UTF8ToSys 須要 啓用編譯參數 –dDisableUTF8RTL,不然仍是UTF8,若是變碼仍是Utf8ToAnsi,但作了基本的處理。 編碼
function UTF8ToSys(const s: string): string; begin {$IFDEF UTF8_RTL} Result:=s; {$ELSE} if NeedRTLAnsi and (not IsASCII(s)) then Result:=UTF8ToAnsi(s) else Result:=s; {$ENDIF} end;
Utf8ToAnsi是freePascal 自帶的,變碼道Ansi ,在ustringh.inc文件裏面code
function Utf8ToAnsi(const s : RawByteString) : RawByteString;{$ifdef SYSTEMINLINE}inline;{$endif} begin Result:=RawByteString(Utf8Decode(s)); end;
{$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} RawByteString = type AnsiString(CP_NONE); {$else FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} RawByteString = ansistring; {$endif FPC_HAS_CPSTRING}
UTF8ToWinCP 是Lazarus 針對Windows 功能封包,不變化代碼頁,僅僅變化字符編碼blog
{$ifdef WinCe} function UTF8ToWinCP(const s: string): string; inline; begin Result := Utf8ToSys(s); end; {$else} function UTF8ToWinCP(const s: string): string; // result has codepage CP_ACP var src: UnicodeString; len: LongInt; begin Result:=s; if IsASCII(Result) then begin {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} // prevent codepage conversion magic SetCodePage(RawByteString(Result), CP_ACP, False); {$endif} exit; end; src:=UTF8Decode(s); if src='' then exit; len:=WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,PUnicodeChar(src),length(src),nil,0,nil,nil); SetLength(Result,len); if len>0 then begin WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,PUnicodeChar(src),length(src),@Result[1],length(Result),nil,nil); {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} // prevent codepage conversion magic SetCodePage(RawByteString(Result), CP_ACP, False); {$endif} end; end; {$endif not wince}
UTF8ToConsole 是Lazarus 針對Windows 功能封包 ,變碼後,同時會配置成默認代碼頁文本。get
{$ifdef WinCe} function UTF8ToConsole(const s: string): string; // converts UTF8 to console string (used by Write, WriteLn) begin Result := UTF8ToSys(s); end; {$else} function UTF8ToConsole(const s: string): string; // converts UTF8 to console string (used by Write, WriteLn) var Dst: PChar; begin {$ifndef NO_CP_RTL} Result := UTF8ToWinCP(s); {$else NO_CP_RTL} Result := UTF8ToSys(s); // Kept for compatibility {$endif NO_CP_RTL} Dst := AllocMem((Length(Result) + 1) * SizeOf(Char)); if CharToOEM(PChar(Result), Dst) then Result := StrPas(Dst); FreeMem(Dst); {$ifndef NO_CP_RTL} SetCodePage(RawByteString(Result), CP_OEMCP, False); {$endif NO_CP_RTL} end; {$endif not WinCE}