PHP7 HashTable數據結構:php7
/* * HashTable Data Layout * ===================== * * +=============================+ * | HT_HASH(ht, ht->nTableMask) | * | ... | * | HT_HASH(ht, -1) | * +-----------------------------+ * ht->arData ---> | Bucket[0] | * | ... | * | Bucket[ht->nTableSize-1] | * +=============================+ */
詳細分析參見:PHP7 HashTable源碼分析數據結構
typedef struct bucket_val_t { short type; union { long d; char *str; struct hashtable_t *arr; } v; } bucket_val; typedef struct bucket_t { unsigned long h; char *key; bucket_val *val; size_t next; } bucket; typedef struct hashtable_t { size_t cap; size_t sizemask; size_t used; size_t next; bucket *arrData; } hashtable;
hashtable *new_hash_table(size_t cap); void init_hash_data(size_t *data,size_t cap); unsigned long hash(char *key); bucket_val *hash_get(hashtable *ht,char *key); int hash_set(hashtable *ht,char *key,char *val); unsigned short hash_exists(hashtable *ht,char *key); int hash_remove(hashtable *ht,char *key); int hash_resize(hashtable *ht); void hash_rehash(hashtable *ht); size_t hash_recap(size_t cap); void hash_copy_bucket(bucket* dest,bucket* src,size_t count); void hash_free_bucket(bucket *pb,char freeval); void hash_free_bucket_val(bucket_val *pval); void hash_free(hashtable *ht);
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> //HashTable #define HASH_TABLE_INIT_CAP (8) #define HASH_VAL_TYPE_STR (1<<1) #define HASH_VAL_TYPE_LONG (1<<2) #define HASH_VAL_TYPE_ARR (1<<3) #define HASH_DATA_START(ht) ((size_t*)ht->arrData - ht->cap) #define HASH_SIZEMASK(ht) (-(ht->cap)) #define HASH_OFFSET(ht,h) (h | ht->sizemask) typedef struct bucket_val_t { short type; union { long d; char *str; struct hashtable_t *arr; } v; } bucket_val; typedef struct bucket_t { unsigned long h; char *key; bucket_val *val; size_t next; } bucket; typedef struct hashtable_t { size_t cap; size_t sizemask; size_t used; size_t next; bucket *arrData; } hashtable; hashtable *new_hash_table(size_t cap); void init_hash_data(size_t *data,size_t cap); unsigned long hash(char *key); bucket_val *hash_get(hashtable *ht,char *key); int hash_set(hashtable *ht,char *key,char *val); unsigned short hash_exists(hashtable *ht,char *key); int hash_remove(hashtable *ht,char *key); int hash_resize(hashtable *ht); void hash_rehash(hashtable *ht); size_t hash_recap(size_t cap); void hash_copy_bucket(bucket* dest,bucket* src,size_t count); void hash_free_bucket(bucket *pb,char freeval); void hash_free_bucket_val(bucket_val *pval); void hash_free(hashtable *ht);
#include "hashtable.h" hashtable *new_hash_table(size_t cap){ cap = hash_recap(cap); hashtable *ht = (hashtable *)malloc(sizeof(hashtable)); if(ht == NULL){ return NULL; } size_t *data = (size_t *)malloc(sizeof(size_t) * cap + sizeof(bucket) * cap); if(data == NULL){ free(ht); return NULL; } init_hash_data(data,cap); ht->cap = cap; ht->used = 0; ht->next = 0; ht->sizemask = HASH_SIZEMASK(ht); ht->arrData = (bucket *)(data + cap); return ht; } void init_hash_data(size_t *data,size_t cap){ int i; for(i = 0;i<cap;++i){ *(data+i) = -1; } bucket *arrData = (bucket *)(data+cap); for(i=0;i<cap;++i){ (arrData + i)->h = -1; (arrData + i)->key = NULL; (arrData + i)->val = NULL; (arrData + i)->next = -1; } return; } unsigned long hash(char *key){ unsigned long h = 1234; int c; while(c = *key++){ h = h + c; } return h; } int hash_set(hashtable *ht,char *key,char *val){ if(ht == NULL){ return -1; } char *v = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(val)+1)); if(v == NULL){ return -1; } v = strcpy(v,val); if(v == NULL){ return -1; } // key already exists bucket_val *bval = hash_get(ht,key); if(bval != NULL){ free(bval->v.str); bval->v.str = v; return 0; } char *k = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(key)+1)); if(k == NULL){ return -1; } k = strcpy(k,key); if(k == NULL){ free(k); free(v); return -1; } // key not exists if(ht->next == ht->cap - 1){ printf("prepare to resize:%d\n",ht->next); int res = hash_resize(ht); if(res < 0){ free(k); free(v); return res; } } bval = (bucket_val*)malloc(sizeof(bucket_val)); if(bval == NULL){ return -1; } bval->type = HASH_VAL_TYPE_STR; bval->v.str = v; unsigned long h = hash(key); size_t offset = HASH_OFFSET(ht,h); size_t *pidx = (size_t *)ht->arrData + offset; bucket *pb; if(*pidx == -1){ *pidx = ht->next; ht->next++; ht->used++; pb = ht->arrData + *pidx; pb->h = h; pb->key = k; pb->val = bval; pb->next = -1; printf("hash_set(%s)idx:%d,h:%d,next:%d\n",pb->key,*pidx,pb->h,pb->next); return 0; } pb = ht->arrData + ht->next; pb->next = *pidx; *pidx = ht->next; ht->used++; ht->next++; pb->h = h; pb->key = k; pb->val = bval; printf("hash_set(%s)idx:%d,h:%d,next:%d\n",pb->key,*pidx,pb->h,pb->next); return 0; } bucket_val *hash_get(hashtable *ht,char *key){ if(ht == NULL){ return NULL; } unsigned long h = hash(key); size_t offset = HASH_OFFSET(ht,h); size_t index = *((size_t *)(ht->arrData) + offset); if(index == -1){ return NULL; } bucket *pb = ht->arrData+index; while(pb->h != -1){ if(strcmp(pb->key,key) == 0){ return pb->val; } if(pb->next == -1){ break; }else{ pb = ht->arrData + pb->next; } } return NULL; } unsigned short hash_exists(hashtable *ht,char *key){ if(ht == NULL){ return 0; } unsigned long h = hash(key); size_t offset = HASH_OFFSET(ht,h); size_t index = *((size_t *)(ht->arrData) + offset); if(index == -1){ return 0; } bucket *pb = ht->arrData+index; while(pb){ if(strcmp(pb->key,key) == 0){ return 1; } pb = ht->arrData + pb->next; } return 0; } int hash_remove(hashtable *ht,char *key){ if(ht == NULL || !hash_exists(ht,key)){ return 0; } unsigned long h = hash(key); size_t offset = HASH_OFFSET(ht,h); size_t *pidx = (size_t*)ht->arrData + offset; bucket *pb = ht->arrData + *pidx; bucket *preb = NULL; while(pb){ if(strcmp(pb->key,key) == 0){ break; } preb = pb; if(pb->next != -1){ pb = ht->arrData + pb->next; }else{ return 0; } } if(preb != NULL){ preb->next = pb->next; }else{ *pidx = pb->next; } hash_free_bucket(pb,'1'); ht->used--; return 0; } void hash_free_bucket(bucket *pb,char freeval){ if(pb == NULL){ return; } pb->h = -1; pb->key = NULL; if(freeval == '1'){ free(pb->key); hash_free_bucket_val(pb->val); } pb->val = NULL; pb->next = -1; return; } void hash_free_bucket_val(bucket_val *pval){ if(pval == NULL){ return; } switch(pval->type){ case HASH_VAL_TYPE_STR: free(pval->v.str); break; case HASH_VAL_TYPE_LONG: break; case HASH_VAL_TYPE_ARR: hash_free(pval->v.arr); break; default: printf("unknown bucket value type.\n"); break; } free(pval); return; } void hash_free(hashtable *ht){ int idx; for(idx=0;idx < ht->next;++idx){ hash_free_bucket(ht->arrData+idx,'1'); } free(HASH_DATA_START(ht)); free(ht); } // 計算大於等於cap的最小2^n size_t hash_recap(size_t cap){ if(cap <= HASH_TABLE_INIT_CAP){ return HASH_TABLE_INIT_CAP; } int count=0,last=0; while(cap > 0){ last = cap; cap = cap & (cap-1); count++; } return count == 1 ? last : last<<1; } int hash_resize(hashtable *ht){ if(ht == NULL){ *ht = *new_hash_table(HASH_TABLE_INIT_CAP); return 0; } size_t cap = ht->cap << 1; printf("new cap:%d\n",cap); size_t *data = (size_t *)malloc(sizeof(size_t)*cap + sizeof(bucket) * cap); if(data == NULL){ return -1; } size_t *origdata = HASH_DATA_START(ht); init_hash_data(data,cap); hash_copy_bucket((bucket *)(data+cap),ht->arrData,ht->next); ht->cap = cap; ht->sizemask = HASH_SIZEMASK(ht); ht->arrData = (bucket *)(data+cap); hash_rehash(ht); free(origdata); return 0; } void hash_copy_bucket(bucket* dest,bucket* src,size_t count){ if(count <= 0){ return; } int idx; for (idx=0; idx<count;++idx){ if((src+idx)->h == -1){ continue; } *(dest+idx) = *(src+idx); } return; } void hash_rehash(hashtable *ht){ int idx,idxused; bucket *pb,*pbused; for(idx = 0; idx < ht->next; ++idx){ pb = ht->arrData+idx; if(pb->h == -1){ // find next used bucket to fill the hole pbused = NULL; idxused = idx+1; while(idxused < ht->next){ if((ht->arrData+idxused)->h != -1){ pbused = ht->arrData+idxused; break; } idxused++; } if(pbused == NULL){ ht->next = idx; break; } *pb = *pbused; hash_free_bucket(pbused,'0'); } size_t offset = HASH_OFFSET(ht,pb->h); size_t * pidx = (size_t*)ht->arrData + offset; if(*pidx == -1){ *pidx = idx; continue; } pb->next = *pidx; *pidx = idx; } }
#include "hashtable.h" #include <stdio.h> int test_recap(){ hashtable *ht = new_hash_table(15); if(ht->cap != 16){ printf("16 != ht->cap=%d\n",ht->cap); return -1; } hash_free(ht); ht = new_hash_table(0); if(ht->cap != HASH_TABLE_INIT_CAP){ printf("%d != ht->cap=%d\n",HASH_TABLE_INIT_CAP,ht->cap); return -1; } hash_free(ht); ht = new_hash_table(32); if(ht->cap != 32){ printf("32 != ht->cap=%d\n",ht->cap); return -1; } hash_free(ht); ht = new_hash_table(33); if(ht->cap != 64){ printf("64 != ht->cap=%d\n",ht->cap); return -1; } hash_free(ht); return 0; } int test_set(hashtable *ht){ int res = hash_set(ht,"a","aaa"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set(a) fail\n"); return res; } if(ht->used != 1){ printf("ht->used:%d != 1\n",ht->used); return -1; } res = hash_set(ht,"ab","ababab"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set(ab) fail\n"); return res; } if(ht->used != 2){ printf("ht->used:%d != 2\n",ht->used); return -1; } res = hash_set(ht,"a","aaaaaaaaaa"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set(abc) fail\n"); return res; } if(ht->used != 2){ printf("ht->used:%d != 2\n",ht->used); return -1; } res = hash_set(ht,"ccccc","cccccc"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set fail %d\n",res); return res; } res = hash_set(ht,"ddddddd","ddddddd"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set fail %d\n",res); return res; } return 0; } int test_get(hashtable *ht){ bucket_val * v = hash_get(ht,"a"); if(v == NULL){ return -1; } if(!(v->type & HASH_VAL_TYPE_STR)){ printf("type:%d != %d\n",v->type,HASH_VAL_TYPE_STR); return -1; } if(strcmp(v->v.str,"aaaaaaaaaa") != 0){ printf("value:%s != %s\n",v->v.str,"aaaaaaaaaa"); return -1; } return 0; } int test_remove(hashtable *ht){ int res = hash_remove(ht,"a"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_remove(a) fail\n"); return res; } unsigned short e = hash_exists(ht,"a"); if(e){ printf("hash_exists(a)=%d\n",e); return -1; } return 0; } int test_resize(hashtable *ht){ int i=1,res,origcap = ht->cap; res = hash_set(ht,"1111","11111"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set fail %d\n",i); return res; } res = hash_set(ht,"2222","22222"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set fail %d\n",i); return res; } res = hash_set(ht,"3333","33333"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set fail %d\n",i); return res; } res = hash_set(ht,"44444","44444"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set fail %d\n",i); return res; } res = hash_set(ht,"55555","55555"); if(res < 0){ printf("hash_set fail %d\n",i); return res; } if(ht->cap != 2*origcap){ printf("ht->cap:%d != %d\n",ht->cap,2*origcap); return -1; } return 0; } int main(int argc,char* argv[]){ int res; res = test_recap(); if(res == 0){ printf("PASS hash_recap\n"); } hashtable *ht = new_hash_table(0); res = test_set(ht); if(res == 0){ printf("PASS hash_set\n"); } res = test_get(ht); if(res == 0){ printf("PASS hash_get\n"); } res = test_remove(ht); if(res == 0){ printf("PASS hash_remove\n"); } res = test_resize(ht); if(res == 0){ printf("PASS hash_resize\n"); } hash_free(ht); return 0; }