Thread 類函數
Thread 類是用於控制線程的基礎類,它存在於 System.Threading 命名空間。經過 Thread 能夠控制當前應用程序域中線程的建立、掛起、中止、銷燬。性能
Thread 一些經常使用屬性:this
Thread 一些經常使用方法:spa
Thread 的優先級:
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); //建立一個新的線程 Thread thread = new Thread(demoClass.Run); //設置爲後臺線程 thread.IsBackground = true; //開始線程 thread.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public void Run() { Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); } }
建立一個新的線程還可使用 ThreadStart 委託的方式。以下:
//建立一個委託,並把要執行的方法做爲參數傳遞給這個委託 ThreadStart threadStart = new ThreadStart(demoClass.Run); Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart);
咱們可使用 Join() 這個方法,修改以後的代碼:
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); //建立一個新的線程 Thread thread = new Thread(demoClass.Run); //設置爲後臺線程 thread.IsBackground = true; //開始線程 thread.Start(); //等待直到線程完成 thread.Join(); Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public void Run() { Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); } }
上面的代碼相比以前就添加了一句 thread.Join(),它的做用就是用於阻塞後面的線程,直到當前線程完成以後。固然,還有其餘的方法能夠作到,好比咱們如今把 thread.Join() 換成
//掛起當前線程指定的時間 Thread.Sleep(100);
就當前的場景來講,這樣的確能夠知足需求,可是這樣作有一個弊端,就是,當子線程所執行的方法邏輯比較複雜耗時較長的時候,這樣的方式就不必定能夠,雖然能夠修改線程掛起的時間,可是這個執行的時間倒是不定的。因此,Thread.Sleep() 方法通常用來設置多線程之間執行的間隔時間的。
另外,Join() 方法也接受一個參數,該參數用於指定阻塞線程的時間,若是在指定的時間內該線程沒有終止,那麼就返回 false,若是在指定的時間內已終止,那麼就返回 true。
上面的這種使用多線程的方式只是簡單的輸出一段內容而已,多數狀況下咱們須要對線程調用的方法傳入參數和接收返回值的,可是上面這種方法是不接受參數而且沒有返回值的,那麼咱們可使用 ParameterizedThreadStart 委託來建立多線程,這個委託能夠接受一個 object 類型的參數,咱們能夠在這上面作文章。
class Program {static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); //建立一個委託,並把要執行的方法做爲參數傳遞給這個委託 ParameterizedThreadStart threadStart = new ParameterizedThreadStart(demoClass.Run); //建立一個新的線程 Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart); //開始線程,並傳入參數 thread.Start("Brambling"); Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public void Run(object obj) { string name = obj as string; Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("My name is " + name); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); } }
PS:這裏我沒有加這句代碼了(thread.IsBackground = true,即把當前線程設置爲後臺線程),由於使用 thread.Start() 啓動的線程默認爲前臺線程。那麼前臺線程和後臺線程有什麼區別呢?
那麼上面的結果能夠看到在多線程實現了參數的傳遞,但是它也只有一個參數呢。可是它接受的參數是 object 類型的(萬類之源),也就是說既能夠是值類型或引用類型,也能夠是自定義類型。(固然,自定義類型其實也是屬於引用類型的)下面咱們使用自定義類型做爲參數傳遞。
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); //建立一個委託,並把要執行的方法做爲參數傳遞給這個委託 ParameterizedThreadStart threadStart = new ParameterizedThreadStart(demoClass.Run); //建立一個新的線程 Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart); UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.Name = "Brambling"; userInfo.Age = 333; //開始線程,並傳入參數 thread.Start(userInfo); Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public void Run(object obj) { UserInfo userInfo = (UserInfo)obj; Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("My name is " + userInfo.Name); Console.WriteLine("I'm " + userInfo.Age + " years old this year"); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); } } public class UserInfo { public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } }
使用 ThreadStart 和 ParameterizedThreadStart 建立線程仍是比較簡單的,可是因爲線程的建立和銷燬須要耗費必定的開銷,過多的使用線程反而會形成內存資源的浪費,從而影響性能,出於對性能的考慮,因而引入了線程池的概念。線程池並非在 CLR 初始化的時候馬上建立線程的,而是在應用程序要建立線程來執行任務的時候,線程池纔會初始化一個線程,初始化的線程和其餘線程同樣,可是在線程完成任務以後不會自行銷燬,而是以掛起的狀態回到線程池。當應用程序再次向現成池發出請求的時候,線程池裏掛起的線程會再度激活執行任務。這樣作能夠減小線程建立和銷燬所帶來的開銷。線程池創建的線程默認爲後臺線程。
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); //設置當沒有請求時線程池維護的空閒線程數 //第一個參數爲輔助線程數 //第二個參數爲異步 I/O 線程數 ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(5, 5); //設置同時處於活動狀態的線程池的線程數,全部大於次數目的請求將保持排隊狀態,直到線程池變爲可用 //第一個參數爲輔助線程數 //第二個參數爲異步 I/O 線程數 ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(100, 100); //使用委託綁定線程池要執行的方法(無參數) WaitCallback waitCallback1 = new WaitCallback(demoClass.Run1); //將方法排入隊列,在線程池變爲可用時執行 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(waitCallback1); //使用委託綁定線程池要執行的方法(有參數) WaitCallback waitCallback2 = new WaitCallback(demoClass.Run1); //將方法排入隊列,在線程池變爲可用時執行 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(waitCallback2,"Brambling"); UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.Name = "Brambling"; userInfo.Age = 33; //使用委託綁定線程池要執行的方法(有參數,自定義類型的參數) WaitCallback waitCallback3 = new WaitCallback(demoClass.Run2); //將方法排入隊列,在線程池變爲可用時執行 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(waitCallback3, userInfo); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public void Run1(object obj) { string name = obj as string; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("My name is " + name); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); } public void Run2(object obj) { UserInfo userInfo=(UserInfo)obj; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("My name is " + userInfo.Name); Console.WriteLine("I'm " + userInfo.Age + " years old this year"); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); } } public class UserInfo { public string Name { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } }
class Program { List<UserInfo> userInfoList = new List<UserInfo>(); static void Main(string[] args) { Program program = new Program(); ParameterizedThreadStart threadStart = new ParameterizedThreadStart(program.Run); Thread thread = null; UserInfo userInfo = null; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.Name = "Brambling" + i.ToString(); userInfo.Age = 33 + i; thread = new Thread(threadStart); thread.Start(userInfo); thread.Join(); } foreach (UserInfo user in program.userInfoList) { Console.WriteLine("My name is " + user.Name); Console.WriteLine("I'm " + user.Age + " years old this year"); Console.WriteLine("Thread ID is:" + user.ThreadId); } Console.ReadKey(); } public void Run(object obj) { UserInfo userInfo = (UserInfo)obj; userInfo.ThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; userInfoList.Add(userInfo); } }
委託的異步調用有兩個比較重要的方法:BeginInvoke() 和 EndInvoke()
class Program { //定義一個委託類 private delegate UserInfo MyDelegate(UserInfo userInfo); static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); List<UserInfo> userInfoList = new List<UserInfo>(); UserInfo userInfo = null; UserInfo userInfoRes = null; //建立一個委託並綁定方法 MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate(demoClass.Run); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.Name = "Brambling" + i.ToString(); userInfo.Age = 33 + i; //傳入參數並執行異步委託 IAsyncResult result = myDelegate.BeginInvoke(userInfo,null,null); //異步操做是否完成 while (!result.IsCompleted) { Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); } //結束異步委託,並獲取返回值 userInfoRes = myDelegate.EndInvoke(result); userInfoList.Add(userInfoRes); } foreach (UserInfo user in userInfoList) { Console.WriteLine("My name is " + user.Name); Console.WriteLine("I'm " + user.Age + " years old this year"); Console.WriteLine("Thread ID is:" + user.ThreadId); } Console.ReadKey(); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public UserInfo Run(UserInfo userInfo) { userInfo.ThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + userInfo.ThreadId); Console.WriteLine(); return userInfo; } }
BeginInvoke() 方法用於異步委託的執行開始,EndInvoke() 方法用於結束異步委託,並獲取異步委託執行完成後的返回值。IAsyncResult.IsCompleted 用於監視異步委託的執行狀態(true / false),這裏的時間是不定的,也就是說必定要等到異步委託執行完成以後,這個屬性纔會返回 true。若是異步委託的方法耗時較長,那麼主線程會一直工做下去。
BeginInvoke() 是能夠接受多個參數的,它的參數個數和參數類型取決於定義委託時的參數個數和類型,不管它有多少個參數,最後兩個參數都是不變的,下面咱們會說到。
那麼咱們還能夠用下面的方法 WaitOne(),自定義一個等待的時間,若是在這個等待時間內異步委託沒有執行完成,那麼就會執行 while 裏面的主線程的邏輯,反之就不會執行。
class Program { //定義一個委託類 private delegate UserInfo MyDelegate(UserInfo userInfo); static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); List<UserInfo> userInfoList = new List<UserInfo>(); UserInfo userInfo = null; UserInfo userInfoRes = null; //建立一個委託並綁定方法 MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate(demoClass.Run); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.Name = "Brambling" + i.ToString(); userInfo.Age = 33 + i; //傳入參數並執行異步委託 IAsyncResult result = myDelegate.BeginInvoke(userInfo,null,null); //阻止當前線程,直到 WaitHandle 收到信號,參數爲指定等待的毫秒數 while (!result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000)) { Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); } //結束異步委託,並獲取返回值 userInfoRes = myDelegate.EndInvoke(result); userInfoList.Add(userInfoRes); } foreach (UserInfo user in userInfoList) { Console.WriteLine("My name is " + user.Name); Console.WriteLine("I'm " + user.Age + " years old this year"); Console.WriteLine("Thread ID is:" + user.ThreadId); } Console.ReadKey(); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public UserInfo Run(UserInfo userInfo) { userInfo.ThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + userInfo.ThreadId); Console.WriteLine(); return userInfo; } }
WaitOne() 方法只能用於監視當前線程的對象,若是要監視多個對象可使用 WaitAny(WaitHandle[], int)或 WaitAll (WaitHandle[] , int) 這兩個方法。
class Program { //定義一個委託類 private delegate UserInfo MyDelegate(UserInfo userInfo); static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); List<UserInfo> userInfoList = new List<UserInfo>(); UserInfo userInfo = null; UserInfo userInfoRes = null; //建立一個委託並綁定方法 MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate(demoClass.Run); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.Name = "Brambling" + i.ToString(); userInfo.Age = 33 + i; //傳入參數並執行異步委託 IAsyncResult result = myDelegate.BeginInvoke(userInfo,null,null); IAsyncResult result1 = myDelegate.BeginInvoke(userInfo, null, null); //定義要監視的對象,不能包含對同一對象的多個引用 WaitHandle[] waitHandles = new WaitHandle[] { result.AsyncWaitHandle, result1.AsyncWaitHandle }; while (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles,1000)) { Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); } //結束異步委託,並獲取返回值 userInfoRes = myDelegate.EndInvoke(result); userInfoList.Add(userInfoRes); userInfoRes = myDelegate.EndInvoke(result1); userInfoList.Add(userInfoRes); } foreach (UserInfo user in userInfoList) { Console.WriteLine("My name is " + user.Name); Console.WriteLine("I'm " + user.Age + " years old this year"); Console.WriteLine("Thread ID is:" + user.ThreadId); } Console.ReadKey(); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public UserInfo Run(UserInfo userInfo) { userInfo.ThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + userInfo.ThreadId); Console.WriteLine(); return userInfo; } }
WaitAll() 方法和 WaitAny() 方法均可以監視多個對象,不一樣的是 WaitAll() 方法須要等待全部的監視對象都收到信號以後纔會返回 true,不然返回 false。而 WaitAny() 則是當有一個監視對象收到信號以後就會返回一個 int 值,這個 int 值表明的是當前收到信號的監視對象的索引。注意:在定義監視對象的時候,不能包含對同一個對象的多個引用,我這裏是定義的兩個示例,因此是不一樣的對象。
這裏你能夠在異步委託調用的 Run() 方法裏面爲線程設置一個幾秒鐘或者更長的掛起時間。而後在設置監視對象這裏設置一個小於線程掛起的時間,而後調試你就能發現問題的所在了。其實也不算是問題,只是以前的理解有誤。
其實 WaitAll() 方法和 WaitAny() 方法設置監視對象,而後指定一個時間(毫秒值),這裏的意思是當全部的監視對象在指定的時間內都接收到信號時(這裏是指 WaitAll() 方法),就不會執行 while 裏面的主線程的工做,反之就會執行。
這裏你可能會有疑問,若是是這樣,那我把前面的邏輯非運算符去掉那不就相反了麼。這麼理解邏輯上是沒錯的,可是我仍是要說的是,儘可能不要去嘗試,由於這會是個死循環。WaitAny() 這個方法也是同樣的理解,不一樣的是,它不須要等到全部的監視對象都收到信號,它只須要一個監視對象收到信號就夠了,這裏就不在演示了。
class Program { //定義一個委託類 private delegate UserInfo MyDelegate(UserInfo userInfo);
static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); UserInfo userInfo = null; //建立一個委託並綁定方法 MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate(demoClass.Run); //建立一個回調函數的委託 AsyncCallback asyncCallback = new AsyncCallback(Complete); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.Name = "Brambling" + i.ToString(); userInfo.Age = 33 + i; //傳入參數並執行異步委託,並設置回調函數 IAsyncResult result = myDelegate.BeginInvoke(userInfo, asyncCallback, null); } Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadKey(); } public static void Complete(IAsyncResult result) { UserInfo userInfoRes = null; AsyncResult asyncResult = (AsyncResult)result; //獲取在其上調用異步調用的委託對象 MyDelegate myDelegate = (MyDelegate)asyncResult.AsyncDelegate; //結束在其上調用的異步委託,並獲取返回值 userInfoRes = myDelegate.EndInvoke(result); Console.WriteLine("My name is " + userInfoRes.Name); Console.WriteLine("I'm " + userInfoRes.Age + " years old this year"); Console.WriteLine("Thread ID is:" + userInfoRes.ThreadId); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public UserInfo Run(UserInfo userInfo) { userInfo.ThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + userInfo.ThreadId); Console.WriteLine(); return userInfo; } }
從上面能夠看到主線程再執行了異步委託以後繼續執行了下去,而後在回調函數裏輸出了信息,也就是說在調用了異步委託以後就無論了,把以後的結束委託和獲取委託的返回值放到了回調函數中,由於回調函數是沒有返回值的,可是回調函數能夠有一個參數。上面說到的 BeginInvoke() 方法的最後兩個參數,它的倒數第二個參數就是一個回調函數的委託,最後一個參數能夠設置傳入回調函數的參數。以下:
class Program { //定義一個委託類 private delegate UserInfo MyDelegate(UserInfo userInfo); static List<UserInfo> userInfoList = new List<UserInfo>(); static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadDemoClass demoClass = new ThreadDemoClass(); UserInfo userInfo = null; //建立一個委託並綁定方法 MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate(demoClass.Run); //建立一個回調函數的委託 AsyncCallback asyncCallback = new AsyncCallback(Complete); //回調函數的參數 string str = "I'm the parameter of the callback function!"; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { userInfo = new UserInfo(); userInfo.Name = "Brambling" + i.ToString(); userInfo.Age = 33 + i; //傳入參數並執行異步委託,並設置回調函數 IAsyncResult result = myDelegate.BeginInvoke(userInfo, asyncCallback, str); } Console.WriteLine("Main thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Main thread ID is:" + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ReadKey(); } public static void Complete(IAsyncResult result) { UserInfo userInfoRes = null; AsyncResult asyncResult = (AsyncResult)result; //獲取在其上調用異步調用的委託對象 MyDelegate myDelegate = (MyDelegate)asyncResult.AsyncDelegate; //結束在其上調用的異步委託,並獲取返回值 userInfoRes = myDelegate.EndInvoke(result); Console.WriteLine("My name is " + userInfoRes.Name); Console.WriteLine("I'm " + userInfoRes.Age + " years old this year"); Console.WriteLine("Thread ID is:" + userInfoRes.ThreadId); //獲取回調函數的參數 string str = result.AsyncState as string; Console.WriteLine(str); } } public class ThreadDemoClass { public UserInfo Run(UserInfo userInfo) { userInfo.ThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; Console.WriteLine("Child thread working..."); Console.WriteLine("Child thread ID is:" + userInfo.ThreadId); Console.WriteLine(); return userInfo; } }
回調函數的參數也是 object 類型的,我這裏用的是一個 string 類型,可是它也能夠是自定義類型的參數。