1.檢測是否安裝JDK,TOMCAT,MYSQL,APACHE HTTP,若是沒安裝,提示安裝,不然中斷mysql
#include "ifx.h"windows
export prototype installJDK() ; export prototype getJAVA_HOME(); export prototype installMysql(); export prototype installTomcat(); export prototype installHttp(); export prototype addFileValue(string,string,string,string); string password,Java_Home; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 安裝JDK */ function installJDK() string szJDK, szKey ,JDKversion ; number nType, nvSize; begin // 查看是否已經安裝了JDK,並且版本大於5.0 RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit"; nType = REGDB_STRING; JDKversion = ""; // Get the list of subkeys. RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "CurrentVersion", nType, JDKversion, nvSize); if(JDKversion < "1.5") then if(AskYesNo ( "系統檢測到您機器上未安裝JDK或者JDK版本太低,會影響系統的正常使用。\n\n接下來將爲您安裝 JDK 6.0 \n\nJDK的版權歸Sun公司全部 ...", YES )=YES) then szJDK = SUPPORTDIR ^ "jdk-6-windows.exe"; if (LaunchAppAndWait (szJDK, "", WAIT) < 0) then MessageBox ("加載JDK失敗,請手動安裝JDK5.0或以上版本再運行此程序",SEVERE); abort; endif; else MessageBox("您取消了JDK的安裝,這會使系統沒法正常運行,\n\n因此本安裝程序不會繼續安裝,將退出安裝!",INFORMATION); abort; endif; endif; JDKversion=""; RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "CurrentVersion", nType, JDKversion, nvSize); if(JDKversion < "1.5") then MessageBox("系統檢測到您未正常安裝JDK,本程序將退出。\n\n您能夠:\n\n一、手動安裝JDK5.0或以上版本.\n\n二、從新運行本程序,按照提示安裝JDK.",SEVERE); abort; endif; end; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function installMysql() string szJDK, szKey ,szDisplayName ; number nType, nvSize; begin // 查看是否已經安裝了Mysql RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\MySQL"; nType = REGDB_STRING; szDisplayName = ""; // Get the list of subkeys. if(RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "DisplayName", nType, szDisplayName, nvSize)<0) then if(AskYesNo ( "系統檢測到您機器上未安裝Mysql,會影響系統的正常使用。\n\n接下來將爲您安裝 Mysql 5.0", YES )=YES) then szJDK = SUPPORTDIR ^ "mysql Setup.exe"; if (LaunchAppAndWait (szJDK, "", WAIT) < 0) then MessageBox ("加載Mysql失敗,請手動安裝Mysql再運行此程序",SEVERE); abort; endif; else MessageBox("您取消了Mysql的安裝,這會使系統沒法正常運行,\n\n因此本安裝程序不會繼續安裝,將退出安裝!",INFORMATION); abort; endif; endif; end; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* 安裝Tomcat */ function installTomcat() string szJDK, szKey ,szDisplayName ; number nType, nvSize; begin // 查看是否已經安裝了Tomcat RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tomcat7"; nType = REGDB_STRING; szDisplayName = ""; // Get the list of subkeys. if(RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "DisplayName", nType, szDisplayName, nvSize)<0) then if(AskYesNo ( "系統檢測到您機器上未安裝Tomcat7,會影響系統的正常使用。\n\n接下來將爲您安裝 Tomcat7", YES )=YES) then szJDK = SUPPORTDIR ^ "apache-tomcat-7.0.27.exe"; if (LaunchAppAndWait (szJDK, "", WAIT) < 0) then MessageBox ("加載Tomcat7失敗,請手動安裝Tomcat7再運行此程序",SEVERE); abort; endif; else MessageBox("您取消了Tomcat7的安裝,這會使系統沒法正常運行,\n\n因此本安裝程序不會繼續安裝,將退出安裝!",INFORMATION); abort; endif; endif; end; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** 安裝Apache Http */ function installHttp() string szJDK, szKey ,szDisplayName ; number nType, nvSize; begin // 查看是否已經安裝了Apache RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Apache"; nType = REGDB_STRING; szDisplayName = ""; // Get the list of subkeys. if(RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "DisplayName", nType, szDisplayName, nvSize)<0) then if(AskYesNo ( "系統檢測到您機器上未安裝Apache,會影響系統的正常使用。\n\n接下來將爲您安裝 Apache,\n\n若是選擇取消,將中斷本次安裝", YES )=YES) then szJDK = SUPPORTDIR ^ "Apache HTTP Server.exe"; if (LaunchAppAndWait (szJDK, "", WAIT) < 0) then MessageBox ("加載Apache Http Server失敗,請手動安裝Apache Http Service再運行此程序",SEVERE); abort; endif; else MessageBox("您取消了Apache Http Server的安裝,這會使系統沒法正常運行,\n\n因此本安裝程序不會繼續安裝,將退出安裝!",INFORMATION); abort; endif; endif; end; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** 設置環境變量 */ function getJAVA_HOME() /*JAVA_HOME註冊表參數*/ string szKey,JDKDir,nzVersion; number nType,nvSize,szRoot; begin /*JAVA_HOME加入環境變量*/ szRoot= HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; RegDBSetDefaultRoot(szRoot); szKey = "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit"; nType = REGDB_STRING; RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "CurrentVersion", nType, nzVersion, nvSize); szKey=szKey+"\\"+nzVersion; RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "JavaHome", nType, JDKDir, nvSize); Java_Home= JDKDir; end; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function OnFirstUIBefore() number nResult, nLevel, nSize, nSetupType; string szTitle, szMsg, szOpt1, szOpt2, szLicenseFile; string szName, szCompany, szTargetPath, szDir, szFeatures, szTargetdir; BOOL bLicenseAccepted; string szField0,szField1,szField2,svEdit0,svEdit1,svEdit2,svEdit3,svEdit4; string szJDK,svTomcat,svMySql,szKey ,szDisplayName,szFolder,szCmdLine,szSrcFile1; number nType,nvSize; string test1,test2; LIST list, listStartCopy; begin nSetupType = COMPLETE; szName = ""; szCompany = ""; bLicenseAccepted = FALSE; TARGETDIR = PROGRAMFILES ^@COMPANY_NAME ^@PRODUCT_NAME; szDir = TARGETDIR; szSrcFile1 = "hospital\\"; // Beginning of UI Sequence Dlg_Start: nResult = 0; /*安裝JDK*/ installJDK(); /* 獲取JAVA_HOME*/ getJAVA_HOME(); /*安裝Tomcat7*/ /*installTomcat();*/ /*安裝apache http*/ installHttp(); /*安裝Mysql數據庫*/ installMysql(); Dlg_SdWelcome: szTitle = ""; szMsg = ""; //{{IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SdWelcome) nResult = SdWelcome( szTitle, szMsg ); //}}IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SdWelcome) if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_Start; Dlg_SdRegisterUser: szMsg = ""; szTitle = ""; //{{IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SdRegisterUser) nResult = SdRegisterUser( szTitle, szMsg, szName, szCompany ); //}}IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SdRegisterUser) if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdWelcome; Dlg_SdShowDlgEdit2: // 查看是否已經安裝了Mysql RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\MySQL"; nType = REGDB_STRING; szDisplayName = ""; // Get the list of subkeys. if(RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "DisplayName", nType, szDisplayName, nvSize)<0) then if(AskYesNo("系統檢測到您未正常安裝Mysql數據庫,會影響短信系統的正常使用。\n\n你能夠:\n\n一、安裝完本系統後手動安裝Mysql數據庫,並手動建立相應數據庫!\n\n二、退出本系統的安裝,從新安裝本系統!\n\n繼續安裝請選擇 是(Y),退出安裝選擇 否(N)!",YES)=YES) then else abort; endif; else szTitle = "數據庫信息"; szMsg = "請更改相應的Mysql數據庫用戶名和數據庫密碼:"; //szField0 ="bin目錄路徑"; szField1 = "用戶名"; szField2 = "密碼"; // svEdit0 = "C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.0\\bin"; svEdit1 = "root"; svEdit2 = "123456"; nResult = SdShowDlgEdit2(szTitle, szMsg,szField1,szField2, svEdit1,svEdit2); if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdRegisterUser; //SdShowMsg ("下面進行數據庫初始化操做,請勿手動關閉彈出窗口!", TRUE); //Delay(2); CopyFile(SUPPORTDIR ^ "CreateDB.sql","c:\\"^"CreateDB.sql"); CopyFile(SUPPORTDIR ^ "hospital.sql","c:\\"^"hospital.sql"); RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SOFTWARE\\MySQL AB\\MySQL Server 5.0"; nType = REGDB_STRING; svMySql = ""; if(RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "Location", nType, svMySql, nvSize) < 0) then MessageBox ("查找MySQL路徑失敗,系統不能繼續安裝", SEVERE); abort; endif; szDir = svMySql + "bin"; test1="\""; test2="\""; svEdit0 = test1+szDir+test2; //啓動mysql LaunchAppAndWait("net","start mysql",WAIT); szJDK = SUPPORTDIR ^ "hospital.bat"; svEdit3 = "C:\\"^"CreateDB.sql"; svEdit4 = "C:\\"^"hospital.sql"; LaunchAppAndWait(szJDK," " + svEdit0 + " " + svEdit1 + " " + svEdit2 + " " + svEdit3 + " " + svEdit4 + " ",WAIT); // 準備啓動MySQL服務器 LaunchAppAndWait ("net","start mysql" ,WAIT ); //啓動MySQL password=svEdit2; DeleteFile("c:\\CreateDB.sql"); DeleteFile("c:\\hospital.sql"); endif; /* //查看Tomcat安裝路徑 RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SOFTWARE\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat\\7.0\\Tomcat7"; nType = REGDB_STRING; svTomcat = ""; if(RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "InstallPath", nType, svTomcat, nvSize) < 0) then MessageBox ("查找 Tomcat 路徑失敗,系統不能繼續安裝", SEVERE); abort; endif; szDir = svTomcat + "\\webapps"; MessageBox("正在準備Tomcat附加程序文件。。。",INFORMATION); CreateDir(szDir); if( CopyFile(SUPPORTDIR ^ "struts2.war",szDir+"\\struts2.war")<0) then MessageBox("程序文件附加失敗!",SEVERE); abort; else MessageBox("程序文件已經附加成功!",INFORMATION); endif; */ Dlg_SetupType2: szTitle = ""; szMsg = ""; nResult = CUSTOM; //{{IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SetupType2) nResult = SetupType2( szTitle, szMsg, "", nSetupType, 0 ); //}}IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SetupType2) if (nResult = BACK) then goto Dlg_SdRegisterUser; else nSetupType = nResult; if (nSetupType != CUSTOM) then szTargetPath = TARGETDIR; nSize = 0; FeatureCompareSizeRequired( MEDIA, szTargetPath, nSize ); if (nSize != 0) then MessageBox( szSdStr_NotEnoughSpace, WARNING ); goto Dlg_SdRegisterUser; endif; endif; endif; Dlg_SdAskDestPath2: if ((nResult = BACK) && (nSetupType != CUSTOM)) goto Dlg_SetupType2; szTitle = ""; szMsg = ""; if (nSetupType = CUSTOM) then //{{IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SdAskDestPath2) nResult = SdAskDestPath2( szTitle, szMsg, TARGETDIR); //}}IS_SCRIPT_TAG(Dlg_SdAskDestPath2) //TARGETDIR = szDir; endif; if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SetupType2; /*Dlg_SQLServer: nResult = OnSQLServerInitialize( nResult ); if( nResult = BACK ) goto Dlg_SdAskDestPath2; */ Dlg_ObjDialogs: nResult = ShowObjWizardPages( nResult ); if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdAskDestPath2; Dlg_SdStartCopy2: szTitle = ""; szMsg = ""; listStartCopy = ListCreate( STRINGLIST ); //The following is an example of how to add a string(svName) to a list(listStartCopy). //eg. ListAddString(listStartCopy,svName,AFTER); ListAddString(listStartCopy,"Destination Location: " + INSTALLDIR,AFTER); nResult = SdStartCopy( szTitle, szMsg, listStartCopy ); ListDestroy(listStartCopy); if (nResult = BACK) then goto Dlg_ObjDialogs; endif; // setup default status Enable(STATUSEX); return 0; end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnFirstUIAfter // // The OnFirstUIAfter event called by the framework after the file transfer // of the setup when the setup is running in first install mode. By default // this event displays UI that informs the end user that the setup has been // completed successfully. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function OnFirstUIAfter() STRING szTitle, szMsg1, szMsg2, szOption1, szOption2; NUMBER bOpt1, bOpt2,bStartService; string szKey,svTomcat,szCmdLine,szServiceName, szServiceDisplayName, szServiceDescription, szServicePathFile,szStartServiceArgs; string szJDK,svEdit3,svEdit4,svEdit0,svEdit1,svEdit2; number nType,nvSize; string JDKversion,svValue; begin Disable(STATUSEX); bOpt1 = FALSE; bOpt2 = FALSE; szMsg1 = SdLoadString(IFX_SDFINISH_MSG1); SdFinishEx(szTitle, szMsg1, szMsg2, szOption1, szOption2, bOpt1, bOpt2); /*-------------------------設置環境變量-------------------------------*/ // 查看是否已經安裝了JDK,並且版本大於5.0 RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit"; nType = REGDB_STRING; JDKversion = ""; // Get the list of subkeys. RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "CurrentVersion", nType, JDKversion, nvSize); szKey = "SOFTWARE\\JavaSoft\\Java Development Kit"+JDKversion; if (RegDBKeyExist(szKey)=1) then//若是該註冊表值存在 if(RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey,"JavaHome",nType,svValue,nvSize)=0) then//獲取註冊表值成功 szKey = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment"; if(RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "JAVA_HOME", REGDB_STRING, svValue, -1)<0) then MessageBox ("JAVA_HOME環境變量設置失敗,請手動設置", SEVERE); endif; endif; endif; /*---------------------tomcat環境變量設置--------------------*/ /* RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\tomcat7"; nType = REGDB_STRING; szDisplayName = ""; // Get the list of subkeys. if (RegDBKeyExist(szKey)=1) then//若是該註冊表值存在 if(RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey,"JavaHome",nvType,svValue,nvSize)=0) then//獲取註冊表值成功 szKey = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment"; if(RegDBSetKeyValueEx(szKey, "CATALINA_HOME", REGDB_STRING, svValue, -1)<0) then MessageBox ("JAVA_HOME環境變量設置失敗,請手動設置", SEVERE); endif; endif; endif; */ //註冊Tomcat7服務 /* //註冊的服務名稱 szServiceName="tomcat7"; //服務顯示名稱 szServiceDisplayName="tomcat7"; //服務描述 szServiceDescription="tomcat服務"; //程序文件的路徑,安裝路徑下的Server目錄下的test.exe文件 szServicePathFile=TARGETDIR^"\\apache-tomcat7-web\\bin\\tomcat7.exe"; MessageBox("exe路徑:"+szServicePathFile,INFORMATION); //啓動類型爲自動 bStartService=0; szStartServiceArgs=""; ServiceAddService ( szServiceName, szServiceDisplayName, szServiceDescription, szServicePathFile, bStartService, szStartServiceArgs ); ServiceStartService(szServiceName,""); */ /* // 準備啓動TOMCAT服務器 RegDBSetDefaultRoot(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); szKey = "SOFTWARE\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat\\7.0\\Tomcat7"; nType = REGDB_STRING; svTomcat = ""; if(RegDBGetKeyValueEx(szKey, "InstallPath", nType, svTomcat, nvSize) < 0) then MessageBox ("查找 Tomcat 路徑失敗,系統不能繼續安裝", SEVERE); endif; svTomcat = svTomcat + "\\bin\\tomcat7.exe"; LaunchAppAndWait (svTomcat,"",NOWAIT); //啓動tomcat */ szJDK = SUPPORTDIR ^ "install.bat"; svEdit0="\""; svEdit2="\""; svEdit3 = TARGETDIR^"\\apache-tomcat7-cas"; svEdit4 = TARGETDIR^"\\apache-tomcat7-service"; svEdit1 = TARGETDIR^"\\apache-tomcat7-web";//tomcat執行路徑 svEdit3 = svEdit0+svEdit3+svEdit2; svEdit4 = svEdit0+svEdit4+svEdit2; svEdit1 = svEdit0+svEdit1+svEdit2; Java_Home= svEdit0+Java_Home+svEdit2; //MessageBox("java_home路徑:"+Java_Home,INFORMATION); //MessageBox("Tomcat路徑:"+svEdit1,INFORMATION); LaunchAppAndWait(szJDK," " + Java_Home + " " + svEdit3 + " ",WAIT); szJDK = SUPPORTDIR ^ "tomcat_service.bat"; LaunchAppAndWait(szJDK," " + Java_Home + " " + svEdit4 + " ",WAIT); szJDK = SUPPORTDIR ^ "tomcat_web.bat"; LaunchAppAndWait(szJDK," " + Java_Home + " " + svEdit1 + " ",WAIT); // 準備啓動MySQL服務器 //LaunchAppAndWait ("net","start tomcat7" ,WAIT ); //啓動MySQL MessageBox("Tomcat 已經啓動成功!正在準備打開網頁....",INFORMATION); //準備打開瀏覽器 szCmdLine = "http://LocalHost:8380/struts2"; if (LaunchApp(PROGRAMFILES ^"Internet Explorer"^"IEXPLORE.EXE", szCmdLine) < 0) then MessageBox ("不能打開瀏覽器.",SEVERE); endif; // Added in 11.0 - Set appropriate StatusEx static text. SetStatusExStaticText( SdLoadString( IDS_IFX_STATUSEX_STATICTEXT_FIRSTUI ) ); return 0; end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnMaintUIAfter // // The OnMaintUIAfter event called by the framework after the file transfer // of the setup when the setup is running in maintenance mode. By default // this event displays UI that informs the end user that the maintenance setup // has been completed successfully. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function OnMaintUIAfter() STRING szTitle, szMsg1, szMsg2, szOption1, szOption2; NUMBER bOpt1, bOpt2; string szJDK,svEdit0,svEdit1,svEdit2,svEdit3,svEdit4; begin Disable(STATUSEX); bOpt1 = FALSE; bOpt2 = FALSE; Dlg_Start: // Added - Version 9.5 - Use appropriate strings for complete // uninstall. if( REMOVEALLMODE ) then szTitle = SdLoadString(IFX_SDFINISH_REMOVE_TITLE); szMsg1 = SdLoadString(IFX_SDFINISH_REMOVE_MSG1); else szTitle = SdLoadString(IFX_SDFINISH_MAINT_TITLE); szMsg1 = SdLoadString(IFX_SDFINISH_MAINT_MSG1); endif; SdFinishEx(szTitle, szMsg1, szMsg2, szOption1, szOption2, bOpt1, bOpt2); end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnMaintUIBefore // // The OnMaintUIBefore event is called by the framework when the setup is // running in maintenance mode. By default this event displays UI that // allows the end user to add or remove features, repair currently // installed features or uninstall the application. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function OnMaintUIBefore() NUMBER nResult, nType; STRING szTitle, szMsg, svDir, svResult, szCaption; begin // TO DO: if you want to enable background, window title, and caption bar title // SetTitle( @PRODUCT_NAME, 24, WHITE ); // SetTitle( @PRODUCT_NAME, 0, BACKGROUNDCAPTION ); // SetColor(BACKGROUND,RGB (0, 128, 128)); // Enable( FULLWINDOWMODE ); // Enable( BACKGROUND ); Dlg_Start: // Added in Version 9.5 - Support for REMOVEONLY option. if( !REMOVEONLY ) then // In standard mode show maintenance dialog Disable(BACKBUTTON); nType = SdWelcomeMaint(szTitle, szMsg, MODIFY); Enable(BACKBUTTON); else // Hide the initial progress dialog as otherwise the user can // click on it, and hide the MessageBox. Disable( DIALOGCACHE ); // In RemoveOnly mode, set to remove. nType = REMOVEALL; endif; // Show Uninstall Confirmation Dialog if ( nType = REMOVEALL ) then nResult = MessageBox( SdLoadString( IFX_MAINTUI_MSG ), MB_YESNO ); if (nResult != IDYES ) then if( REMOVEONLY ) then // In REMOVEONLY mode, abort the setup. abort; else // In non-REMOVEONLY mode, redisplay the previous dialog. goto Dlg_Start; endif; endif; endif; nResult = NEXT; Dlg_SdFeatureTree: if (nType = MODIFY) then szTitle = ""; szMsg = ""; nResult = SdFeatureTree(szTitle, szMsg, INSTALLDIR, "", 2); if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_Start; endif; switch(nType) case REMOVEALL: FeatureRemoveAll(); /*-----------卸載tomcat7服務-------------------*/ LaunchAppAndWait ( "", "sc stop tomcat7", LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN ); LaunchAppAndWait ( "", "sc delete tomcat7", LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN ); /*-----------卸載tomcat8服務-------------------*/ LaunchAppAndWait ( "", "sc stop tomcat8", LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN ); LaunchAppAndWait ( "", "sc delete tomcat8", LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN ); /*-----------卸載tomcat9服務-------------------*/ LaunchAppAndWait ( "", "sc stop tomcat9", LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN ); LaunchAppAndWait ( "", "sc delete tomcat9", LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN ); case REPAIR: FeatureReinstall(); endswitch; // setup default status SetStatusWindow(0, ""); Enable(STATUSEX); StatusUpdate(ON, 100); end; function addFileValue(szFileName, szSectionName, szKeyName, szNewValue) begin if (AddProfString (szFileName, szSectionName, szKeyName,szNewValue) < 0) then MessageBox(szFileName+"文件配置失敗,請手動更改"+szKeyName+"值爲"+szNewValue, SEVERE); endif; end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OnMoved // // The OnMoved event is called just before the InstallShield action // 'GeneratedMSIScript' is executed. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function OnMoved() begin //配置文件 if(!MAINTENANCE)then addFileValue(TARGETDIR+"TomcatService.bat","","set CATALINA_HOME",TARGETDIR+"apache-tomcat7-cas"); endif; end;