

sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree
sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install


But this is not the case with Chromium and Ubuntu 14.04 combination. While you can easily play You Tube videos etc on other web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome etc, in Chromium you will see Adobe Flash player missing notice:瀏覽器

Ubuntu14.04下,除了Chromium未能支持Flash播放器的安裝外,其他像Firefox, Chrome瀏覽器都支持Flash播放器的安裝。安全

The reason why this issue occurs only in Chromium is that until now Chromium used Netscape Plugin API for Flash support. Starting from Ubuntu 14.04, Chromium will stop using Netscape Plugin API. Hence, you will face issues with Adobe Flash Player with Chromium.ide

從14.04起,Chromium再也不使用Netscape 插件API。this

To fix this issue, we’ll be using Pepper Flash Player, a safer and more stable version of Flash Player from Google. An Adobe Flash Player Pepper installer is available in Ubuntu 14.04 repositories. This installer downloads Google Chrome, extracts Pepper Flash Player and sets it up for Chromium usage.插件

要解決這個問題,就須要用Pepper Flash Player。它是一個來自於Google的安全穩定的版本。它已經包含在了Ubuntu 軟件倉庫中。安裝它須要下載Chrome,並從中解壓出它。code
