Android——設計原則(Design Principles)
Enchant Me
Delight me in surprising ways(動畫、音效。。。)
Real objects are more fun than buttons and menus(實物化圖標。。。)
Let me make it mine(可定製背景。。。)
Get to know me(記憶用戶偏好。。。)
Simplify My Life
Keep it brief(簡潔提示。。。)
Pictures are faster than words(圖片優於文字)
Decide for me but let me have the final say(替用戶着想,讓用戶決定)
Only show what I need when I need it(適度、適時的用戶提示)
I should always know where I am(提示用戶當前位置(窗口),及事件處理過程。。。)
Never lose my stuff(保存用戶設置。。。)
If it looks the same, it should act the same(看起來相同,功能就應相同)
Only interrupt me if it's important(如非必要,勿打斷用戶)
Make Me Amazing
Give me tricks that work everywhere(人性化操做,如手勢識別。。。)
It's not my fault(出錯時,合適的用戶提示)
Sprinkle encouragement(分解複雜操做,簡化操做方式)
Do the heavy lifting for me(傻瓜式的操做)
Make important things fast(要事優先)