成的文件拷回 datapath ,要執行一次 dump ,生成咱們想要的 collection 的原始數據,以下是 demo.dump bash
./wt -v -h /opt/5113_wechatworkpre_bak/ -C "extensions=[./ext/compressors/snappy/.libs/libwiredtiger_snappy.so]" -R dump -f demo.dump wechatworkpre_leju_com/collection-26--7067895897049507085 (不帶.wt後綴)
這個備份實例的做用是用於導入用 wt dump 出來的數據,爲後來的工做作準備app
mkdir /opt/mongo-recovery/ -p mongod --dbpath mongo-recovery --storageEngine wiredTiger --nojournal mongo --port 27017 use recovery db.demo.insert({test: 1}) db.demo.remove({}) db.demo.stats()
拿到 collection 對應的數據文件 "uri" : "statistics:table:collection-7--5182884231633924913",將上面 wt 生成的 dump 文件 load 到新備份實例中(須要關閉備份實例)ui
./wt -v -h /opt/mongo-recovery/ -C "extensions=[./ext/compressors/snappy/.libs/libwiredtiger_snappy.so]" -R load -f demo.dump -r collection-7--5182884231633924913
> use recovery switched to db recovery > db.demo.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("5d270709f43c5aedc1aae7c8"), "age" : 1 }
若是還有問題只須要執行次 mongodump 和 mongorestore --drop 便可。spa
global options: -C wiredtiger_open configuration -h database directory -L turn logging off for debug-mode -R run recovery if configured -V display library version and exit -v verbose commands: alter alter an object backup database backup compact compact an object copyright copyright information create create an object downgrade downgrade a database drop drop an object dump dump an object list list database objects load load an object loadtext load an object from a text file printlog display the database log read read values from an object rebalance rebalance an object rename rename an object salvage salvage a file stat display statistics for an object truncate truncate an object, removing all content upgrade upgrade an object verify verify an object write write values to an object