Windows 編程中的字符串(2)


 1 void writeDebugEventLog(TCHAR* pszMessage, WORD wType)
 2 {
 3     //#ifdef _DEBUG
 5     HANDLE hEventSource = NULL;
 6     const TCHAR* lpszStrings[2] = { NULL, NULL };
 8     hEventSource = RegisterEventSourceW(NULL, L"DeviceMonitorService");
 9     if (hEventSource)
10     {
11         lpszStrings[0] = _T("DeviceMonitorService");
12         lpszStrings[1] = pszMessage;
14         ReportEvent(hEventSource,  // Event log handle
15             wType,                 // Event type
16             0,                     // Event category
17             0,                     // Event identifier
18             NULL,                  // No security identifier
19             2,                     // Size of lpszStrings array
20             0,                     // No binary data
21             lpszStrings,           // Array of strings
22             NULL                   // No binary data
23             );
25         DeregisterEventSource(hEventSource);
26     }
27     //#else
28     //#endif // DEBUG
29 }


1 TCHAR szMessage[260];
2 ZeroMemory(szMessage, ARRAYSIZE(szMessage));
3 StringCchPrintf(szMessage, ARRAYSIZE(szMessage),
4                 _T("[Win32Project1  ]monitorId  %s  ,   attached DisplayDevice.DeviceID : %s   IsLocalMonitor %d"), monitorId, aDisplayDevice.DeviceID, IsLocalMonitor);
5 writeDebugEventLog(szMessage, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE);


StringCchPrintf function (Strsafe.h)數組


Writes formatted data to the specified string. The size of the destination buffer is provided to the function to ensure that it does not write past the end of this buffer.數據結構


StringCchPrintf is a replacement for the following functions:app

sprintf (<stdio.h>)ide




2     int iLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, STR, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
3     char* chRtn = new char[iLen*sizeof(char)];
4     WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, STR, -1, chRtn, iLen, NULL, NULL);
5     std::string str(chRtn);
6     return str;
7 }


   string this

   Header: <string> ——c++ 標準庫頭文件

   Namespace: std



A type that describes a specialization of the template class basic_string with elements of type char as a string.


A type that describes a specialization of the template class basic_string with elements of type wchar_t as a wstring.







char字符串轉換成Unicode 字符串

 1 LPWSTR pwszOut = NULL;
 2 if (value != NULL)
 3 {
 4     //    // Double NULL Termination
 5     int nOutputStrLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, value, -1, NULL, 0);//獲取char字符串的長度,包括空串的長度
 6     pwszOut = new TCHAR[nOutputStrLen];
 8     memset(pwszOut, 0, nOutputStrLen);
 9     MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, value, -1, pwszOut, nOutputStrLen);
10 }




     typedef _Null_terminated_ CONST WCHAR *LPCWSTR, *PCWSTR;


      typedef LPCWSTR PCTSTR, LPCTSTR;  ——winnt.h







  strrchr, wcsrchr,_tcsrchr——

Header: stdio.h, string.h.

     Scan a string for the last occurrence of a character.


     example:  (_tcsrchr(cmd, _T('\\')))[1] = 0;



     lstrcat—— include Windows.h

  Appends one string to another.

  Warning  Do not use. Consider using  StringCchCat instead. See Security Considerations.
      lstrcat(cmd, _T("***.exe"));
     lstrcpy(id, buff);
    ZeroMemory macro—— (include Windows.h)

memset  —— #include <memory.h> #include <stdio.h>


Visual Studio 6.0

Sets buffers to a specified character.

void *memset( void *dest, int c, size_t count );

Routine Required Header Compatibility
memset <memory.h> or <string.h> ANSI, Win 95, Win NT