有時候,咱們發現工做流或插件裏面的錯誤信息提示SQL 超時了,trace 日誌裏面能夠找到 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException Timeout Expired 這樣的錯誤前端
some times we found that sql timeout occured in the log of workflow or plugin , we can found the key words 'timeout expired' in the trace log.sql
緣由是什麼呢,真的很難找到哈,在前端的trace日誌裏面你可能會發現不少 ImportXml.RunImport()這樣的消息,實際上是有人在導入解決方案所致。this
what's the reason ,it's hard to find, this time we probably find that a lot of message about ImportXml.RunImport, In fact ,some one is importing solution package at that time.插件
hope this help!日誌