華爲項目Tree canvas畫圖 數據4

"description_en": "consistency of logic architecture and code directories ",
"name_en": "Consistency of LA and CD",
"description": "牽引產品軟件規範化設置軟件開發的目錄,提高軟件配置管理效率",
"name": "邏輯與代碼目錄一致性",
"score": 0.0,
"dataIndex": "Consistency of LA and CD"
"description_en": "Components Size Ratio ",
"name_en": "Components Size Ratio",
"description": "Components Size Ratio",
"name": "獨立編譯組件佔比",
"score": 0.0,
"dataIndex": "Components Size Ratio"
"name": "ARCHFACTOR",
"children": [
"description_en": "The code duplication rate should not exceed 5%. A higher duplication rate means that the software is redundant and software maintenance is difficult.",
"name_en": "Repeatability",
"description": "一般要求是代碼重複率不該該超過0.5%,超過則說明軟件中存在較多冗餘,不利於軟件維護。",
"name": "重複性",
"metricDetail": [
"defectType": "Reduplicate Code",
"defectNum": 89.0
"score": 95.45,
"dataIndex": "Repeatability"
"description_en": "The code duplication rate should not exceed 5%. A higher duplication rate means that the software is redundant and software maintenance is difficult.",
"name_en": "Module Equilibrium",
"description": "一般要求是代碼重複率不該該超過0.5%,超過則說明軟件中存在較多冗餘,不利於軟件維護。",
"name": "模塊均衡性",
"metricDetail": [
"defectType": "Insufficient Module",
"defectNum": 2.0
"defectType": "Over-Large Module",
"defectNum": 2.0
"score": 56.17,
"dataIndex": "Module Equilibrium"
"description_en": "The code duplication rate should not exceed 5%. A higher duplication rate means that the software is redundant and software maintenance is difficult.",
"name_en": "Module Independency",
"description": "一般要求是代碼重複率不該該超過0.5%,超過則說明軟件中存在較多冗餘,不利於軟件維護。",
"name": "模塊獨立性",
"metricDetail": [
"defectType": "Total Dependancy",
"defectNum": "3.8%"
"defectType": "Module Evolution Independency",
"defectNum": "70.0%"
"score": 79.92,
"dataIndex": "Module Independency"
"description_en": "The code duplication rate should not exceed 5%. A higher duplication rate means that the software is redundant and software maintenance is difficult.",
"name_en": "File Scale",
"description": "一般要求是代碼重複率不該該超過0.5%,超過則說明軟件中存在較多冗餘,不利於軟件維護。",
"name": "文件規模",
"metricDetail": [
"defectType": "LargeFile",
"defectNum": 7.0
"score": 28.25,
"dataIndex": "File Scale"
"description_en": "The code duplication rate should not exceed 5%. A higher duplication rate means that the software is redundant and software maintenance is difficult.",
"name_en": "File Complexity",
"description": "一般要求是代碼重複率不該該超過0.5%,超過則說明軟件中存在較多冗餘,不利於軟件維護。",
"name": "文件複雜性",
"metricDetail": [
"defectType": "SAP Breakers",
"defectNum": 1.0
"defectType": "God Class",
"defectNum": 1.0
"score": 92.21,
"dataIndex": "File Complexity"
"description_en": "The code duplication rate should not exceed 5%. A higher duplication rate means that the software is redundant and software maintenance is difficult.",
"name_en": "Interface Rationality",
"description": "一般要求是代碼重複率不該該超過0.5%,超過則說明軟件中存在較多冗餘,不利於軟件維護。",
"name": "接口合理性",
"metricDetail": [
"defectType": "Feature Envy",
"defectNum": 2.0
"score": 98.43,
"dataIndex": "Interface Rationality"
"description_en": "The code duplication rate should not exceed 5%. A higher duplication rate means that the software is redundant and software maintenance is difficult.",
"name_en": "Function Complexity",
"description": "一般要求是代碼重複率不該該超過0.5%,超過則說明軟件中存在較多冗餘,不利於軟件維護。",
"name": "函數複雜性",
"metricDetail": [
"defectType": "Over-Complexity Function",
"defectNum": 6.0
"score": 98.55,
"dataIndex": "Function Complexity"
"description_en": "The code duplication rate should not exceed 5%. A higher duplication rate means that the software is redundant and software maintenance is difficult.",
"name_en": "Function Scale",
"description": "一般要求是代碼重複率不該該超過0.5%,超過則說明軟件中存在較多冗餘,不利於軟件維護。",
"name": "函數規模",
"metricDetail": [],
"score": 100.0,
"dataIndex": "Function Scale"
"name": "CALC",
"children": [
"description_en": "Indicates the number of files counted by farmland.",
"name_en": "Sum of Files",
"description": "按責任田統計文件的個數",
"name": "文件總數",
"score": 208.0,
"dataIndex": "Sum of Files"
"description_en": "Indicates the number of software code lines, including empty and comment lines.",
"name_en": "Line of Code",
"description": "軟件代碼行數,包括空行和註釋行。",
"name": "代碼行",
"score": 20342.0,
"dataIndex": "Line of Code"
"description_en": "Indicates the number of minimum directories counted by farmland.",
"name_en": "Sum of Dir",
"description": "按責任田統計最小文件夾的個數",
"name": "文件夾總數",
"score": 0.0,
"dataIndex": "Sum of Dir"
"page": null
