➜ go pwd /Users/daixuan/qbox/go ➜ go bee new beeblog ______ | ___ \ | |_/ / ___ ___ | ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_/ /| __/| __/ \____/ \___| \___| v1.10.0 2018/07/29 17:20:41 WARN ▶ 0001 You current workdir is not inside $GOPATH/src. 2018/07/29 17:20:41 INFO ▶ 0002 Creating application... create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/conf/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/controllers/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/models/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/routers/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/tests/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/static/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/static/js/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/static/css/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/static/img/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/views/ create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/conf/app.conf create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/controllers/default.go create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/views/index.tpl create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/routers/router.go create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/tests/default_test.go create /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/main.go 2018/07/29 17:20:41 SUCCESS ▶ 0003 New application successfully created! ➜ go ll /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src total 0 drwxr-xr-x 10 daixuan staff 320 Jul 29 17:20 beeblog
➜ beeblog vim /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/controllers/default.go package controllers import ( "github.com/astaxie/beego" ) type MainController struct { beego.Controller } func (c *MainController) Get() { c.Data["Website"] = "beego.me" c.Data["Email"] = "astaxie@gmail.com" c.TplName = "index.tpl" c.Data["TrueCond"] = true c.Data["FalseCond"] = false //添加一個結構 type u struct{ Name string Age int Sex string } user := &u{ Name: "Joe", Age: 20, Sex: "Male", } c.Data["User"] = user } ➜ beeblog vim /Users/daixuan/qbox/go/src/beeblog/views/index.tpl <body> <header> <h1 class="logo">Welcome to Beego</h1> <div class="description"> Beego is a simple & powerful Go web framework which is inspired by tornado and sinatra. </div> </header> <footer> <div class="author"> Official website: <a href="http://{{.Website}}">{{.Website}}</a> / Contact me: <a class="email" href="mailto:{{.Email}}">{{.Email}}</a> <a class="email" href="mailto:{{.User}}">{{.User}}</a> </div> </footer> <div class="backdrop"></div> <div> {{if .TrueCond}} true condition {{end}} </div> <div> {{if .FalseCond}} {{else}} false condition. {{end}} </div> <div> {{.User.Name}}; {{.User.Age}}; {{.User.Sex}} </div> <script src="/static/js/reload.min.js"></script> </body>
注意:爲了解決循環嵌套的問題,能夠使用with end的方式css
<div> {{.User.Name}}; {{.User.Age}}; {{.User.Sex}} </div> 這段代碼能夠修改成以下,效果相同: <div> {{with .User}} {{.Name}}; {{.Age}}; {{.Sex}} {{end}} </div>
➜ beeblog bee run beeblog
default.go 添加: nums := []int{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0} c.Data["Nums"] = nums index.tpl中添加: <div> {{.Nums}} </div> <div> {{range .Nums}} {{.}} {{end}} </div>
default.go 添加: c.Data["TplVar"] = "hey guys" index.tpl中添加: <div> {{$tplVar := .TplVar}} {{$tplVar}} </div>
default.go 添加: c.Data.["Html"]="<div>hello beego</div>" index.tpl中添加: <div> {{.Html}} </div>
訪問:http://localhost:8080/ 返回:<div>hello beego</div>,怎麼以html格式顯示呢?vim
index.tpl中: <div> {{.Html}} </div> 修改成以下便可: <div> {{str2html .Html}} </div>
再訪問:http://localhost:8080/ 結果:數據結構
default.go 添加: c.Data["Pipe"] = "<div>hello beego</div>" index.tpl中添加: <div> {{.Pipe | htmlquote}} </div>
訪問:http://localhost:8080/ 結果:
返回:<div>hello beego</div>app
<div> {{template "test"}} </div> <script src="/static/js/reload.min.js"></script> </body> </html> {{define "test"}} <div> this is test template </div> {{end}}
訪問:http://localhost:8080/ 結果:ide