

  JS API 支付:是指用戶打開圖文消息或者掃描二維碼,在微信內置瀏覽器打開網頁進行的支付。商戶網頁前端經過使用微信提供的 JS API,調用微信支付模塊。這種方式,適合
  Native(原生)支付:是指商戶組成符合 Native(原生)支付規則的 URL 連接,用戶可經過點擊該連接或者掃描對應的二維碼直接進入微信支付模塊(微信客戶端界面),便可




      客戶是想作一個手機端的商城,因此選擇JS API支付,經過網頁調取微信支付。。java


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        <script Language="javascript">
            function Trim(str,is_global)
                var result;
                result = str.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g,"");
                if(is_global.toLowerCase()=="g") result = result.replace(/\s/g,"");
                return result;
            function clearBr(key)
                key = Trim(key,"g");
                key = key.replace(/<\/?.+?>/g,"");
                key = key.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
                return key;
            function getANumber()
                var date = new Date();
                var times1970 = date.getTime();
                var times = date.getDate() + "" + date.getHours() + "" + date.getMinutes() + "" + date.getSeconds();
                var encrypt = times * times1970;
                if(arguments.length == 1){
                    return arguments[0] + encrypt;
                    return encrypt;
            var oldPackageString;//記住package,方便最後進行總體簽名時取用
            function getPartnerId()
                return document.form1.partnerId.value;
            function getPartnerKey()
                return "8934e7d15453e97507ef794cf7b0519d";
            function getPackage()
                var banktype = "WX";
                var body = document.form1.body.value;//商品名稱信息,這裏由測試網頁填入。
                var fee_type = "1";//費用類型,這裏1爲默認的人民幣
                var input_charset = "GBK";//字符集,這裏將統一使用GBK
                var notify_url = "http://www.qq.com";//支付成功後將通知該地址
                var out_trade_no = ""+getANumber();//訂單號,商戶須要保證該字段對於本商戶的惟一性
                var partner = getPartnerId();//測試商戶號
                var spbill_create_ip = "";//用戶瀏覽器的ip,這個須要在前端獲取。這裏使用127.0.0.1測試值
                var total_fee = document.form1.totalFee.value;//總金額。
                var partnerKey = getPartnerKey();//這個值和以上其餘值不同是:簽名須要它,而最後組成的傳輸字符串不能含有它。這個key是須要商戶好好保存的。
                var signString = "bank_type="+banktype+"&body="+body+"&fee_type="+fee_type+"&input_charset="+input_charset+"&notify_url="+notify_url+"&out_trade_no="+out_trade_no+"&partner="+partner+"&spbill_create_ip="+spbill_create_ip+"&total_fee="+total_fee+"&key="+partnerKey;
                var md5SignValue =  ("" + CryptoJS.MD5(signString)).toUpperCase();
                banktype = encodeURIComponent(banktype);
                input_charset = encodeURIComponent(input_charset);
                notify_url = encodeURIComponent(notify_url);
                out_trade_no = encodeURIComponent(out_trade_no);
                partner = encodeURIComponent(partner);
                spbill_create_ip = encodeURIComponent(spbill_create_ip);
                total_fee = encodeURIComponent(total_fee);
                var completeString = "bank_type="+banktype+"&body="+body+"&fee_type="+fee_type+"&input_charset="+input_charset+"&notify_url="+notify_url+"&out_trade_no="+out_trade_no+"&partner="+partner+"&spbill_create_ip="+spbill_create_ip+"&total_fee="+total_fee;
                completeString = completeString + "&sign="+md5SignValue;
                oldPackageString = completeString;//記住package,方便最後進行總體簽名時取用
                return completeString;
            var oldTimeStamp ;//記住timestamp,避免簽名時的timestamp與傳入的timestamp時不一致
            var oldNonceStr ; //記住nonceStr,避免簽名時的nonceStr與傳入的nonceStr不一致
            function getAppId()
                return document.form1.appId.value;
            function getAppKey()
                return "2Wozy2aksie1puXUBpWD8oZxiD1DfQuEaiC7KcRATv1Ino3mdopKaPGQQ7TtkNySuAmCaDCrw4xhPY5qKTBl7Fzm0RgR3c0WaVYIXZARsxzHV2x7iwPPzOz94dnwPWSn";
            function getTimeStamp()
                var timestamp=new Date().getTime();
                var timestampstring = timestamp.toString();//必定要轉換字符串
                oldTimeStamp = timestampstring;
                return timestampstring;
            function getNonceStr()
                var $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
                var maxPos = $chars.length;
                var noceStr = "";
                for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
                    noceStr += $chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos));
                oldNonceStr = noceStr;
                return noceStr;
            function getSignType()
                return "SHA1";
            function getSign()
                var app_id = getAppId().toString();
                var app_key = getAppKey().toString();
                var nonce_str = oldNonceStr;
                var package_string = oldPackageString;
                var time_stamp = oldTimeStamp;
                var keyvaluestring = "appid="+app_id+"&appkey="+app_key+"&noncestr="+nonce_str+"&package="+package_string+"&timestamp="+time_stamp;
                sign = CryptoJS.SHA1(keyvaluestring).toString();
                return sign;
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            // 當微信內置瀏覽器完成內部初始化後會觸發WeixinJSBridgeReady事件。
            document.addEventListener('WeixinJSBridgeReady', function onBridgeReady() {
                                                                                                   "appId" : getAppId(), //公衆號名稱,由商戶傳入
                                                                                                   "timeStamp" : getTimeStamp(), //時間戳
                                                                                                   "nonceStr" : getNonceStr(), //隨機串
                                                                                                   "package" : getPackage(),//擴展包
                                                                                                   "signType" : getSignType(), //微信簽名方式:1.sha1
                                                                                                   "paySign" : getSign() //微信簽名
                                                                                                   if(res.err_msg == "get_brand_wcpay_request:ok" ) {}
                                                                                                   // 使用以上方式判斷前端返回,微信團隊鄭重提示:res.err_msg將在用戶支付成功後返回ok,但並不保證它絕對可靠。
                                      WeixinJSBridge.log('yo~ ready.');
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                <TR><th>公衆號ID</th> <th><INPUT value="wxf8b4f85f3a794e77" name="appId" id="1"></th>
                    <tr><th>商戶ID</th><th><INPUT value="1900000109" name="partnerId" id="2"></th>
                        <TR><th>總金額</th><th><INPUT value=1 name="totalFee" id="3"></th>
                            <TR><th>商品名</th><th><INPUT value="江詩丹頓" name="body" id="4"></th>
        <div class="WCPay">
            <a id="getBrandWCPayRequest" href="javascript:void(0);"><h1 class="title">提交</h1></a>


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            function Trim(str,is_global)
                var result;
                result = str.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g,"");
                if(is_global.toLowerCase()=="g") result = result.replace(/\s/g,"");
                return result;
            function clearBr(key)
                key = Trim(key,"g");
                key = key.replace(/<\/?.+?>/g,"");
                key = key.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
                return key;
            function getANumber()
                var date = new Date();
                var times1970 = date.getTime();
                var times = date.getDate() + "" + date.getHours() + "" + date.getMinutes() + "" + date.getSeconds();
                var encrypt = times * times1970;
                if(arguments.length == 1){
                    return arguments[0] + encrypt;
                    return encrypt;
            var oldPackageString;//記住package,方便最後進行總體簽名時取用
            function getPartnerId()
                return document.form1.partnerId.value;
            function getPartnerKey()
                return "8934e7d15453e97507ef794cf7b0519d";
            function getPackage()
                var banktype = "WX";
                var body = document.form1.body.value;//商品名稱信息,這裏由測試網頁填入。
                var fee_type = "1";//費用類型,這裏1爲默認的人民幣
                var input_charset = "GBK";//字符集,這裏將統一使用GBK
                var notify_url = "http://www.qq.com";//支付成功後將通知該地址
                var out_trade_no = ""+getANumber();//訂單號,商戶須要保證該字段對於本商戶的惟一性
                var partner = getPartnerId();//測試商戶號
                var spbill_create_ip = "";//用戶瀏覽器的ip,這個須要在前端獲取。這裏使用127.0.0.1測試值
                var total_fee = document.form1.totalFee.value;//總金額。
                var partnerKey = getPartnerKey();//這個值和以上其餘值不同是:簽名須要它,而最後組成的傳輸字符串不能含有它。這個key是須要商戶好好保存的。
                var signString = "bank_type="+banktype+"&body="+body+"&fee_type="+fee_type+"&input_charset="+input_charset+"&notify_url="+notify_url+"&out_trade_no="+out_trade_no+"&partner="+partner+"&spbill_create_ip="+spbill_create_ip+"&total_fee="+total_fee+"&key="+partnerKey;
                var md5SignValue =  ("" + CryptoJS.MD5(signString)).toUpperCase();
                banktype = encodeURIComponent(banktype);
                input_charset = encodeURIComponent(input_charset);
                notify_url = encodeURIComponent(notify_url);
                out_trade_no = encodeURIComponent(out_trade_no);
                partner = encodeURIComponent(partner);
                spbill_create_ip = encodeURIComponent(spbill_create_ip);
                total_fee = encodeURIComponent(total_fee);
                var completeString = "bank_type="+banktype+"&body="+body+"&fee_type="+fee_type+"&input_charset="+input_charset+"&notify_url="+notify_url+"&out_trade_no="+out_trade_no+"&partner="+partner+"&spbill_create_ip="+spbill_create_ip+"&total_fee="+total_fee;
                completeString = completeString + "&sign="+md5SignValue;
                oldPackageString = completeString;//記住package,方便最後進行總體簽名時取用
                return completeString;
            var oldTimeStamp ;//記住timestamp,避免簽名時的timestamp與傳入的timestamp時不一致
            var oldNonceStr ; //記住nonceStr,避免簽名時的nonceStr與傳入的nonceStr不一致
            function getAppId()
                return document.form1.appId.value;
            function getAppKey()
                return "2Wozy2aksie1puXUBpWD8oZxiD1DfQuEaiC7KcRATv1Ino3mdopKaPGQQ7TtkNySuAmCaDCrw4xhPY5qKTBl7Fzm0RgR3c0WaVYIXZARsxzHV2x7iwPPzOz94dnwPWSn";
            function getTimeStamp()
                var timestamp=new Date().getTime();
                var timestampstring = timestamp.toString();//必定要轉換字符串
                oldTimeStamp = timestampstring;
                return timestampstring;
            function getNonceStr()
                var $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
                var maxPos = $chars.length;
                var noceStr = "";
                for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
                    noceStr += $chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos));
                oldNonceStr = noceStr;
                return noceStr;
            function getSignType()
                return "SHA1";
            function getSign()
                var app_id = getAppId().toString();
                var app_key = getAppKey().toString();
                var nonce_str = oldNonceStr;
                var package_string = oldPackageString;
                var time_stamp = oldTimeStamp;
                var keyvaluestring = "appid="+app_id+"&appkey="+app_key+"&noncestr="+nonce_str+"&package="+package_string+"&timestamp="+time_stamp;
                sign = CryptoJS.SHA1(keyvaluestring).toString();
                return sign;
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                                                                                                   "nonceStr" : getNonceStr(), //隨機串
                                                                                                   "package" : getPackage(),//擴展包
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                                                                                                   "paySign" : getSign() //微信簽名
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                                                                                                   // 使用以上方式判斷前端返回,微信團隊鄭重提示:res.err_msg將在用戶支付成功後返回ok,但並不保證它絕對可靠。
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                    <tr><th>商戶ID</th><th><INPUT value="1900000109" name="partnerId" id="2"></th>
                        <TR><th>總金額</th><th><INPUT value=1 name="totalFee" id="3"></th>
                            <TR><th>商品名</th><th><INPUT value="江詩丹頓" name="body" id="4"></th>
        <div class="WCPay">
            <a id="getBrandWCPayRequest" href="javascript:void(0);"><h1 class="title">提交</h1></a>

打開一看(樓主內心想TX你是多缺美工!),「提交」兩字這麼大,點一下試試,沒反應?這不科學啊!立馬找緣由,當看到這句:「微信支付,是基於微信客戶端提供的支付服務功能」 ,樓主**(已和諧)了!放網站上用微信打開,此次有反應了!微信友情的提示我:「功能未受權」。。 此次知道是啥緣由了,找客戶溝通,原來合同快遞還沒到,保證金5W沒交(如今只要2W了)。。 web







using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace tenpayApp
    /// <summary>
    /// MD5Util 的摘要說明。
    /// </summary>
    public class MD5Util
        public MD5Util()
            // TODO: 在此處添加構造函數邏輯

        /** 獲取大寫的MD5簽名結果 */
        public static string GetMD5(string encypStr, string charset)
            string retStr;
            MD5CryptoServiceProvider m5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();

            byte[] inputBye;
            byte[] outputBye;

                inputBye = Encoding.GetEncoding(charset).GetBytes(encypStr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                inputBye = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312").GetBytes(encypStr);
            outputBye = m5.ComputeHash(inputBye);

            retStr = System.BitConverter.ToString(outputBye);
            retStr = retStr.Replace("-", "").ToUpper();
            return retStr;


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace tenpayApp
     ============================================================================/// <summary>
     * ============================================================================
    public class RequestHandler
        public RequestHandler(HttpContext httpContext)
            parameters = new Hashtable();

            this.httpContext = httpContext;
        /**  密鑰 */
        private string key;

        protected HttpContext httpContext;

        /** 請求的參數 */
        protected Hashtable parameters;
        /** debug信息 */
        private string debugInfo;
        /** 初始化函數 */
        public virtual void init() 
        /** 獲取debug信息 */
        public String getDebugInfo() 
            return debugInfo;
        /** 獲取密鑰 */
        public String getKey() 
            return key;

        /** 設置密鑰 */
        public void setKey(string key) 
            this.key = key;

        /** 設置參數值 */
        public void setParameter(string parameter, string parameterValue)
            if (parameter != null && parameter != "")
                if (parameters.Contains(parameter))

                parameters.Add(parameter, parameterValue);

        public string getRequestURL()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            ArrayList akeys=new ArrayList(parameters.Keys); 
            foreach(string k in akeys)
                string v = (string)parameters[k];
                if(null != v && "key".CompareTo(k) != 0) 
                    sb.Append(k + "=" + TenpayUtil.UrlEncode(v, getCharset()) + "&");

            if(sb.Length > 0)
                sb.Remove(sb.Length-1, 1);

           return sb.ToString();

        protected virtual void  createSign() 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            ArrayList akeys=new ArrayList(parameters.Keys); 

            foreach(string k in akeys)
                string v = (string)parameters[k];
                if(null != v && "".CompareTo(v) != 0
                    && "sign".CompareTo(k) != 0 && "key".CompareTo(k) != 0) 
                    sb.Append(k + "=" + v + "&");

            sb.Append("key=" + this.getKey());
            string sign = MD5Util.GetMD5(sb.ToString(), getCharset()).ToUpper();

            this.setParameter("sign", sign);
            this.setDebugInfo(sb.ToString() + " => sign:" + sign);        

        public virtual string createMd5Sign()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            ArrayList akeys=new ArrayList(parameters.Keys); 

            foreach(string k in akeys)
                string v = (string)parameters[k];
                if(null != v && "".CompareTo(v) != 0
                    && "sign".CompareTo(k) != 0 && "".CompareTo(v) != 0) 
                    sb.Append(k + "=" + v + "&");
            string sign = MD5Util.GetMD5(sb.ToString(), getCharset()).ToLower();

            this.setParameter("sign", sign);
            return sign;

        public string createSHA1Sign()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            ArrayList akeys = new ArrayList(parameters.Keys);

            foreach (string k in akeys)
                string v = (string)parameters[k];
              if (null != v && "".CompareTo(v) != 0
                     && "sign".CompareTo(k) != 0 && "key".CompareTo(k) != 0)
                    sb.Append(k + "=" + v);
                     sb.Append("&" + k + "=" + v);
            string paySign = SHA1Util.getSha1(sb.ToString()).ToString().ToLower();
            this.setDebugInfo(sb.ToString() + " => sign:" + paySign);
            return paySign;

        public string parseXML()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (string k in parameters.Keys)
                string v = (string)parameters[k];
                if (Regex.IsMatch(v, @"^[0-9.]$"))

                    sb.Append("<" + k + ">" + v + "</" + k + ">");
                    sb.Append("<" + k + "><![CDATA[" + v + "]]></" + k + ">");

            return sb.ToString();


        /** 設置debug信息 */
        public void setDebugInfo(String debugInfo) 
            this.debugInfo = debugInfo;

        public Hashtable getAllParameters()
            return this.parameters;

         protected virtual string getCharset()
          return this.httpContext.Request.ContentEncoding.BodyName;


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml;

namespace tenpayApp

    'isTenpaySign(),是否正確的簽名,true:是 false:否
    'isWXsign(),是否正確的簽名,true:是 false:否
    ' * isWXsignfeedback判斷微信維權簽名
    ' *getDebugInfo(),獲取debug信息

    public class ResponseHandler
        // 密鑰 
        private string key;

        // appkey
        private string appkey;

        private Hashtable xmlMap;

        // 應答的參數
        protected Hashtable parameters;
        private string debugInfo;
        protected string content;

        private string charset = "gb2312";

        private static string SignField = "appid,appkey,timestamp,openid,noncestr,issubscribe";

        protected HttpContext httpContext;

        public virtual void init()

        public ResponseHandler(HttpContext httpContext)
            parameters = new Hashtable();
            xmlMap = new Hashtable();

            this.httpContext = httpContext;
            NameValueCollection collection;
            //post data
            if (this.httpContext.Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                collection = this.httpContext.Request.Form;
                foreach (string k in collection)
                    string v = (string)collection[k];
                    this.setParameter(k, v);
            //query string
            collection = this.httpContext.Request.QueryString;
            foreach (string k in collection)
                string v = (string)collection[k];
                this.setParameter(k, v);
            if (this.httpContext.Request.InputStream.Length > 0)
                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNode root = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("xml");
                XmlNodeList xnl = root.ChildNodes;

                foreach (XmlNode xnf in xnl)
                    xmlMap.Add(xnf.Name, xnf.InnerText);

        /** 獲取密鑰 */
        public string getKey() 
        { return key;}

        /** 設置密鑰 */
        public void setKey(string key, string appkey) 
            this.key = key;
            this.appkey = appkey;

        /** 獲取參數值 */
        public string getParameter(string parameter) 
            string s = (string)parameters[parameter];
            return (null == s) ? "" : s;

        /** 設置參數值 */
        public void setParameter(string parameter,string parameterValue) 
            if(parameter != null && parameter != "")

        /** 是否財付通簽名,規則是:按參數名稱a-z排序,遇到空值的參數不參加簽名。 
         * @return boolean */
        public virtual Boolean isTenpaySign() 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            ArrayList akeys=new ArrayList(parameters.Keys); 

            foreach(string k in akeys)
                string v = (string)parameters[k];
                if(null != v && "".CompareTo(v) != 0
                    && "sign".CompareTo(k) != 0 && "key".CompareTo(k) != 0) 
                    sb.Append(k + "=" + v + "&");

            sb.Append("key=" + this.getKey());
            string sign = MD5Util.GetMD5(sb.ToString(), getCharset()).ToLower();
            this.setDebugInfo(sb.ToString() + " => sign:" + sign);
            return getParameter("sign").ToLower().Equals(sign); 

        public virtual Boolean isWXsign()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            Hashtable signMap = new Hashtable();

            foreach (string k in xmlMap.Keys)
                if (k != "SignMethod" && k != "AppSignature")
                    signMap.Add(k.ToLower(), xmlMap[k]);
            signMap.Add("appkey", this.appkey);

            ArrayList akeys = new ArrayList(signMap.Keys);

            foreach (string k in akeys)
                string v = (string)signMap[k];
                if (sb.Length == 0)
                    sb.Append(k + "=" + v);
                    sb.Append("&" + k + "=" + v);

            string sign = SHA1Util.getSha1(sb.ToString()).ToString().ToLower();

            this.setDebugInfo(sb.ToString() + " => SHA1 sign:" + sign);

            return sign.Equals(xmlMap["AppSignature"]);


        public virtual Boolean isWXsignfeedback()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            Hashtable signMap = new Hashtable();
            foreach (string k in xmlMap.Keys)
                if (SignField.IndexOf(k.ToLower()) != -1)
                    signMap.Add(k.ToLower(), xmlMap[k]);
            signMap.Add("appkey", this.appkey);

            ArrayList akeys = new ArrayList(signMap.Keys);

            foreach (string k in akeys)
                string v = (string)signMap[k];
                if ( sb.Length == 0 )
                    sb.Append(k + "=" + v);
                    sb.Append("&" + k + "=" + v);
            string sign = SHA1Util.getSha1(sb.ToString()).ToString().ToLower();
            this.setDebugInfo(sb.ToString() + " => SHA1 sign:" + sign);

            return sign.Equals( xmlMap["AppSignature"] );

        /** 獲取debug信息 */
        public string getDebugInfo() 
        { return debugInfo;}
        /** 設置debug信息 */
        protected void setDebugInfo(String debugInfo)
        { this.debugInfo = debugInfo;}

        protected virtual string getCharset()
            return this.httpContext.Request.ContentEncoding.BodyName;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace tenpayApp
    class SHA1Util
        public static String getSha1(String str)
            SHA1 sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
            ASCIIEncoding enc = new ASCIIEncoding();
            byte[] dataToHash = enc.GetBytes(str);
            byte[] dataHashed = sha.ComputeHash(dataToHash);
            string hash = BitConverter.ToString(dataHashed).Replace("-", "");
            return hash;


using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
namespace tenpayApp
    /// <summary>
    /// TenpayUtil 的摘要說明。
    /// 配置文件
    /// </summary>
    public class TenpayUtil
        public static string tenpay = "1";
        public static string partner = "";                   //商戶號
        public static string key = "";  //密鑰
        public static string appid = "";//appid
        public static string appkey = "";//paysignkey(非appkey) 
        public static string tenpay_notify = "http://localhost/payNotifyUrl.aspx"; //支付完成後的回調處理頁面,*替換成notify_url.asp所在路徑

        public TenpayUtil()
        public static string getNoncestr()
            Random random = new Random();
            return MD5Util.GetMD5(random.Next(1000).ToString(), "GBK");

        public static string getTimestamp()
            TimeSpan ts = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            return Convert.ToInt64(ts.TotalSeconds).ToString();

        /** 對字符串進行URL編碼 */
        public static string UrlEncode(string instr, string charset)
            //return instr;
            if(instr == null || instr.Trim() == "")
                return "";
                string res;
                    res = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(instr,Encoding.GetEncoding(charset));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    res = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(instr,Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"));
                return res;

        /** 對字符串進行URL解碼 */
        public static string UrlDecode(string instr, string charset)
            if(instr == null || instr.Trim() == "")
                return "";
                string res;
                    res = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(instr,Encoding.GetEncoding(charset));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    res = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(instr,Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"));
                return res;


        /** 取時間戳生成隨即數,替換交易單號中的後10位流水號 */
        public static UInt32 UnixStamp()
            TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
            return Convert.ToUInt32(ts.TotalSeconds);
        /** 取隨機數 */
        public static string BuildRandomStr(int length) 
            Random rand = new Random();

            int num = rand.Next();

            string str = num.ToString();

            if(str.Length > length)
                str = str.Substring(0,length);
            else if(str.Length < length)
                int n = length - str.Length;
                while(n > 0)
                    str.Insert(0, "0");
            return str;


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Collections;
using tenpayApp;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    public String appId = TenpayUtil.appid;
    public String timeStamp = "";
    public String nonceStr = "";
    public String packageValue = "";
    public String paySign = "";

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sp_billno = Request["order_no"];
        //當前時間 yyyyMMdd
        string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

        if (null == sp_billno)
            sp_billno = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss") + TenpayUtil.BuildRandomStr(4);
            sp_billno = Request["order_no"].ToString();

        sp_billno = TenpayUtil.partner + sp_billno;

        RequestHandler packageReqHandler = new RequestHandler(Context);

        packageReqHandler.setParameter("partner", TenpayUtil.partner);          //商戶號
        packageReqHandler.setParameter("fee_type", "1");                    //幣種,1人民幣
        packageReqHandler.setParameter("input_charset", "GBK");
        packageReqHandler.setParameter("out_trade_no", sp_billno);        //商家訂單號
        packageReqHandler.setParameter("total_fee", "1");                    //商品金額,以分爲單位(money * 100).ToString()
        packageReqHandler.setParameter("notify_url", TenpayUtil.tenpay_notify);            //接收財付統統知的URL
        packageReqHandler.setParameter("body", "JSAPIdemo");                        //商品描述
        packageReqHandler.setParameter("spbill_create_ip", Page.Request.UserHostAddress);   //用戶的公網ip,不是商戶服務器IP

        packageValue = packageReqHandler.getRequestURL();

        timeStamp = TenpayUtil.getTimestamp();
        nonceStr = TenpayUtil.getNoncestr();

        RequestHandler paySignReqHandler = new RequestHandler(Context);
        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("appid", appId);
        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("appkey", TenpayUtil.appkey);
        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("noncestr", nonceStr);
        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("timestamp", timeStamp);
        paySignReqHandler.setParameter("package", packageValue);
        paySign = paySignReqHandler.createSHA1Sign();

        //string pakcageDebuginfo = packageReqHandler.getDebugInfo();
        //Response.Write("<br/>pakcageDebuginfo:" + pakcageDebuginfo + "<br/>");
        //string paySignDebuginfo = paySignReqHandler.getDebugInfo();
        //Response.Write("<br/>paySignDebuginfo:" + paySignDebuginfo + "<br/>");
