Infinality Ultimate Bundle packaged for Fedora 23

Finally perfect font rendering on Fedora!java

When I switched to Fedora from Arch, I really missed the great font rendering provided by the infinality patches and fonts by bohoomil. I finally got the time to package everything for Fedora 23 and 24.git



  • Build packages for Fedora 24 Alpha.


  • Update Freetype, Cairo and Cantarell fonts.


  • Updated Java to


  • Rolled back Liberation fonts to previous version because of rendering issues
  • Updated Java to


These packages replace packages on your system (including freetype-freeworld from RPM Fusion if you have that installed. That’s why you have to run the following commands using the –allowerasing flag. Make sure dnf just removes fonts and cairo/freetype/fontconfig, and not any vital system component. If that happens, please file a bug on GitHub, so I can fix my packaging error.ide


You can download and enable the repo usingui

# dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora)/noarch/infinality-ultimate-repo-$(rpm -E %fedora)-1.noarch.rpm

After that you have to install the infinality patched cairo, fontconfig and freetype packages.this

# dnf install --allowerasing cairo-infinality-ultimate fontconfig-infinality-ultimate freetype-infinality-ultimate

If you have devel-Packages for one of the above packages installed, there are also *-infinality-ultimate-devel packages in the


For the best results, it is recommended to install the infinality-bundle fonts. These fonts are free replacements for popular proprietary fonts. ibfonts-meta-base contains basic font replacements like Sans and Serif. ibfonts-meta-extended-lt contains more latin replacements. ibfonts-meta-extended contains replacements for other scripts such as Chinese or Korean. For more information visit this page on bohoomils website.

# dnf install --allowerasing ibfonts-meta-base ibfonts-meta-extended-lt ibfonts-meta-extended


Java by default doesn’t respect fontconfig settings. To correct this behaviour and make the font rendering in Java applications much better, please install the infinality-patched OpenJDK.

# dnf install --allowerasing java-1.8.0-openjdk-infinality-ultimate-headless

If font rendering in specific Java applications is still bad, for example in Jetbrains IDEs, it’s because they bundle their own JRE with the IDE. In the case of Jetbrains IDEs, to force them to use the system JRE, delete the jre folder inside the IDE folder.


Multilib is automatically enabled for the x86_64 repository, so if you need a 32-Bit version of a package, just install it.

Bugs & Issues

If you found a bug or want to package more fonts from the infinality-bundle, please check out the GitHub project.


Infinality bundle, patches and fonts are maintained by bohoomil for Arch Linux since multiple years. Thank you bohoomil for your great work! The best font rendering available anywhere.
