for (int i = left, j = i; i < right; j = ++i) { long ai = a[i + 1]; while (ai < a[j]) { a[j + 1] = a[j]; if (j-- == left) { break; } } a[j + 1] = ai; }
do { if (left >= right) { return; } } while (a[++left] >= a[left - 1]);
for (int k = left; ++left <= right; k = ++left) { long a1 = a[k], a2 = a[left]; if (a1 < a2) {//先讓這兩個待插入的元素排好序 a2 = a1; a1 = a[left]; } while (a1 < a[--k]) {//先讓較大的元素往前走 a[k + 2] = a[k]; } a[++k + 1] = a1; while (a2 < a[--k]) {//再讓較小的元素往前走 a[k + 1] = a[k]; } a[k + 1] = a2; } long last = a[right];//由於是成對排序,最後一個元素有可能落單 while (last < a[--right]) { a[right + 1] = a[right]; } a[right + 1] = last; }
int seventh = (length >> 3) + (length >> 6) + 1;//length的近似七分之一,這種寫法太炫酷 int e3 = (left + right) >>> 1; // The midpoint int e2 = e3 - seventh; int e1 = e2 - seventh; int e4 = e3 + seventh; int e5 = e4 + seventh;
// Sort these elements using insertion sort if (a[e2] < a[e1]) { long t = a[e2]; a[e2] = a[e1]; a[e1] = t; } if (a[e3] < a[e2]) { long t = a[e3]; a[e3] = a[e2]; a[e2] = t; if (t < a[e1]) { a[e2] = a[e1]; a[e1] = t; } } if (a[e4] < a[e3]) { long t = a[e4]; a[e4] = a[e3]; a[e3] = t; if (t < a[e2]) { a[e3] = a[e2]; a[e2] = t; if (t < a[e1]) { a[e2] = a[e1]; a[e1] = t; } } } if (a[e5] < a[e4]) { long t = a[e5]; a[e5] = a[e4]; a[e4] = t; if (t < a[e3]) { a[e4] = a[e3]; a[e3] = t; if (t < a[e2]) { a[e3] = a[e2]; a[e2] = t; if (t < a[e1]) { a[e2] = a[e1]; a[e1] = t; } } } }
for (int k = less; k <= great; ++k) { if (a[k] == pivot) { continue; } long ak = a[k]; if (ak < pivot) { // Move a[k] to left part a[k] = a[less]; a[less] = ak; ++less; } else { // a[k] > pivot - Move a[k] to right part while (a[great] > pivot) { --great; } if (a[great] < pivot) { // a[great] <= pivot a[k] = a[less]; a[less] = a[great]; ++less; } else { // a[great] == pivot /* * Even though a[great] equals to pivot, the * assignment a[k] = pivot may be incorrect, * if a[great] and pivot are floating-point * zeros of different signs. Therefore in float * and double sorting methods we have to use * more accurate assignment a[k] = a[great]. */ a[k] = pivot; } a[great] = ak; --great; } } sort(a, left, less - 1, leftmost); sort(a, great + 1, right, false);
//選擇兩個pivot int pivot1 = a[e2]; int pivot2 = a[e4]; //把left和right放在e二、e4處,讓它們參與排序過程,由於只有[left+1,right-1]區間上的數字才參與排序 a[e2] = a[left]; a[e4] = a[right]; //先貪心地快速移動一波 while (a[++less] < pivot1); while (a[--great] > pivot2); //利用雙軸把數組分紅三部分,和快排類似 outer: for (int k = less - 1; ++k <= great; ) { int ak = a[k]; if (ak < pivot1) { // Move a[k] to left part a[k] = a[less]; a[less] = ak; ++less; } else if (ak > pivot2) { // Move a[k] to right part while (a[great] > pivot2) { if (great-- == k) { break outer; } } if (a[great] < pivot1) { // a[great] <= pivot2 a[k] = a[less]; a[less] = a[great]; ++less; } else { // pivot1 <= a[great] <= pivot2 a[k] = a[great]; } a[great] = ak; --great; } } // 讓開頭和結尾的pivot1和pivot2迴歸到中間來 a[left] = a[less - 1]; a[less - 1] = pivot1; a[right] = a[great + 1]; a[great + 1] = pivot2; // Sort left and right parts recursively, excluding known pivots sort(a, left, less - 2, leftmost); sort(a, great + 2, right, false); sort(a, less, great, false);
其中,在排序中間部分sort(a, less, great, false)
//老規矩,快速走一波 while (a[less] == pivot1) ++less; while (a[great] == pivot2) --great; //又是一個雙軸劃分過程 outer: for (int k = less - 1; ++k <= great; ) { int ak = a[k]; if (ak == pivot1) { // Move a[k] to left part a[k] = a[less]; a[less] = ak; ++less; } else if (ak == pivot2) { // Move a[k] to right part while (a[great] == pivot2) { if (great-- == k) { break outer; } } if (a[great] == pivot1) { // a[great] < pivot2 a[k] = a[less]; a[less] = pivot1; ++less; } else { // pivot1 < a[great] < pivot2 a[k] = a[great]; } a[great] = ak; --great; } }
據統計在過去的25年裏面,CPU的速度平均每一年增加46%, 而內存的帶寬每一年只增加37%,那麼通過25年的這種不均衡發展,它們之間的差距已經蠻大了。假如這種不均衡持續持續發展,有一天CPU速度再增加也不會讓程序變得更快,由於CPU始終在等待內存傳輸數據,這就是傳說中內存牆(Memory Wall)。排序過程的瓶頸在於內存而不在於CPU,這就像木桶理論:木桶的容量是由最短的那塊板決定的。25年前Dual-Pivot快排可能真的比經典快排要慢,可是25年以後雖然算法仍是之前的那個算法,可是計算機已經不是之前的計算機了。在如今的計算機裏面Dual-Pivot算法更快!
在這種新的算法裏面,咱們把對於數組裏面一個元素的訪問: array[i] 稱爲一次掃描。可是對於同一個下標,而且對應的值也不變得話,即便訪問屢次咱們也只算一次。並且咱們無論這個訪問究竟是讀仍是寫。
int[] run = new int[MAX_RUN_COUNT + 1]; int count = 0; run[0] = left; // Check if the array is nearly sorted for (int k = left; k < right; run[count] = k) { // Equal items in the beginning of the sequence while (k < right && a[k] == a[k + 1]) k++; if (k == right) break; // Sequence finishes with equal items if (a[k] < a[k + 1]) { // ascending while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k]); } else if (a[k] > a[k + 1]) { // descending while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k]); // Transform into an ascending sequence for (int lo = run[count] - 1, hi = k; ++lo < --hi; ) { int t = a[lo]; a[lo] = a[hi]; a[hi] = t; } } // Merge a transformed descending sequence followed by an // ascending sequence if (run[count] > left && a[run[count]] >= a[run[count] - 1]) { count--; } /* * The array is not highly structured, * use Quicksort instead of merge sort. */ if (++count == MAX_RUN_COUNT) { sort(a, left, right, true); return; } }
if (count == 0) { // A single equal run return; } else if (count == 1 && run[count] > right) { // Either a single ascending or a transformed descending run. // Always check that a final run is a proper terminator, otherwise // we have an unterminated trailing run, to handle downstream. return; } right++; if (run[count] < right) { // Corner case: the final run is not a terminator. This may happen // if a final run is an equals run, or there is a single-element run // at the end. Fix up by adding a proper terminator at the end. // Note that we terminate with (right + 1), incremented earlier. run[++count] = right; }
歸併排序空間複雜度爲O(n),n爲元素個數。此函數簽名爲static void sort(int[] a, int left, int right,int[] work, int workBase, int workLen)
// Use or create temporary array b for merging int[] b; // temp array; alternates with a int ao, bo; // array offsets from 'left' int blen = right - left; // space needed for b if (work == null || workLen < blen || workBase + blen > work.length) { work = new int[blen]; workBase = 0; } if (odd == 0) { System.arraycopy(a, left, work, workBase, blen); b = a; bo = 0; a = work; ao = workBase - left; } else { b = work; ao = 0; bo = workBase - left; } // Merging for (int last; count > 1; count = last) { for (int k = (last = 0) + 2; k <= count; k += 2) { int hi = run[k], mi = run[k - 1]; for (int i = run[k - 2], p = i, q = mi; i < hi; ++i) { if (q >= hi || p < mi && a[p + ao] <= a[q + ao]) { b[i + bo] = a[p++ + ao]; } else { b[i + bo] = a[q++ + ao]; } } run[++last] = hi; } if ((count & 1) != 0) { for (int i = right, lo = run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo] = a[i + ao] ); run[++last] = right; } int[] t = a; a = b; b = t; int o = ao; ao = bo; bo = o; }
int[] count = new int[NUM_SHORT_VALUES]; for (int i = left - 1; ++i <= right; count[a[i] - Short.MIN_VALUE]++ ); for (int i = NUM_SHORT_VALUES, k = right + 1; k > left; ) { while (count[--i] == 0); short value = (short) (i + Short.MIN_VALUE); int s = count[i]; do { a[--k] = value; } while (--s > 0); }