直接從Github中將git clone nvm到本地。node
$ cd ~/git $ git clone
配置終端啓動時自動執行 source ~/git/nvm/, 在 ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile, 或者 ~/.zshrc 文件添加如下命令:git
source ~/git/nvm/
從新打開你的終端, 輸入 nvmgithub
``` $ nvm Node Version Manager Usage: nvm help Show this message nvm --version Print out the latest released version of nvm nvm install [-s] <version> Download and install a <version>, [-s] from source nvm uninstall <version> Uninstall a version nvm use <version> Modify PATH to use <version> nvm run <version> [<args>] Run <version> with <args> as arguments nvm current Display currently activated version nvm ls List installed versions nvm ls <version> List versions matching a given description nvm ls-remote List remote versions available for install nvm deactivate Undo effects of NVM on current shell nvm alias [<pattern>] Show all aliases beginning with <pattern> nvm alias <name> <version> Set an alias named <name> pointing to <version> nvm unalias <name> Deletes the alias named <name> nvm copy-packages <version> Install global NPM packages contained in <version> to current version Example: nvm install v0.10.24 Install a specific version number nvm use 0.10 Use the latest available 0.10.x release nvm run 0.10.24 myApp.js Run myApp.js using node v0.10.24 nvm alias default 0.10.24 Set default node version on a shell Note: to remove, delete or uninstall nvm - just remove ~/.nvm, ~/.npm and ~/.bower folders ```
經過 nvm 安裝任意版本的 nodeshell
$ nvm install v6.7.0
$ nvm list
$ nvm list-remote
$ nvm uninstall v6.6.0