VB.NET MD5加密想着這個功能很廣泛,就在網上找了一個代碼oop
'對strSource進行轉碼,而後再變成大寫,再進行加密 Function MD51(ByVal strSource As String, ByVal Code As Int16) As String Dim dataToHash As Byte() dataToHash = (New System.Text.UTF8Encoding).GetBytes(UCase(URLEncode(strSource))) Dim hashvalue As Byte() = CType(System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig.CreateFromName("MD5"), System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm).ComputeHash(dataToHash) Dim ATR As String = "" Dim i As Integer Select Case Code Case 16 '選擇16位字符的加密結果 For i = 4 To 11 ATR &= Hex(hashvalue(i)).PadLeft(2, "0").ToLower Next Case 32 '選擇32位字符的加密結果 For i = 0 To 15 ATR &= Hex(hashvalue(i)).PadLeft(2, "0").ToLower Next Case Else 'Code錯誤時,返回所有字符串,即32位字符 For i = 0 To 15 ATR &= Hex(hashvalue(i)).PadLeft(2, "0").ToLower Next End Select Return ATR End Function ''把帶來中文的URL編碼,都轉換成GBK的編碼方式 Public Function URLEncode(ByRef strEnc As String) As String Dim strTmp2, strChar, strTmp, strRet As String strRet = "" Dim lngLoop As Integer For lngLoop = 0 To strEnc.Length - 1 strChar = strEnc.Substring(lngLoop, 1) Select Case Asc(strChar) Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122 strRet &= strChar Case 32 strRet &= "+" Case Else strTmp = Hex(Asc(strChar)) If strTmp.Length > 4 Then strTmp = strTmp.Substring(4) strRet &= "%" & strTmp.Substring(0, 2) If strTmp.Length > 2 Then strTmp2 = strTmp.Substring(2) strRet &= IIf(IsNumeric(strTmp.Substring(2, 1)), Chr(Val("&H" & strTmp2)), "%" & strTmp2) End If End If End Select Next URLEncode = strRet End Function ''把帶來中文的URL編碼,都轉換成GBK的編碼方式 Public Function URLenc(ByVal strEnc As String) As String Dim lngLoop, lngAsc As Long URLenc = "" Dim strChr As String For lngLoop = 0 To strEnc.Length - 1 strChr = strEnc.Substring(lngLoop, 1) If Math.Abs(Asc(strChr)) < 255 Then URLenc &= strChr Else lngAsc = Asc(strChr) If lngAsc < 0 Then lngAsc = lngAsc + 65536 URLenc &= "%" & Hex((lngAsc And -256) \ 255) & "%" & Hex(lngAsc And 255) End If Next End Function
今天完善一個支付寶批量轉帳的程序時也須要使用到MD5就再百度了一下。運氣好看到了微軟的VB.NET MD5的幫助。終於實現的簡單的MD5加密。結果初步對比是正確的。編碼
Public Function funcMD5(ByVal str As String) As String Using md5Hash As MD5 = MD5.Create() Dim hash As String = GetMd5Hash(md5Hash, str) Return hash End Using End Function Function GetMd5Hash(ByVal md5Hash As MD5, ByVal input As String) As String ' Convert the input string to a byte array and compute the hash. Dim data As Byte() = md5Hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input)) ' Create a new Stringbuilder to collect the bytes ' and create a string. Dim sBuilder As New StringBuilder() ' Loop through each byte of the hashed data ' and format each one as a hexadecimal string. Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To data.Length - 1 sBuilder.Append(data(i).ToString("x2")) Next i ' Return the hexadecimal string. Return sBuilder.ToString() End Function 'GetMd5Hash