#### italic javascript
#### bold java
#### both italic and bold: github
**_This is unbelievable_**.this
#### head: google
# Header onespa
## Header two.net
### Header three3d
#### Header four
##### Header five
###### Header six
#### link
inline link: wrap the link text in brackets ( [ ]
), and then you wrap the link in parenthesis ( ( )
eg: [Search for it.}(www.google.com) [You're **really, really** going to want to see this](www.dailykitten.com)
reference link:
Here's [a link to something else][another place]. Here's [yet another link][another-link]. And now back to [the first link][another place]. [another place]: www.github.com [another-link]: www.google.com
#### images
inline image link:
![A representation of Octdrey Catburn](http://octodex.github.com/images/octdrey-catburn.jpg)
a reference link: reference tag + image source
[The first father][First Father]
[The second first father][Second Father]
[First Father]:http://octodex.github.com/images/founding-father.jpg
[Second Father]: http://octodex.github.com/images/foundingfather_v2.png
#### blockquote
>"Her eyes had called him and his soul had leaped at the call. To live, to err, to fall, to triumph, to recreate life out of life!"
#### list
unordered list: preface each item in the list with an asterisk ( *
* Flour,
* Cheese,
* Tomatoes
ordered list: prefaced with numbers
1. Cut the cheese,
2. Slice the tomatoes,
3. Rub the tomatoes in flour
make a list with more depth, or, to nest one list within another: indent each asterisk one space more than the preceding item
* Calculus,
* A professor,
* Has no hair,
* Often wears green
* Castafiore,
* An opera singer,
* Has white hair,
* Is possibly mentally unwell
#### paragraph
We pictured the meek mild creatures where
They dwelt in their strawy pen,
Nor did it occur to one of us there
To doubt they were kneeling then.
須要 insert two spaces after each new line,相似
Do I contradict myself?·· Very well then I contradict myself,·· (I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Each dot ( ·
) represents a space on the keyboard.
快捷鍵 --------------------------- 撤銷:Ctrl/Command + Z 重作:Ctrl/Command + Y 加粗:Ctrl/Command + Shift + B 斜體:Ctrl/Command + Shift + I 標題:Ctrl/Command + Shift + H 無序列表:Ctrl/Command + Shift + U 有序列表:Ctrl/Command + Shift + O 檢查列表:Ctrl/Command + Shift + C 插入代碼:Ctrl/Command + Shift + K 插入連接:Ctrl/Command + Shift + L 插入圖片:Ctrl/Command + Shift + G 標題 --------------------------- # 1級標題 ## 2級標題 ### 3級標題 #### 四級標題 ##### 五級標題 ###### 六級標題 文本樣式 --------------------------- *強調文本* _強調文本_ **加粗文本** __加粗文本__ ==標記文本== ~~刪除文本~~ > 引用文本 H~2~O is是液體。 2^10^ 運算結果是 1024。 列表 --------------------------- - 項目 * 項目 + 項目 1. 項目1 2. 項目2 3. 項目3 - [ ] 計劃任務 - [x] 完成任務 連接 --------------------------- 連接: [link](https://mp.csdn.net). 圖片: ![Alt](https://avatar.csdn.net/7/7/B/1_ralf_hx163com.jpg) 帶尺寸的圖片: ![Alt](https://avatar.csdn.net/7/7/B/1_ralf_hx163com.jpg =30x30) 代碼片 --------------------------- 下面展現一些 `內聯代碼片`。 ``` // A code block var foo = 'bar'; ``` ```javascript // An highlighted block var foo = 'bar'; ``` 表格 --------------------------- 項目 | Value -------- | ----- 電腦 | $1600 手機 | $12 導管 | $1 | Column 1 | Column 2 | |:--------:| -------------:| | centered 文本居中 | right-aligned 文本居右 | 自定義列表 --------------------------- Markdown : Text-to-HTML conversion tool Authors : John : Luke 註腳 --------------------------- 一個具備註腳的文本。[^1] [^1]: 註腳的解釋 註釋 --------------------------- Markdown將文本轉換爲 HTML。 *[HTML]: 超文本標記語言 LaTeX 數學公式 --------------------------- Gamma公式展現 $\Gamma(n) = (n-1)!\quad\forall n\in\mathbb N$ 是經過 Euler integral $$ \Gamma(z) = \int_0^\infty t^{z-1}e^{-t}dt\,. $$ 插入甘特圖 --------------------------- ```mermaid gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid section 現有任務 已完成 :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 進行中 :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d 計劃中 : des3, after des2, 5d ``` 插入UML圖 ------------ ```mermaid sequenceDiagram 張三 ->> 李四: 你好!李四, 最近怎麼樣? 李四-->>王五: 你最近怎麼樣,王五? 李四--x 張三: 我很好,謝謝! 李四-x 王五: 我很好,謝謝! Note right of 王五: 李四想了很長時間, 文字太長了<br/>不適合放在一行. 李四-->>張三: 打量着王五... 張三->>王五: 很好... 王五, 你怎麼樣? ``` 插入Flowchart流程圖 ------- ```mermaid flowchat st=>start: 開始 e=>end: 結束 op=>operation: 個人操做 cond=>condition: 確認? st->op->cond cond(yes)->e cond(no)->op