1:標題: GnuTLS安全繞過漏洞(CNVD-2017-00484)python
GnuTLS 3.3.26和3.5.8以前的版本中的gnutls_x509_ext_import_proxy函數中存在雙重釋放漏洞,容許遠程攻擊者經過在擁有代理證書信息擴展的X.509證書中構造策略的語言信息形成未公開的影響。
參考連接: lists.opensuse.orgwww.openwall.comwww.openwall.comwww.securityfocus.comwww.securitytracker.comgitlab.comgnutls.orgsecurity.gentoo.org
解決方法:yum update guntlsandroid
2:標題: GNU Wget緩衝區錯誤漏洞git
http.c中的skip_short_body()函數,在某些狀況(例如處理重定向時),當HTTP響應被分段時,分段解析器會使用strtol()來讀取每一個分段的長度,可是不檢測分段長度是否爲一個非負數。問題代碼接着會執行MIN()宏, 嘗試以512字節爲一個單位讀取分段,但結果卻將爲負的分段長度傳遞給了connect.c裏的 fd_read()函數,當fd_read()接受整數爲參數時,高32位的分段長度被丟棄,致使fd_read()處理了徹底由攻擊者控制的輸入。
解決方法:yum update wget 或者 升級wget版本github
3:標題: Google Android libnl整數溢出漏洞致使執行任意代碼web
騰訊玄武實驗室的Daxing Guo在2017年4月3日報告了一個存在於libnl庫中的整數溢出漏洞,攻擊者可利用該漏洞執行任意代碼。 這個存在於libnl庫文件中的漏洞可容許本地惡意應用在wifi服務進程上下文中執行任意代碼,從而致使本地提權。而由於該過程的實現須要當前平臺的配置給予便利且獲得特權進程的妥協,故而被android開發安全論壇評爲中危。 [受影響的平臺] [Android] Product: Android(Versions: 5.0.2, 5.1.1, 6.0, 6.0.1, 7.0, 7.1.1.) Android ID: A-32342065. Google Pixel XL 0 Google Pixel C 0 Google Pixel 0 Google Nexus Player 0 Google Nexus 9 Google Nexus 7 (2013) Google Nexus 6P Google Nexus 6 Google Nexus 5X Google Android One 0 Google Android 7.1.1 Google Android 6.0.1 Google Android 5.1.1 Google Android 5.0.2 Google Android 7.0 Google Android 6.0 以及各大依照Google開發標準的Android廠商發佈的各種機型 [Redhat] Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 libnl3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 libnl (放棄修復) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 libnl3 (放棄修復) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 libnl (放棄修復) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 libnl (放棄修復) [Unbuntu] Ubuntu Linux 17.04 Ubuntu Linux 16.10 Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS Ubuntu Core 15.04 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS [Debian] Debian/wheezy 1.1-7 Debian/wheezy 3.2.7-4 (libnl3) Debian/jessie 3.2.24-2 (libnl3) [SUSE] SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP 12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12-LTSS [不受影響的平臺] [Debian] Debian/wheezy (security) 1.1-7+deb7u1 Debian/wheezy (security) 3.2.7-4+deb7u1 Debian/buster, sid, stretch 3.2.27-2
yum update libnl3安全
yum update libnl3-cli服務器
yum update NetworkManagerssh
yum update NetworkManager-adsl
yum update NetworkManager-bluetooth
yum update NetworkManager-glib
yum update NetworkManager-libnm
yum update NetworkManager-team
yum update NetworkManager-tui
yum update NetworkManager-wifi
yum update NetworkManager-wwan
4:標題: Git任意代碼執行漏洞(CNVD-2017-03446)
contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh in Git before 1.9.3 does not sanitize branch names in the PS1 variable, allowing a malicious repository to cause code execution.
glibc 2.23以前的版本存在多處棧緩衝區溢出漏洞,在特殊上下文環境下攻擊者能夠經過給nan/nanf/nanl函數提供超長的參數致使拒絕服務(應用程序崩潰)甚至執行任意代碼。
yum update glibc
yum update glibc-common
yum update glibc-devel
yum update glibc-headers
yum update nscd
yum update kernel
yum update kernel-devel
yum update kernel-firmware
yum update kernel-headers
yum update openssh
yum update openssh-clients
yum update openssh-server
yum update ntp
yum update ntpdate
yum update libxml2
yum update libxml2-devel
yum update libxml2-python
yum update ntp
yum update ntpdate
yum update openssh
yum update openssh-clients
yum update openssh-server
yum update grep
yum update libreport
yum update libreport-cli
yum update libreport-compat
yum update libreport-plugin-kerneloops
yum update libreport-plugin-logger
yum update libreport-plugin-mailx
yum update libreport-plugin-reportuploader
yum update libreport-plugin-rhtsupport
yum update libreport-python