Applovin Interview (面經)

職位:SDE Intern positon
地點: San Jose算法

  1. 輪電面:self introduction
    what’s your interest
    Concept of 「Concurrent」
    Thread vs process: definition and difference
    difference between static-field and non static field
    synchronized meaning
    difference between synchronized a static method and synchronized a non-static method
    difference between lock and synchronized
    difference between read lock and write lock
    What’s the purpose of executors
    why do we need immutable class
    what’s the meaning of final
    what’s the meaning of volatile, give an example how to use

  2. 輪電面:how to ensure date consistency in distributed system ? What's the concurrent meaning ? Tell me about one of your project ? Which part do you use in Spark ? tell me about RDD ? 下面就是算法題: 寫個transform function, 將 str 轉化爲另外格式的strorm

  3. 輪onsite: 7道算法,三輪面
    tree level traversal
    reverse linkedlist
    Product of Array Except Self
    Group Anagrams----follow up
    LFU cache
    Design a cache to maintain data consistency between database and memoryit

面的結果還行,題目難度適中...可是感受一個intern,面的這麼serious, 有必要麼? anyway, 這是一次寶貴的經歷,到San Jose 免費溜了一圈, 感覺了下老美找工做的流程 。。。。但願個人面經能給你們帶來幫助哈io
