app.directive('hello', function() { return { // 四種: Element, Attribute, Comment, Class // Default: Attribute // Comment: <!-- directive:hello --> restrict: "E/A/M/C", // 模板 template: '<h1>Hi everyone! </h1>', templateUrl: 'temp.html', // 是否替換節點內的內容 replace: true } });
transclude 做用在於轉置指令內部原有的內容,以避免 replace: true
app.directive('ele', function() { return { // 注意:不能用 replace: true restrict: 'AE', transclude: true, // 標籤內部內容將會被轉置到 div[ng-transclude] 內部 template: "<h1>Hello AngularJS!</h1><div ng-transclude></div>" } });
run 方法會在註冊器加載完全部模塊以後被執行一次html
$templateCache 能夠緩存模板以供多個指令使用java
put & get 相似面向對象的 setter & getter 方法angularjs$templateCache) { $templateCache.put('hello.html', '<div>Hello AngularJS!</div>'); }); // use get method to get cache app.directive('ele', function($templateCache) { return { template: $templateCache.get('hello.html') } });
<loader howToLoad="loadData()">Hover to load</loader> <loader howToLoad="loadData2()">Hover to load</loader>
myModule.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.loadData = function() { console.log('Loading...'); }; $scope.loadData2 = function() { console.log('Loading2...'); } } ]); myModule.directive('loader', function() { return { resetrict: 'AE', template: '', replace: true, link: function(scope, element, attr) { // 綁定事件 element.bind('mouseenter', function() { // 如下兩種形式均可以,推薦下面的 scope.loadData(); scope.$apply('loadData()'); // 獲取屬性值 // 根據指令特定屬性的不一樣應用不一樣方法 // 方法應小寫 scope.$apply(attrs.howtoload); }); } } });
重點是建立獨立 scope,使得指令之間不互相影響ui
<superman strength>Strength</superman> <superman strength speed>Strength & Speed</superman> <superman strength speed light>Stength & Speed & Light</superman>
myModule.directive('superman', function() { return { // 建立獨立 scope scope: {}, restrict: 'AE', // 但願指令暴露出一些方法編寫在 controller 裏面供其餘指令調用 // 同時使用 this 指代 $scope,這樣交互的指令才能引用 controller: function($scope) { $scope.abilities = []; this.addStrength = function () { $scope.abilities.push('Strength'); }; this.addSpeed = function () { $scope.abilities.push('Speed'); }; this.addLight = function () { $scope.abilities.push('Light'); }; }, // link 處理指令內部事件 link: function (scope, element, attrs) { element.addClass('btn btn-primary btn-lg'); element.bind('mouseenter', function() { console.log(scope.abilities); }); } }; }); myModule.directive('strength', function() { return { // 依賴於 superman 指令,這樣 link 函數才能夠調用 supermanCtrl 參數 require: '^superman', link: function(scope, element, attrs, supermanCtrl) { supermanCtrl.addStrength(); } }; }); myModule.directive('speed', function() { return { require: '^superman', link: function(scope, element, attrs, supermanCtrl) { supermanCtrl.addSpeed(); } }; }); myModule.directive('light', function() { return { require: '^superman', link: function(scope, element, attrs, supermanCtrl) { supermanCtrl.addLight(); } }; });