free && sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && free
kill $(ps -A -ostat,ppid | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[$2]++ {print $2}')
tcpdump 'arp' -e -i eth0 -n -p -t |grep is-at
tcpdump -n -vv tcp port $1 -i em1
netstat -nat |awk '{print $6}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr
tail -F /var/log/tomcat8/catalina.out |grep -E 'Exception|at' |grep -v WARN
sudo find /var/lib/tomcat8/logs/ -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;
#!/bin/sh #實現經過主機名,端口清相應的memcache緩存 if(($#<2));then echo "usage:$0 host port"; exit 1; fi #若是參數缺失,退出程序,返回狀態1 exec 6<>/dev/tcp/$1/$2 2>/dev/null; #打開host的port 可讀寫的socket鏈接,與文件描述符6鏈接 if(($?!=0));then echo "open $1 $2 error!"; exit 1; fi #若是打開失敗,$?返回不爲0,終止程序 echo -e "flush_all">&6; echo -e "quit">&6; #將HEAD 信息,發送給socket鏈接 cat<&6; #從socket讀取返回信息,顯示爲標準輸出 exec 6<&-; exec 6>&-; #關閉socket的輸入,輸出 exit 0;
#!/bin/bash VM=$1 VBoxManage controlvm $VM poweroff VBoxManage modifyvm $VM --memory $2 VBoxManage startvm $VM --type headless
#!/bin/sh #machine=phptest machine=$1 VBoxManage controlvm "$machine" poweroff disk=/home/xwx/VirtualBox\ VMs/$machine/${machine}_swap.vdi #VBoxManage createhd --filename "$disk" --size 1024 #VBoxManage storageattach "$machine" --storagectl "IDE" --port 1 --type hdd --medium $disk #VBoxManage storageattach "$machine" --storagectl SATA --port 1 --type hdd --medium $disk VBoxManage storageattach "$machine" --storagectl "SATA 控制器" --port 1 --type hdd --medium "$disk"
#!/bin/bash # set modify ip=/etc/network/interfaces hn=/etc/hostname netmask= network= broadcast= gateway= # mod ip、mask、gw、dns、hostname cp $ip /etc/network/interfaces.bak sed -ri 's/(iface eth0 inet).*/\iface eth0 inet static/' /etc/network/interfaces echo "Please input IP:" read ipadd if [ -n "$ipadd" ]; then echo "address $ipadd" >> $ip echo "Modify Completed " else echo "Not Modified" fi echo "netmask $netmask" >> $ip echo "Netmask Modify Completed " echo "network $network" >> $ip echo "Network Modify Completed " echo "broadcast $broadcast" >> $ip echo "Broadcast Modify Completed " echo "gateway $gateway" >> $ip echo "Gateway Modify Completed " echo "Please input hostname:" read hostname if [ -n "$hostname" ]; then echo "$hostname" > $hn echo "Modify Completed " else echo "Default Hostname" fi echo "All modification completion" read -n1 -p "Whether restart network [Y/N]?" case $REPLY in Y|y) echo /etc/init.d/networking restart;; N|n) echo echo "Network needs to restart to take effect!!!!!!";; esac exit
使用goaccess軟件,可能用apt install goaccess
或yum install goaccess
sudo goaccess /var/log/nginx/access.log --log-format='%h %^[%d:%t %^] "%r" %s %b "%R" "%u" "-" "%v"' --date-format='%d/%b/%Y' --time-format='%H:%M:%S'
################################################################### #######mysqldump################################################### #!/bin/sh # ----------------------------- # the directory for story your backup file. backup_dir="/home/your/backup" # date format for backup file (dd-mm-yyyy) time="$(date +"%Y%m%d")" MKDIR="$(which mkdir)" RM="$(which rm)" MV="$(which mv)" TAR="$(which tar)" GZIP="$(which gzip)" #針對不一樣系統,若是環境變量都有。能夠去掉 # check the directory for store backup is writeable test ! -w $backup_dir && echo "Error: $backup_dir is un-writeable." && exit 0 # the directory for story the newest backup test ! -d "$backup_dir" && $MKDIR "$backup_dir" $TAR -zcPf $backup_dir/$HOSTNAME.nginx.$time.tar.gz /etc/nginx $TAR -zcPf $backup_dir/$HOSTNAME.cron_daily.$time.tar.gz /etc/cron.daily #delete the oldest backup 30 days ago find $backup_dir -name "*.gz" -mtime +30 |xargs rm -rf exit 0;
#!/bin/bash nginx_home=/etc/nginx log_path=/var/log/nginx tail -n10000 $log_path/access.log \ |awk '{print $1,$12}' \ |grep -i -v -E "google|yahoo|baidu|msnbot|FeedSky|sogou" \ | grep -v '' \ |awk '{print $1}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn \ |awk '{if($1>50)print "deny "$2";"}' >>./blockips.conf sort ./blockips.conf |uniq -u >./blockips_new.conf mv ./blockips.conf ./blockips_old.conf mv ./blockips_new.conf ./blockips.conf cat ./blockips.conf #service nginx reload
#!/bin/sh RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color function test_domain { local domain=$1 status=`curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" $domain` if [ $status -eq '404' ] then printf "${domain}${RED} ${status}${NC}\n" else printf "$domain$GREEN $status$NC\n" fi } domain_list=$'bixuebihui.cn\nwww.bixuebihui.cn\ndev.bixuebihui.cn\nblog.bixuebihui.cn\nbixuebihui.com\nwww.bixuebihui.com' while read -r domain; do # echo "... $domain ..." test_domain "http://$domain" test_domain "https://$domain" done <<< "$domain_list"
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Nathanial Hendler # http://retards.org/ # # 2001-06-26 v1.0 # # This perl script parses a MySQL slow_queries log file # ignoring all queries less than $min_time and prints # out how many times a query was greater than $min_time # with the seconds it took each time to run. The queries # are sorted by number of times it took; the most often # query appearing at the bottom of the output. # # Usage: mysql_slow_log_parser logfile # # ------------------------ # SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT (aka: how to read output) # ------------------------ # # Also, it does to regex substitutions to normalize # the queries... # # $query_string =~ s/\d+/XXX/g; # $query_string =~ s/([\'\"]).+?([\'\"])/$1XXX$2/g; # # These replace numbers with XXX and strings found in # quotes with XXX so that the same select statement # with different WHERE clauses will be considered # as the same query. # # so these... # # SELECT * FROM offices WHERE office_id = 3; # SELECT * FROM offices WHERE office_id = 19; # # become... # # SELECT * FROM offices WHERE office_id = XXX; # # # And these... # # SELECT * FROM photos WHERE camera_model LIKE 'Nikon%'; # SELECT * FROM photos WHERE camera_model LIKE '%Olympus'; # # become... # # SELECT * FROM photos WHERE camera_model LIKE 'XXX'; # # # --------------------- # THIS MAY BE IMPORTANT (aka: Probably Not) # --------------------- # # *SO* if you use numbers in your table names, or column # names, you might get some oddities, but I doubt it. # I mean, how different should the following queries be # considered? # # SELECT car1 FROM autos_10; # SELECT car54 FROM autos_11; # # I don't think so. # $min_time = 0; # Skip queries less than $min_time $min_rows = 0; $max_display = 10; # Truncate display if more than $max_display occurances of a query print "\n Starting... \n"; $query_string = ''; $time = 0; $new_sql = 0; ############################################## # Loop Through The Logfile ############################################## while (<>) { # Skip Bogus Lines next if ( m|/.*mysqld, Version:.+ started with:| ); next if ( m|Tcp port: \d+ Unix socket: .*mysql.sock| ); next if ( m|Time\s+Id\s+Command\s+Argument| ); next if ( m|administrator\s+command:| ); # print $_; # if ( /Query_time:\s+(.*)\s+Lock_time:\s+(.*)\s/ ) { #if ( /Query_time:\s+(.*)\s+Lock_time:\s+(.*)\s+Rows_examined:\s+(\d+)/ ) { if ( /Query_time:\s+(.*)\s+Lock_time:\s+(.*)\s+Rows_examined:\s+(.*)/ ) { $time = $1; $rows = $3; $new_sql = 1; # print "found $1 $3\n"; next; } if ( /^\#/ && $query_string ) { if (($time > $min_time) && ($rows >= $min_rows)) { $orig_query = $query_string; $query_string =~ s/\d+/XXX/g; $query_string =~ s/'([^'\\]*(\\.[^'\\]*)*)'/'XXX'/g; $query_string =~ s/"([^"\\]*(\\.[^"\\]*)*)"/"XXX"/g; #$query_string =~ s/([\'\"]).+?([\'\"])/$1XXX$2/g; #$query_string =~ s/\s+/ /g; #$query_string =~ s/\n+/\n/g; push @{$queries{$query_string}}, $time; push @{$queries_rows{$query_string}}, $rows; $queries_tot{$query_string} += $time; $queries_orig{$query_string} = $orig_query; $query_string = ''; } } else { if ($new_sql) { $query_string = $_; $new_sql = 0; } else { $query_string .= $_; } } } ############################################## # Display Output ############################################## foreach my $query ( sort { $queries_tot{$b} <=> $queries_tot{$a} } keys %queries_tot ) { my $total = 0; my $cnt = 0; my @seconds = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$queries{$query}}; my @rows = sort { $a <=> $b } @{$queries_rows{$query}}; ($total+=$_) for @seconds; ($cnt++) for @seconds; print "### " . @{$queries{$query}} . " Quer" . ((@{$queries{$query}} > 1)?"ies ":"y ") . "\n"; print "### Total time: " . $total .", Average time: ".($total/$cnt)."\n"; print "### Taking "; print @seconds > $max_display ? "$seconds[0] to $seconds[-1]" : sec_joiner(\@seconds); print " seconds to complete\n"; print "### Rows analyzed "; print @rows > $max_display ? "$rows[0] - $rows[-1]": sec_joiner(\@rows); print "\n"; print "$query\n"; print $queries_orig{$query}."\n\n"; } sub sec_joiner { my ($seconds) = @_; $string = join(", ", @{$seconds}); $string =~ s/, (\d+)$/ and $1/; return $string; } exit(0);
ip route add dev em1 src table 10 ip route add default via table 10 ip route add dev em2 src table 20 ip route add default via table 20 ip route add dev em1 src ip route add dev em2 src ip route add default via ip rule add from table 10 ip rule add from table 20 ip route flush cache
#!/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import Flask from flask import request import json import requests app = Flask(__name__) def transform(text): textMap = json.loads(text) nodePorturl = '' externalURL = textMap['externalURL'] print(externalURL) links =[] for alert in textMap['alerts']: print('-------------') time = alert['startsAt'] + ' -- ' + alert['endsAt'] generatorURL = alert['generatorURL']; generatorURL = nodePorturl+generatorURL[generatorURL.index('graph'):] summary = alert['annotations']['summary'] description = alert['annotations']['description'] status = alert['status'] title = alert['labels']['alertname'] link = {} link['title'] = title link['text'] = status + ': ' + description link['messageUrl'] = generatorURL link['picUrl'] = '' links.append(link) return links @app.route('/',methods=['POST']) def send(): if request.method == 'POST': post_data = request.get_data() alert_data(post_data) return "hello" def alert_data(data): url = 'https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=YOUR_TOKEN' headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} for link in transform(data): send_data = {"msgtype": "link", "link": link} print(send_data) r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(send_data), headers=headers) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run(host='', port=1111)