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你還能夠在 這裏找到Volodymyr KuleshovIsaac CaswellCS 228 建立的本教程的IPython筆記版本。web




def quicksort(arr):
    if len(arr) <= 1:
        return arr
    pivot = arr[len(arr) // 2]
    left = [x for x in arr if x < pivot]
    middle = [x for x in arr if x == pivot]
    right = [x for x in arr if x > pivot]
    return quicksort(left) + middle + quicksort(right)

# Prints "[1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10]"

#Python 的版本

目前有兩種不一樣的受支持版本的Python,分別是2.7和3.5。有點使人困惑的是,Python 3.0引入了許多向後兼容的語言更改,所以爲2.7編寫的代碼可能沒法在3.5下運行,反之亦然。因此咱們下面全部的示例的代碼都使用Python 3.5來編程。api

你能夠經過運行 python -version 在命令行中查看Python的版本。數組




x = 3
print(type(x)) # Prints "<class 'int'>"
print(x)       # Prints "3"
print(x + 1)   # Addition; prints "4"
print(x - 1)   # Subtraction; prints "2"
print(x * 2)   # Multiplication; prints "6"
print(x ** 2)  # Exponentiation; prints "9"
x += 1
print(x)  # Prints "4"
x *= 2
print(x)  # Prints "8"
y = 2.5
print(type(y)) # Prints "<class 'float'>"
print(y, y + 1, y * 2, y ** 2) # Prints "2.5 3.5 5.0 6.25"



Booleans(布爾類型): Python實現了全部經常使用的布爾邏輯運算符,但它使用的是英文單詞而不是符號 (&&, ||, etc.):

t = True
f = False
print(type(t)) # Prints "<class 'bool'>"
print(t and f) # Logical AND; prints "False"
print(t or f)  # Logical OR; prints "True"
print(not t)   # Logical NOT; prints "False"
print(t != f)  # Logical XOR; prints "True"


hello = 'hello'    # String literals can use single quotes
world = "world"    # or double quotes; it does not matter.
print(hello)       # Prints "hello"
print(len(hello))  # String length; prints "5"
hw = hello + ' ' + world  # String concatenation
print(hw)  # prints "hello world"
hw12 = '%s %s %d' % (hello, world, 12)  # sprintf style string formatting
print(hw12)  # prints "hello world 12"


s = "hello"
print(s.capitalize())  # Capitalize a string; prints "Hello"
print(s.upper())       # Convert a string to uppercase; prints "HELLO"
print(s.rjust(7))      # Right-justify a string, padding with spaces; prints "  hello"
print(     # Center a string, padding with spaces; prints " hello "
print(s.replace('l', '(ell)'))  # Replace all instances of one substring with another;
                                # prints "he(ell)(ell)o"
print('  world '.strip())  # Strip leading and trailing whitespace; prints "world"






xs = [3, 1, 2]    # Create a list
print(xs, xs[2])  # Prints "[3, 1, 2] 2"
print(xs[-1])     # Negative indices count from the end of the list; prints "2"
xs[2] = 'foo'     # Lists can contain elements of different types
print(xs)         # Prints "[3, 1, 'foo']"
xs.append('bar')  # Add a new element to the end of the list
print(xs)         # Prints "[3, 1, 'foo', 'bar']"
x = xs.pop()      # Remove and return the last element of the list
print(x, xs)      # Prints "bar [3, 1, 'foo']"


切片(Slicing): 除了一次訪問一個列表元素以外,Python還提供了訪問子列表的簡明語法; 這被稱爲切片:

nums = list(range(5))     # range is a built-in function that creates a list of integers
print(nums)               # Prints "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]"
print(nums[2:4])          # Get a slice from index 2 to 4 (exclusive); prints "[2, 3]"
print(nums[2:])           # Get a slice from index 2 to the end; prints "[2, 3, 4]"
print(nums[:2])           # Get a slice from the start to index 2 (exclusive); prints "[0, 1]"
print(nums[:])            # Get a slice of the whole list; prints "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]"
print(nums[:-1])          # Slice indices can be negative; prints "[0, 1, 2, 3]"
nums[2:4] = [8, 9]        # Assign a new sublist to a slice
print(nums)               # Prints "[0, 1, 8, 9, 4]"


(循環)Loops: 你能夠循環遍歷列表的元素,以下所示:

animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'monkey']
for animal in animals:
# Prints "cat", "dog", "monkey", each on its own line.

若是要訪問循環體內每一個元素的索引,請使用內置的 enumerate 函數:

animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'monkey']
for idx, animal in enumerate(animals):
    print('#%d: %s' % (idx + 1, animal))
# Prints "#1: cat", "#2: dog", "#3: monkey", each on its own line

列表推導式(List comprehensions): 編程時,咱們常常想要將一種數據轉換爲另外一種數據。 舉個簡單的例子,思考如下計算平方數的代碼:

nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
squares = []
for x in nums:
    squares.append(x ** 2)
print(squares)   # Prints [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

你可使用 列表推導式 使這段代碼更簡單:

nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
squares = [x ** 2 for x in nums]
print(squares)   # Prints [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]


nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
even_squares = [x ** 2 for x in nums if x % 2 == 0]
print(even_squares)  # Prints "[0, 4, 16]"



d = {'cat': 'cute', 'dog': 'furry'}  # Create a new dictionary with some data
print(d['cat'])       # Get an entry from a dictionary; prints "cute"
print('cat' in d)     # Check if a dictionary has a given key; prints "True"
d['fish'] = 'wet'     # Set an entry in a dictionary
print(d['fish'])      # Prints "wet"
# print(d['monkey'])  # KeyError: 'monkey' not a key of d
print(d.get('monkey', 'N/A'))  # Get an element with a default; prints "N/A"
print(d.get('fish', 'N/A'))    # Get an element with a default; prints "wet"
del d['fish']         # Remove an element from a dictionary
print(d.get('fish', 'N/A')) # "fish" is no longer a key; prints "N/A"


(循環)Loops: 迭代詞典中的鍵很容易:

d = {'person': 2, 'cat': 4, 'spider': 8}
for animal in d:
    legs = d[animal]
    print('A %s has %d legs' % (animal, legs))
# Prints "A person has 2 legs", "A cat has 4 legs", "A spider has 8 legs"


d = {'person': 2, 'cat': 4, 'spider': 8}
for animal, legs in d.items():
    print('A %s has %d legs' % (animal, legs))
# Prints "A person has 2 legs", "A cat has 4 legs", "A spider has 8 legs"

字典推導式(Dictionary comprehensions): 相似於列表推導式,可讓你輕鬆構建詞典數據類型。例如:

nums = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
even_num_to_square = {x: x ** 2 for x in nums if x % 2 == 0}
print(even_num_to_square)  # Prints "{0: 0, 2: 4, 4: 16}"



animals = {'cat', 'dog'}
print('cat' in animals)   # Check if an element is in a set; prints "True"
print('fish' in animals)  # prints "False"
animals.add('fish')       # Add an element to a set
print('fish' in animals)  # Prints "True"
print(len(animals))       # Number of elements in a set; prints "3"
animals.add('cat')        # Adding an element that is already in the set does nothing
print(len(animals))       # Prints "3"
animals.remove('cat')     # Remove an element from a set
print(len(animals))       # Prints "2"


循環(Loops): 遍歷集合的語法與遍歷列表的語法相同;可是,因爲集合是無序的,所以不能假設訪問集合元素的順序:

animals = {'cat', 'dog', 'fish'}
for idx, animal in enumerate(animals):
    print('#%d: %s' % (idx + 1, animal))
# Prints "#1: fish", "#2: dog", "#3: cat"

集合推導式(Set comprehensions): 就像列表和字典同樣,咱們能夠很容易地使用集合理解來構造集合:

from math import sqrt
nums = {int(sqrt(x)) for x in range(30)}
print(nums)  # Prints "{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}"


元組是(不可變的)有序值列表。 元組在不少方面相似於列表; 其中一個最重要的區別是元組能夠用做字典中的鍵和集合的元素,而列表則不能。 這是一個簡單的例子:

d = {(x, x + 1): x for x in range(10)}  # Create a dictionary with tuple keys
t = (5, 6)        # Create a tuple
print(type(t))    # Prints "<class 'tuple'>"
print(d[t])       # Prints "5"
print(d[(1, 2)])  # Prints "1"




def sign(x):
    if x > 0:
        return 'positive'
    elif x < 0:
        return 'negative'
        return 'zero'

for x in [-1, 0, 1]:
# Prints "negative", "zero", "positive"


def hello(name, loud=False):
    if loud:
        print('HELLO, %s!' % name.upper())
        print('Hello, %s' % name)

hello('Bob') # Prints "Hello, Bob"
hello('Fred', loud=True)  # Prints "HELLO, FRED!"




class Greeter(object):

    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, name): = name  # Create an instance variable

    # Instance method
    def greet(self, loud=False):
        if loud:
            print('HELLO, %s!' %
            print('Hello, %s' %

g = Greeter('Fred')  # Construct an instance of the Greeter class
g.greet()            # Call an instance method; prints "Hello, Fred"
g.greet(loud=True)   # Call an instance method; prints "HELLO, FRED!"





numpy數組是一個值網格,全部類型都相同,並由非負整數元組索引。 維數是數組的排名; 數組的形狀是一個整數元組,給出了每一個維度的數組大小。


import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3])   # Create a rank 1 array
print(type(a))            # Prints "<class 'numpy.ndarray'>"
print(a.shape)            # Prints "(3,)"
print(a[0], a[1], a[2])   # Prints "1 2 3"
a[0] = 5                  # Change an element of the array
print(a)                  # Prints "[5, 2, 3]"

b = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])    # Create a rank 2 array
print(b.shape)                     # Prints "(2, 3)"
print(b[0, 0], b[0, 1], b[1, 0])   # Prints "1 2 4"


import numpy as np

a = np.zeros((2,2))   # Create an array of all zeros
print(a)              # Prints "[[ 0.  0.]
                      #          [ 0.  0.]]"

b = np.ones((1,2))    # Create an array of all ones
print(b)              # Prints "[[ 1.  1.]]"

c = np.full((2,2), 7)  # Create a constant array
print(c)               # Prints "[[ 7.  7.]
                       #          [ 7.  7.]]"

d = np.eye(2)         # Create a 2x2 identity matrix
print(d)              # Prints "[[ 1.  0.]
                      #          [ 0.  1.]]"

e = np.random.random((2,2))  # Create an array filled with random values
print(e)                     # Might print "[[ 0.91940167  0.08143941]
                             #               [ 0.68744134  0.87236687]]"




切片(Slicing): 與Python列表相似,能夠對numpy數組進行切片。因爲數組多是多維的,所以必須爲數組的每一個維指定一個切片:

import numpy as np

# Create the following rank 2 array with shape (3, 4)
# [[ 1  2  3  4]
#  [ 5  6  7  8]
#  [ 9 10 11 12]]
a = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])

# Use slicing to pull out the subarray consisting of the first 2 rows
# and columns 1 and 2; b is the following array of shape (2, 2):
# [[2 3]
#  [6 7]]
b = a[:2, 1:3]

# A slice of an array is a view into the same data, so modifying it
# will modify the original array.
print(a[0, 1])   # Prints "2"
b[0, 0] = 77     # b[0, 0] is the same piece of data as a[0, 1]
print(a[0, 1])   # Prints "77"

你還能夠將整數索引與切片索引混合使用。 可是,這樣作會產生比原始數組更低級別的數組。 請注意,這與MATLAB處理數組切片的方式徹底不一樣:

import numpy as np

# Create the following rank 2 array with shape (3, 4)
# [[ 1  2  3  4]
#  [ 5  6  7  8]
#  [ 9 10 11 12]]
a = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12]])

# Two ways of accessing the data in the middle row of the array.
# Mixing integer indexing with slices yields an array of lower rank,
# while using only slices yields an array of the same rank as the
# original array:
row_r1 = a[1, :]    # Rank 1 view of the second row of a
row_r2 = a[1:2, :]  # Rank 2 view of the second row of a
print(row_r1, row_r1.shape)  # Prints "[5 6 7 8] (4,)"
print(row_r2, row_r2.shape)  # Prints "[[5 6 7 8]] (1, 4)"

# We can make the same distinction when accessing columns of an array:
col_r1 = a[:, 1]
col_r2 = a[:, 1:2]
print(col_r1, col_r1.shape)  # Prints "[ 2  6 10] (3,)"
print(col_r2, col_r2.shape)  # Prints "[[ 2]
                             #          [ 6]
                             #          [10]] (3, 1)"

整數數組索引: 使用切片索引到numpy數組時,生成的數組視圖將始終是原始數組的子數組。 相反,整數數組索引容許你使用另外一個數組中的數據構造任意數組。 這是一個例子:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1,2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])

# An example of integer array indexing.
# The returned array will have shape (3,) and
print(a[[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 0]])  # Prints "[1 4 5]"

# The above example of integer array indexing is equivalent to this:
print(np.array([a[0, 0], a[1, 1], a[2, 0]]))  # Prints "[1 4 5]"

# When using integer array indexing, you can reuse the same
# element from the source array:
print(a[[0, 0], [1, 1]])  # Prints "[2 2]"

# Equivalent to the previous integer array indexing example
print(np.array([a[0, 1], a[0, 1]]))  # Prints "[2 2]"


import numpy as np

# Create a new array from which we will select elements
a = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10, 11, 12]])

print(a)  # prints "array([[ 1,  2,  3],
          #                [ 4,  5,  6],
          #                [ 7,  8,  9],
          #                [10, 11, 12]])"

# Create an array of indices
b = np.array([0, 2, 0, 1])

# Select one element from each row of a using the indices in b
print(a[np.arange(4), b])  # Prints "[ 1  6  7 11]"

# Mutate one element from each row of a using the indices in b
a[np.arange(4), b] += 10

print(a)  # prints "array([[11,  2,  3],
          #                [ 4,  5, 16],
          #                [17,  8,  9],
          #                [10, 21, 12]])

布爾數組索引: 布爾數組索引容許你選擇數組的任意元素。一般,這種類型的索引用於選擇知足某些條件的數組元素。下面是一個例子:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1,2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])

bool_idx = (a > 2)   # Find the elements of a that are bigger than 2;
                     # this returns a numpy array of Booleans of the same
                     # shape as a, where each slot of bool_idx tells
                     # whether that element of a is > 2.

print(bool_idx)      # Prints "[[False False]
                     #          [ True  True]
                     #          [ True  True]]"

# We use boolean array indexing to construct a rank 1 array
# consisting of the elements of a corresponding to the True values
# of bool_idx
print(a[bool_idx])  # Prints "[3 4 5 6]"

# We can do all of the above in a single concise statement:
print(a[a > 2])     # Prints "[3 4 5 6]"

爲簡潔起見,咱們省略了不少關於numpy數組索引的細節; 若是你想了解更多,你應該閱讀這篇文檔



import numpy as np

x = np.array([1, 2])   # Let numpy choose the datatype
print(x.dtype)         # Prints "int64"

x = np.array([1.0, 2.0])   # Let numpy choose the datatype
print(x.dtype)             # Prints "float64"

x = np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.int64)   # Force a particular datatype
print(x.dtype)                         # Prints "int64"




import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]], dtype=np.float64)
y = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]], dtype=np.float64)

# Elementwise sum; both produce the array
# [[ 6.0  8.0]
#  [10.0 12.0]]
print(x + y)
print(np.add(x, y))

# Elementwise difference; both produce the array
# [[-4.0 -4.0]
#  [-4.0 -4.0]]
print(x - y)
print(np.subtract(x, y))

# Elementwise product; both produce the array
# [[ 5.0 12.0]
#  [21.0 32.0]]
print(x * y)
print(np.multiply(x, y))

# Elementwise division; both produce the array
# [[ 0.2         0.33333333]
#  [ 0.42857143  0.5       ]]
print(x / y)
print(np.divide(x, y))

# Elementwise square root; produces the array
# [[ 1.          1.41421356]
#  [ 1.73205081  2.        ]]

請注意,與MATLAB不一樣,*是元素乘法,而不是矩陣乘法。 咱們使用dot函數來計算向量的內積,將向量乘以矩陣,並乘以矩陣。 dot既能夠做爲numpy模塊中的函數,也能夠做爲數組對象的實例方法:

import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
y = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]])

v = np.array([9,10])
w = np.array([11, 12])

# Inner product of vectors; both produce 219
print(, w))

# Matrix / vector product; both produce the rank 1 array [29 67]
print(, v))

# Matrix / matrix product; both produce the rank 2 array
# [[19 22]
#  [43 50]]
print(, y))

Numpy爲在數組上執行計算提供了許多有用的函數;其中最有用的函數之一是 SUM

import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])

print(np.sum(x))  # Compute sum of all elements; prints "10"
print(np.sum(x, axis=0))  # Compute sum of each column; prints "[4 6]"
print(np.sum(x, axis=1))  # Compute sum of each row; prints "[3 7]"



import numpy as np

x = np.array([[1,2], [3,4]])
print(x)    # Prints "[[1 2]
            #          [3 4]]"
print(x.T)  # Prints "[[1 3]
            #          [2 4]]"

# Note that taking the transpose of a rank 1 array does nothing:
v = np.array([1,2,3])
print(v)    # Prints "[1 2 3]"
print(v.T)  # Prints "[1 2 3]"





import numpy as np

# We will add the vector v to each row of the matrix x,
# storing the result in the matrix y
x = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10, 11, 12]])
v = np.array([1, 0, 1])
y = np.empty_like(x)   # Create an empty matrix with the same shape as x

# Add the vector v to each row of the matrix x with an explicit loop
for i in range(4):
    y[i, :] = x[i, :] + v

# Now y is the following
# [[ 2  2  4]
#  [ 5  5  7]
#  [ 8  8 10]
#  [11 11 13]]

這會湊效; 可是當矩陣 x 很是大時,在Python中計算顯式循環可能會很慢。注意,向矩陣 x 的每一行添加向量 v 等同於經過垂直堆疊多個 v 副原本造成矩陣 vv,而後執行元素的求和xvv。 咱們能夠像以下這樣實現這種方法:

import numpy as np

# We will add the vector v to each row of the matrix x,
# storing the result in the matrix y
x = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10, 11, 12]])
v = np.array([1, 0, 1])
vv = np.tile(v, (4, 1))   # Stack 4 copies of v on top of each other
print(vv)                 # Prints "[[1 0 1]
                          #          [1 0 1]
                          #          [1 0 1]
                          #          [1 0 1]]"
y = x + vv  # Add x and vv elementwise
print(y)  # Prints "[[ 2  2  4
          #          [ 5  5  7]
          #          [ 8  8 10]
          #          [11 11 13]]"


import numpy as np

# We will add the vector v to each row of the matrix x,
# storing the result in the matrix y
x = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10, 11, 12]])
v = np.array([1, 0, 1])
y = x + v  # Add v to each row of x using broadcasting
print(y)  # Prints "[[ 2  2  4]
          #          [ 5  5  7]
          #          [ 8  8 10]
          #          [11 11 13]]"



  1. 若是數組不具備相同的rank,則將較低等級數組的形狀添加1,直到兩個形狀具備相同的長度。
  2. 若是兩個數組在維度上具備相同的大小,或者若是其中一個數組在該維度中的大小爲1,則稱這兩個數組在維度上是兼容的。
  3. 若是數組在全部維度上兼容,則能夠一塊兒廣播。
  4. 廣播以後,每一個數組的行爲就好像它的形狀等於兩個輸入數組的形狀的元素最大值。
  5. 在一個數組的大小爲1且另外一個數組的大小大於1的任何維度中,第一個數組的行爲就像沿着該維度複製同樣




import numpy as np

# Compute outer product of vectors
v = np.array([1,2,3])  # v has shape (3,)
w = np.array([4,5])    # w has shape (2,)
# To compute an outer product, we first reshape v to be a column
# vector of shape (3, 1); we can then broadcast it against w to yield
# an output of shape (3, 2), which is the outer product of v and w:
# [[ 4  5]
#  [ 8 10]
#  [12 15]]
print(np.reshape(v, (3, 1)) * w)

# Add a vector to each row of a matrix
x = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
# x has shape (2, 3) and v has shape (3,) so they broadcast to (2, 3),
# giving the following matrix:
# [[2 4 6]
#  [5 7 9]]
print(x + v)

# Add a vector to each column of a matrix
# x has shape (2, 3) and w has shape (2,).
# If we transpose x then it has shape (3, 2) and can be broadcast
# against w to yield a result of shape (3, 2); transposing this result
# yields the final result of shape (2, 3) which is the matrix x with
# the vector w added to each column. Gives the following matrix:
# [[ 5  6  7]
#  [ 9 10 11]]
print((x.T + w).T)
# Another solution is to reshape w to be a column vector of shape (2, 1);
# we can then broadcast it directly against x to produce the same
# output.
print(x + np.reshape(w, (2, 1)))

# Multiply a matrix by a constant:
# x has shape (2, 3). Numpy treats scalars as arrays of shape ();
# these can be broadcast together to shape (2, 3), producing the
# following array:
# [[ 2  4  6]
#  [ 8 10 12]]
print(x * 2)


#Numpy 的文檔



Numpy提供了一個高性能的多維數組和基本工具來計算和操做這些數組。 而SciPy以此爲基礎,提供了大量在numpy數組上運行的函數,可用於不一樣類型的科學和工程應用程序。




from scipy.misc import imread, imsave, imresize

# Read an JPEG image into a numpy array
img = imread('assets/cat.jpg')
print(img.dtype, img.shape)  # Prints "uint8 (400, 248, 3)"

# We can tint the image by scaling each of the color channels
# by a different scalar constant. The image has shape (400, 248, 3);
# we multiply it by the array [1, 0.95, 0.9] of shape (3,);
# numpy broadcasting means that this leaves the red channel unchanged,
# and multiplies the green and blue channels by 0.95 and 0.9
# respectively.
img_tinted = img * [1, 0.95, 0.9]

# Resize the tinted image to be 300 by 300 pixels.
img_tinted = imresize(img_tinted, (300, 300))

# Write the tinted image back to disk
imsave('assets/cat_tinted.jpg', img_tinted)

貓咪 貓咪



函數 容許你讀取和寫入MATLAB文件。你能夠在這篇文檔中學習相關操做。




import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

# Create the following array where each row is a point in 2D space:
# [[0 1]
#  [1 0]
#  [2 0]]
x = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [2, 0]])

# Compute the Euclidean distance between all rows of x.
# d[i, j] is the Euclidean distance between x[i, :] and x[j, :],
# and d is the following array:
# [[ 0.          1.41421356  2.23606798]
#  [ 1.41421356  0.          1.        ]
#  [ 2.23606798  1.          0.        ]]
d = squareform(pdist(x, 'euclidean'))


相似的函數(scipy.spatial.distance.cdist)計算兩組點之間全部對之間的距離; 你能夠在這篇文檔中閱讀它。


Matplotlib是一個繪圖庫。本節簡要介紹 matplotlib.pyplot 模塊,該模塊提供了相似於MATLAB的繪圖系統。



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Compute the x and y coordinates for points on a sine curve
x = np.arange(0, 3 * np.pi, 0.1)
y = np.sin(x)

# Plot the points using matplotlib
plt.plot(x, y)  # You must call to make graphics appear.




import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Compute the x and y coordinates for points on sine and cosine curves
x = np.arange(0, 3 * np.pi, 0.1)
y_sin = np.sin(x)
y_cos = np.cos(x)

# Plot the points using matplotlib
plt.plot(x, y_sin)
plt.plot(x, y_cos)
plt.xlabel('x axis label')
plt.ylabel('y axis label')
plt.title('Sine and Cosine')
plt.legend(['Sine', 'Cosine'])




你可使用subplot函數在同一個圖中繪製不一樣的東西。 這是一個例子:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Compute the x and y coordinates for points on sine and cosine curves
x = np.arange(0, 3 * np.pi, 0.1)
y_sin = np.sin(x)
y_cos = np.cos(x)

# Set up a subplot grid that has height 2 and width 1,
# and set the first such subplot as active.
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)

# Make the first plot
plt.plot(x, y_sin)

# Set the second subplot as active, and make the second plot.
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(x, y_cos)

# Show the figure.




你可使用 imshow 函數來顯示一張圖片。 這是一個例子:

import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import imread, imresize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

img = imread('assets/cat.jpg')
img_tinted = img * [1, 0.95, 0.9]

# Show the original image
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)

# Show the tinted image
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)

# A slight gotcha with imshow is that it might give strange results
# if presented with data that is not uint8. To work around this, we
# explicitly cast the image to uint8 before displaying it.



由NumPy中文文檔翻譯,原做者爲 Justin Johnson,翻譯至:。

