靜態屬性 instance --> privatethis
靜態方法getInstance --> publicurl
export class ValidatorUtil {
private static instance = null;
/** * @description private the constructor in case other new it */
private constructor() {
/** * @description get the instance of Validator */
public static getInstance(): ValidatorUtil {
if (!this.instance) {
this.instance = new ValidatorUtil();
return this.instance;
/** * @description inside method will be use in every method * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private regTest(reg: RegExp, str: any): boolean {
return reg.test(str);
/** * @description check string whether is a url or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private formatUrl(str: string): boolean {
const reg = /^(https|http):\/\//g;
return this.regTest(reg, str);
/** * @description check string whether is a email url or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private formatEmail(str: string): boolean {
const reg = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+$/g;
return this.regTest(reg, str);
/** * @description check string whether is a url or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private formatCnPhone(str: string): boolean {
const reg = /^1(3|4|5|6|7|8|9)\d{9}$/g;
return this.regTest(reg, str);
/** * @description check string whether is only a en char or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private onlyIncludeEn(str: string): boolean {
const reg = /[^a-zA-Z]/g;
return this.regTest(reg, str);
/** * @description check string whether is Number or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private includeNumber(str: any): boolean {
return this.regTest(/[0-9]/g, str);
/** * @description check string whether is only include number or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private onlyNumber(str: any): boolean {
return !this.regTest(/[^0-9]/g, str);
/** * @description check string whether include blank or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private includeBlank(str: any): boolean {
return this.regTest(/\s+|\s+$/g, str);
/** * @description check string whether is special char or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private includeSpecialChar(str: string): boolean {
const regEn = /[`~!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:"{},.\/;'[\]]/im,
regCn = /[·!#¥(——):;「」‘、,|《。》?、【】[\]]/im;
if (this.includeBlank(str)) return true;
if (this.regTest(regEn, str)) return true;
return this.regTest(regCn, str);
/** * @description check string whether include blank or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private includeEnlishAndChineseChar(str: any): boolean {
return this.regTest(/^[\u4e00-\u9fa5a-z]+$/gi, str);
/** * @description check string whether include special char or not * @param {String} str the string will be checked later * @returns {Boolean} the result */
private includeSpecCharAndExcludeSimpleChar(str: string): boolean {
const regEn = /[`~!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:"{},.\/;'[\]]/im,
regCn = /[·!#¥(——)|《》【】[\]]/im; // exclude , 、「」‘’ 。 ?;:
if (this.regTest(regEn, str)) return true;
return this.regTest(regCn, str);
const slmUtils = require('../build');
const assert = require('assert');
const { Validator } = slmUtils;
describe('Util test', () => {
describe('Validator check', () => {
it('should be true when value include number (includeNumber)', () => {
const objA = '123abc';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().includeNumber(objA), true);
it('should be false when value not only include number (onlyNumber)', () => {
const objA = '123abc';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().onlyNumber(objA), false);
it('should be true when values format include http:// or https:// (formatUrl)', () => {
const objA = 'https://';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().formatUrl(objA), true);
it('should be true when values format normal Phone', () => {
const objA = '13212312321';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().formatCnPhone(objA), true);
it('should be true when values format normal Emial address', () => {
const objA = 'trest@xxx.com';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().formatEmail(objA), true);
it('should be false when values not only include EN Char', () => {
const objA = 'asd12';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().formatCnPhone(objA), false);
it('should be true when values include Blank', () => {
const objA = 'asd 12';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().includeBlank(objA), true);
it('should be true when values include Special char', () => {
const objA = 'asd 12';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().includeSpecialChar(objA), true);
it('should be true when values include Chinese char', () => {
const objA = '你';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().includeEnlishAndChineseChar(objA), true);
it('should be false when values include , char', () => {
const objA = 'ab,d';
assert.equal(Validator.getInstance().includeSpecCharAndExcludeSimpleChar(objA), true);