要在 Java 代碼中實現相似 SQL 中的 GroupBy 分組聚合運算,是比較繁瑣的,一般先要聲明數據結構(Java 實體類),而後用 Java 集合進行循環遍歷,最後根據分組條件添加到某個子集合中。Java 8 有了 Lambda(stream)代碼簡潔了許多,分組後每每還要跟着聚合操做,仍然須要單寫聚合函數 sum(),count(*),topN()等。這些還都是最常規的分組和聚合運算,遇到對位分組、枚舉分組、多重分組等很是規分組加上其餘彙集函數 (FIRST,LAST…),代碼就變得很是冗長且不通用。若是能有一箇中間件專門負責這類計算,採用相似 SQL 腳本作算法描述,在 Java 中直接調用腳本並返回結果集就行了。Java 版集算器和 SPL 腳本,就是這樣的機制,下面舉例說明如何使用。算法
duty.xlsx 文件中保存着每一個人的加班記錄:數據庫
保存腳本文件CountName.dfx(嵌入 Java 會用到)數據結構
保存腳本文件RecMonTop3.dfx(嵌入 Java 會用到)ui
SPL 嵌入到 Java 應用程序十分方便,經過 JDBC 調用存儲過程方法加載,用常規分組保存的文件CountName.dfx,示例調用以下:spa
... Connection con = null; Class.forName("com.esproc.jdbc.InternalDriver"); con= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:esproc:local://"); //調用存儲過程,其中CountName是dfx的文件名 st =(com. esproc.jdbc.InternalCStatement)con.prepareCall("call CountName()"); //執行存儲過程 st.execute(); //獲取結果集 ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); ... ... Connection con = null; Class.forName("com.esproc.jdbc.InternalDriver"); con= DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:esproc:local://"); //調用存儲過程,其中CountName是dfx的文件名 st =(com. esproc.jdbc.InternalCStatement)con.prepareCall("call CountName()"); //執行存儲過程 st.execute(); //獲取結果集 ResultSet rs = st.getResultSet(); ...
替換成 RecMonTop3.dfx 是一樣的道理,只需 call RecMonTop3() 便可,也可同時返回兩個結果集。這裏只用 Java 片斷粗略解釋瞭如何嵌入 SPL,詳細步驟請參閱 Java 如何調用 SPL 腳本 ,也很是簡單,再也不贅述。同時,SPL 也支持 ODBC 驅動,集成到支持 ODBC 的語言,嵌入過程相似。3d
以前沒有相關的總結,其實關於數據分組,細分起來其實還有不少種,對位分組、枚舉分組、多重分組…,在乾學院 SPL 官方論壇都有總結和示例,這裏節選其中兩種。code
示例 1:按順序分別列出使用 Chinese、English、French 做爲官方語言的國家數量中間件
MySQL8: with t(name,ord) as (select 'Chinese',1 union all select 'English',2 union all select 'French',3) select t.name, count(countrycode) cnt from t left join world.countrylanguage s on t.name=s.language where s.isofficial='T' group by name,ord order by ord; MySQL8: with t(name,ord) as (select 'Chinese',1 union all select 'English',2 union all select 'French',3) select t.name, count(countrycode) cnt from t left join world.countrylanguage s on t.name=s.language where s.isofficial='T' group by name,ord order by ord;
(1) show variables like ’character_set_connection’查看當前會話字符集
(2) show create table world.countrylanguage 查看錶的字符集
(3) set character_set_connection=[字符集] 更新當前會話字符集
集算器 SPL:
A1: 鏈接數據庫
A2: 查詢出全部官方語言的記錄
A3: 須要列出的語言
A4: 將全部記錄按 Language 對位到 A3 相應位置
A5: 構造以語言和使用此語言爲官方語言的國家數量的序表
示例 2:按順序分別列出使用 Chinese、English、French 及其它語言做爲官方語言的國家數量
MySQL8: with t(name,ord) as (select 'Chinese',1 union all select 'English',2 union all select 'French',3 union all select 'Other', 4), s(name, cnt) as ( select language, count(countrycode) cnt from world.countrylanguage s where s.isofficial='T' and language in ('Chinese','English','French') group by language union all select 'Other', count(distinct countrycode) cnt from world.countrylanguage s where isofficial='T' and language not in ('Chinese','English','French') ) select t.name, s.cnt from t left join s using (name) order by t.ord; MySQL8: with t(name,ord) as (select 'Chinese',1 union all select 'English',2 union all select 'French',3 union all select 'Other', 4), s(name, cnt) as ( select language, count(countrycode) cnt from world.countrylanguage s where s.isofficial='T' and language in ('Chinese','English','French') group by language union all select 'Other', count(distinct countrycode) cnt from world.countrylanguage s where isofficial='T' and language not in ('Chinese','English','French') ) select t.name, s.cnt from t left join s using (name) order by t.ord;
集算器 SPL:
A4: 將全部記錄按 Language 對位到 A3.to(3) 相應位置,並追加一組用於存放不能對位的記錄
A5: 第 4 組計算不一樣 CountryCode 的數量
示例 1:按順序列出各種型城市的數量
MySQL8: with t as (select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN'), segment(class,start,end) as (select 'tiny', 0, 200000 union all select 'small', 200000, 1000000 union all select 'medium', 1000000, 2000000 union all select 'big', 2000000, 100000000 ) select class, count(1) cnt from segment s join t on t.population>=s.start and t.population<s.end group by class, start order by start; MySQL8: with t as (select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN'), segment(class,start,end) as (select 'tiny', 0, 200000 union all select 'small', 200000, 1000000 union all select 'medium', 1000000, 2000000 union all select 'big', 2000000, 100000000 ) select class, count(1) cnt from segment s join t on t.population>=s.start and t.population<s.end group by class, start order by start;
集算器 SPL:
A3: ${…} 宏替換,以大括號內表達式的結果做爲新表達式進行計算,結果爲序列 [「?<200000」,「?<1000000」,「?<2000000」,「?<100000000」]
A5: 針對 A2 中每條記錄,尋找 A3 中第 1 個成立的條件,並追加到對應的組中
示例 2:列出華東地區大型城市數量、其它地區大型城市數量、非大型城市數量
MySQL8: with t as (select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN') select 'East&Big' class, count(*) cnt from t where population>=2000000 and district in ('Shanghai','Jiangshu', 'Shandong','Zhejiang','Anhui','Jiangxi') union all select 'Other&Big', count(*) from t where population>=2000000 and district not in ('Shanghai','Jiangshu','Shandong','Zhejiang','Anhui','Jiangxi') union all select 'Not Big', count(*) from t where population<2000000; MySQL8: with t as (select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN') select 'East&Big' class, count(*) cnt from t where population>=2000000 and district in ('Shanghai','Jiangshu', 'Shandong','Zhejiang','Anhui','Jiangxi') union all select 'Other&Big', count(*) from t where population>=2000000 and district not in ('Shanghai','Jiangshu','Shandong','Zhejiang','Anhui','Jiangxi') union all select 'Not Big', count(*) from t where population<2000000;
集算器 SPL:
A5: enum@n 將不知足 A4 中全部條件的記錄存放到追加的最後一組中
示例 3:列出全部地區大型城市數量、華東地區大型城市數量、非大型城市數量
MySQL8: with t as (select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN') select 'Big' class, count(*) cnt from t where population>=2000000 union all select 'East&Big' class, count(*) cnt from t where population>=2000000 and district in ('Shanghai','Jiangshu','Shandong','Zhejiang','Anhui','Jiangxi') union all select 'Not Big' class, count(*) cnt from t where population<2000000; MySQL8: with t as (select * from world.city where CountryCode='CHN') select 'Big' class, count(*) cnt from t where population>=2000000 union all select 'East&Big' class, count(*) cnt from t where population>=2000000 and district in ('Shanghai','Jiangshu','Shandong','Zhejiang','Anhui','Jiangxi') union all select 'Not Big' class, count(*) cnt from t where population<2000000;
集算器 SPL:
A6: 若 A2 中記錄知足 A4 中多個條件時,enum@r 會將其追加到對應的每一個組中