思路:for內嵌實現打印正方形 #!/bin/bash #The script is used to add square. #Date 2021-01-21 while : do read -p "please input a number: " n n1=`echo $n |sed 's/[0-9]//g'` if [ -z $n ];then#判斷輸入是否爲空 echo "The input can not be empty." continue#從新循環 elif [ -n "$n1" ];then#判斷輸入是否爲數字 echo "The input must be numeric." continue#從新循環 else break#退出循環 fi done for i in `seq 1 $n` do for j in `seq 1 $n` do echo -n "● "#不換行輸出 done echo #換行 done 輸出結果: please input a number: 2 ● ● ● ●