#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> //用戶數據信息 @interface UserInfo : NSObject //用戶名 @property (retain,nonatomic) NSString* mName ; //用戶ID @property (retain,nonatomic) NSString* mUserID ; //年齡 @property (assign,nonatomic) int mAge ; //郵件 @property (retain,nonatomic) NSString* mEMail ; //用戶頭像圖像文件 @property (retain,nonatomic) UIImage* mImage ; @end #import "UserInfo.h" @implementation UserInfo @end
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "UserInfo.h" //數據庫管理類 @interface FMDBMgr : NSObject { //數據數組 NSMutableArray* _arrayUsers ; } //打開數據庫文件 -(BOOL) openFMDB ; //將數組寫入到數據庫中 -(void) saveFMDB ; //插入一條數據到數據庫 -(BOOL) insertUserToDB:(UserInfo*) user ; //插入數據到內存中 -(void) insertUser:(UserInfo*) user ; //從數據庫中刪除 -(BOOL) deleteUserFromDB:(UserInfo*) user ; //從數據內存中刪除 -(void) deleteUser:(UserInfo*) user ; //更新用戶數據 -(BOOL) updateInDB:(UserInfo*) user ; //更新數組中的數據 -(BOOL) updateUser:(UserInfo*) user ; //返回數據庫中的全部用戶數據 -(NSArray*) selectAllFromDB ; //返回內存數組中的數據 -(NSArray*) getAllUsers ; @end #import "FMDBMgr.h" #import "FMDatabase.h" /* 對於FMDB目錄中的這三個文件作下功能描述: FMDatabase : 建立SQLite數據庫 FMResultSet :獲取執行sql查詢後的結果集 FMDatabaseQueue :在多個線程執行查詢和更新時會使用這個類。 */ @implementation FMDBMgr -(id) init { self = [super init] ; if (self) { _arrayUsers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] ; } return self ; } // 打開數據庫 -(BOOL) openFMDB { NSString* strPath = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingString:@"/tmp/FMDB.db"]; //只要數據庫的路徑地址相同 //fmdb操做的是同一個數據庫 FMDatabase* fmdb = [[FMDatabase alloc] initWithPath:strPath] ; NSString* strCreate = @"create table if not exists UserTB(ID integer primary key autoincrement,Name varchar(128),UserID varchar(128),Age smallint,imagePath varchar(1024));"; BOOL isOpen = [fmdb open] ; // [fmdb close]; BOOL isCreate = [fmdb executeUpdate:strCreate] ; //是否建立成功 return isCreate; } -(void) insertUser:(UserInfo *)user { //添加時,有可能添加多個相同的元素 [_arrayUsers addObject:user] ; } -(void) deleteUser:(UserInfo *)user { //[_arrayUsers removeObject:user] ; for (int i = 0 ; i < _arrayUsers.count; i++) { UserInfo* u = _arrayUsers[i] ; if ([u.mUserID isEqualToString:user.mUserID]) { [_arrayUsers removeObjectAtIndex:i] ; } } } //更新數據 -(BOOL) updateUser:(UserInfo *)user { BOOL isUpdate = NO ; for (int i = 0 ; i < _arrayUsers.count; i++) { UserInfo* u = _arrayUsers[i] ; if ([u.mUserID isEqualToString:user.mUserID]) { isUpdate = YES ; [_arrayUsers replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:user] ; } } return isUpdate ; } //插入到數據庫 -(BOOL) insertUserToDB:(UserInfo *)user { BOOL isInsert = NO ; NSString* strPath = [NSHomeDirectory() stringByAppendingString:@"/tmp/FMDB.db"]; //只要數據庫的路徑地址相同 //fmdb操做的是同一個數據庫 FMDatabase* fmdb = [[FMDatabase alloc] initWithPath:strPath] ; [fmdb open] ; //先要查詢數據庫中是否有相同 userID的用戶 NSString* strQuery = @"select * from UserTB where UserID = ?;"; FMResultSet* set = [fmdb executeQuery:strQuery,user.mUserID] ; //若是第一條數據沒有結果 //沒有任何數據 if ([set next] == NO) { NSString* strInsert = @"insert into UserTB(Name,UserID,Age,ImagePath)" " Values(?,?,?,?);" ; // user.mImage ; //將JPG格式的圖片轉化爲NSData二進制格式 //參數一:image對象指針,內存格式要求爲JPG //參數二:將JPG格式轉化爲文件時的壓縮比例 //比例範圍0~1,值越小,壓縮比越大,文件越小,質量越低 //值越大,壓縮比越低,文件越大,質量越高 //返回值時轉化過的數據文件 //若是格式不正確:返回值爲nil NSData* iData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(user.mImage, 1) ; if (iData == nil) { //使用png格式轉化 //png無壓縮格式 iData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(user.mImage) ; if (iData == nil) { NSLog(@"圖像有誤!"); return NO ; } } //得到數據庫中最後一條行數據的ID NSInteger lastCount = [fmdb lastInsertRowId] ; lastCount++ ; static int count = 0 ; count++ ; NSString* imagePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/image_%d.pic",NSHomeDirectory(),@"tmp",count] ; // user.mImage ; // NSLog(@"ipath = %@",imagePath) ; //寫入到文件中 BOOL isWrite = [iData writeToFile:imagePath atomically:YES] ; if (isWrite == NO) { NSLog(@"寫入圖片失敗!"); } //執行插入操做 isInsert = [fmdb executeUpdate:strInsert,user.mName, user.mUserID, [NSNumber numberWithInt:user.mAge],imagePath] ; //isInsert = YES ; } return isInsert ; } @end
#import "ViewController.h" #import "FMDBMgr.h" @interface ViewController () @end @implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. } -(void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { FMDBMgr* mgr = [[FMDBMgr alloc] init] ; [mgr openFMDB] ; static int count = 1 ; UserInfo* uInfo = [[UserInfo alloc] init] ; uInfo.mAge = 20+count ; uInfo.mName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"name %d",count] ; uInfo.mEMail =@"12345555@qq.com" ; uInfo.mUserID = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d",count] ; NSString* iName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"17_%d.jpg",count%15+1] ; uInfo.mImage = [UIImage imageNamed:iName] ; count++ ; BOOL isOK = [mgr insertUserToDB:uInfo] ; NSLog(@"OK = %d",isOK) ; } - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } @end