Eclipse Warning: Unknown Faceted Project

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I have a parent Maven project (using java facet version 1.7) which includes some modules. I got the following warning from Eclipse Juno SR1:eclipse

Implementation of project facet java could not be found.
Functionality will be limited (Unknown Faceted Project Problem)


This occurs when you upgrade your IDE or open a project from older IDE into a new

To solve (remove the unsupported facet):xml

  1. open your project folder;
  2. goto to .settings sub-folder
  3. edit the org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml file
  4. remove the wich reffers to your error
  5. if it doesn't solve immediately (if you edit the file right in Eclipse), try to close and reopen project or restart eclipse.

After all done, you may, if not done yet, mark the correct facet to your project to work.ip
